Welsh baby names for girls and boys

Welsh babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Welsh baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Welsh born baby names of Welsh child's. Top Welsh name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Welsh baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

Welsh baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Barwyn Boy A White Mound
2. Bowen Boy Owen' S Son
3. Broderick Boy Descendent Of Bruadar
4. Bryn Boy A Hill
5. Brynn Girl From A Hilly Land
6. Cadmael Boy War Chief
7. Cadoc Boy War
8. Carwyn Boy Pure Love
9. Cedric Boy Generous And Friendly Character
10. Deri Boy Oak Tree
11. Devaughn Boy Of A Little Deer
12. Dilys Girl Authentic; Real
13. Eilwyn Boy Whitish
14. Eryl Unisex Lookout Point
15. Gareth Boy A Gentle Person
16. Garwyn Boy A White Vehicle
17. Gaynor Girl Woman Of White Magic
18. Glenda Girl Nothing But Goodness
19. Glenys Girl Clean And Holy Woman
20. Griffin Boy A Fierce Person
21. Gwendolyn Girl Blessed Bow
22. Gwyneth Girl Happy Woman
23. Howell Boy Eminent Or Distinguished
24. Iver Boy Fighter With Bow
25. Jareth Boy Descendant
26. Kendra Girl Supreme Champion
27. Lynette Girl From The Lake
28. Maddock Boy Lucky One
29. Marlais Boy Blue
30. Marvin Boy Great Marrow
31. Megan Girl Pearl
32. Nerys Girl Madam
33. Parry Boy Harry' S Son
34. Pembroke Boy High Land Area Or Headland
35. Powell Boy Eminent Or Prominent
36. Price Boy Rhys' S Son
37. Reece Boy Fervor
38. Reese Unisex Fervor
39. Rhys Boy Fervor
40. Trahern Boy Like Iron
41. Treva Girl From A Large Hamlet
42. Trevor Boy Large Settlement
43. Urian Boy One With A Privileged Background
44. Berwyn Boy A White Mound
45. Bran Boy Raven
46. Delyth Girl The Attractive One
47. Deron Boy Small But Great
48. Deryn Boy Small But Great
49. Dylan Unisex From A Large Sea
50. Eirian Girl Adorable
51. Enid Girl Woman With Life And Soul
52. Fargo Boy Cobbler Or Shoe Maker
53. Floyd Boy Gray Haired Person
54. Galahad Boy Unclear
55. Gavin Boy Hawk Of White
56. Gawain Boy Hawk Of White
57. Ginevra Girl Woman Of White Magic
58. Gladys Girl Woman Of The Land
59. Glynn Boy A Valley
60. Griffith Boy A Fierce Person
61. Guinevere Girl Woman Of White Magic
62. Gwen Girl Blessed Bow
63. Gwyn Boy A Fair Person
64. Jennifer Girl Woman Of White Magic
65. Jenny Girl Woman Of White Magic
66. Kendrick Boy Supreme Champion
67. Lloyd Boy Gray Haired Person
68. Lynn Unisex From The Lake
69. Maddox Boy Son Of Madoc
70. Rhain Boy A Spear
71. Rhonda Girl Woman With Great Lance
72. Taliesin Boy Brilliant Brow
73. Tomi Boy Twin
74. Trev Boy Large Settlement
75. Uther Boy Terrible Or Abhorrent
76. Von Boy Little One Or Small One
77. Wyn Boy Fair
78. Yale Boy From The Slopes
79. Cerdic Boy Cherished
80. Daryn Boy Great
81. Brys Boy Legendary Son Of Brysethach
82. Davyn Boy Beloved
83. Bendigeidfran Boy Blessed Raven
84. Delwyn Boy Valley Friend
85. Cadell Boy Small Battle; Spirit Of The Battle
86. Clust Boy Legendary Son Of Clustveinydd
87. Carne Boy Surname Cairn Meaning Landmark Or Memorial Of Piled-up Stones
88. Carthage Boy The Anglicized Form Of The Irish Carthach; Which Is A The Irish St Carthach; Also Known As St Carthage; Founded An Early 7th Century Monastery At Lismore; County Waterford
89. Cedrych Boy War Leader; Gift Of Splendor
90. Donne Boy Used In Honor Of 17th Century Poet John Donne
91. Culhwch Boy Legendary Son Of K; Iydd
92. Drem Boy Sight
93. Glyn Boy Valley
94. Gorsedd Boy From The Mound
95. Earwine Boy White River
96. Mathias Boy Gift Of God
97. Dyllan Boy From The Sea
98. Dyllon Boy From The Sea
99. Einion Boy Anvil
100. Gwawl Boy Legendary Son Of Clud
101. Menw Boy Legendary Son Of Teinkaedd
102. Gwylim Boy A Welsh Variantof William; Meaning Resolute Protector
103. Merlyn Boy From The Hill Over The Sea
104. Merrick Boy Dark-skinned; A Moor Form Of Maurice
105. Emlyn Boy Industrious Welsh Version Of The Latin Aemilianus Also; From The Welsh Place Name Newcastle Emlyn Famous Bearer: Welsh Actor And Dramatist Emlyn Williams
106. Emrys Boy The Welsh Form Of The Greek Ambrose; Meaning Immortal
107. Rheged Boy Legendary Father Of Gwres
108. Wynn Boy White; Fair; Handsome
109. Heilyn Boy Legendary Son Of Gwynn
110. Howel Boy EminentAttentive
111. Huarwar Boy Legendary Son Of Avlawn
112. Taffy Boy Beloved Or Friend; From The Hebrew Sixth Century St David (or Dewi) Was Patron Saint Of Wales
113. Ioan Boy GoD's gift'
114. Owin Boy Young Warrior
115. Owyn Boy Young Warrior
116. Teithi Boy Legendary Son Of Gwynnan
117. Timotheus Boy GoD given'
118. Garreth Boy Gentle MoDest anD brave Sir Gareth was a legenDary knight of King Arthur's RounD Table
119. Tramaine Boy From The Big Town
120. Traveon Boy Fair Town Abbreviation Of Trevelyan
121. Travion Boy Fair Town Abbreviation Of Trevelyan
122. Tremain Boy From The Big Town
123. Trevan Boy Fair Town Abbreviation Of Trevelyan
124. Treven Boy Fair Town Abbreviation Of Trevelyan
125. Trevian Boy Fair Town Abbreviation Of Trevelyan
126. Trevion Boy Fair Town Abbreviation Of Trevelyan
127. Trevls Boy Surname And Place-name Treves
128. Trevonn Boy Fair Town Abbreviation Of Trevelyan
129. Trevyn Boy Fair Town Abbreviation Of Trevelyan
130. Tristram Boy Sad DinIn A Story From The Middle Ages; Tristan; Nephew Of King Mark Of Cornwall; Was In Love With The Princess Iseult Of Ireland
131. Pryderi Boy Legendary Son Of Pwyll
132. Branwyn Girl White-breasted
133. Enit Girl Woodlark
134. Angharad Girl Much loveD UseD in 'Mahinogion,' a collection of meDieval Welsh folk tales The name of famous Welsh actress AngharaD Rees
135. Glad Girl DeriveD from the olD Welsh name GwlaDys, a, meaning lame Also DeriveD from the Welsh 'gwleDig', meaning territorial ruler
136. Gleda Girl Lame
137. Glynnis Girl Fair; Good
138. Arial Girl Vigorous
139. Arian Boy Silver Derived From Greek Arion; Mythological Magic Horse Born To Poseidon And Demeter
140. Guenevere Girl White Lady
141. Gweneth Girl Fair; Blessed
142. Mercia Girl Compassion; Forbearance
143. Bettrys Girl The Welsh form of the Latin Beatrix, meaning 'brings joy
144. Leoline Girl LeaderLion-like
145. Olwen Girl White footprint In 'Culhwch anD Olwen', one of the Welsh stories from the 'Maginogion', the Olwen were white flowers growing in the heroine's footprints
146. Olwyn Girl Daughter Of A Giant
147. Torri Girl Break
148. Lilybet Girl GoD's promise

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Welsh Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Welsh baby names of Girls and Boys.
Welsh names and meanings. Welsh names for girls - Feminine. Welsh names for boys - males. Welsh latest baby names. Welsh names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Welsh baby names