Hindu Baby Names A to Z

Hindu baby Girl names starting with Y

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1. 👧🏻YanshikaTruely; Wisedom; Attractive Speecher
2. 👧🏻YashtiTwinkling Star
3. 👧🏻YemayaGoddess Of The Ocean; Mother Of All
4. 👧🏻YamiraMoon
5. 👧🏻YanshiCreative; Precious
6. 👧🏻YatharthaTruth
7. 👧🏻YahsmitaPowerful;
8. 👧🏻YashashriGods Name Of Success; Victory Or Glory Or Fame Or Success; Supplanter
9. 👧🏻YuvishaResponsible; Systematic Mind; Unpretentious
10. 👧🏻YadikaBeautiful
11. 👧🏻YavaniQuick; Swift
12. 👧🏻YashmiSunrays
13. 👧🏻YashnaTo Pray; White Rose
14. 👧🏻YokeshwariTo Achieve Happiness
15. 👧🏻YasiFamous; Successful
16. 👧🏻YuganshiPart Of Generation; Era
17. 👧🏻YeshaFame
18. 👧🏻YaakenyyaGoddess Laxmi
19. 👧🏻YashshriCooperative
20. 👧🏻YashikaSuccess; Yash Ko Prapth Karne Wali
21. 👧🏻YoshithaLady; Woman
22. 👧🏻YalineeGoddess Saraswati; Melodious
23. 👧🏻YahaviBright
24. 👧🏻YogeshwariGoddess Durga
25. 👧🏻YatriTraveler
26. 👧🏻YogadaGoddess Durga
27. 👧🏻YoushaWoman; Young Girl
28. 👧🏻YoshikaCute; Successful; Brave; Honest; Princess
29. 👧🏻YogamayaThe Maya Directly In Touch With The God
30. 👧🏻YokoChild Of The Sun
31. 👧🏻YuaaniPleasant
32. 👧🏻YasodaKrishnas Mother (mother Of Lord Krishna)
33. 👧🏻YaliniGoddess Saraswati; Melodious
34. 👧🏻YashicaSuccess; Yash Ko Prapth Karne Wali
35. 👧🏻YojanaPlanning
36. 👧🏻YatudhaniSame As Gayatri
37. 👧🏻YurviLovely
38. 👧🏻YonitaDove
39. 👧🏻YazhiniYaz; An Instrument
40. 👧🏻YaganyaSacred Fire
41. 👧🏻YeshasviGoddess Lakshmi
42. 👧🏻YashiniSweet; One Who Begets Fame;
43. 👧🏻YognyaTruth
44. 👧🏻YolotzynLittle Heart
45. 👧🏻YokshithaMaster; Educated; Cheerful
46. 👧🏻YugaLord Murugan
47. 👧🏻YashithaGlorious; Famous
48. 👧🏻YaamoliMelodious
49. 👧🏻YasveeJoy
50. 👧🏻YazhiliniLoving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability
51. 👧🏻YamikaNight
52. 👧🏻YadvaInsight; Intelligence; Mind
53. 👧🏻YogeetaEnchanted; Bewitched
54. 👧🏻YaalisaiMelodious
55. 👧🏻YakshikaGift Of God
56. 👧🏻YuvashriYoung; Respected
57. 👧🏻YagnayaFlame Of Fire; Born From Fire
58. 👧🏻YavniYoung; Youth; Quick; The Earth
59. 👧🏻YajnaWorship
60. 👧🏻Yoga PriyaBeloved Of Yoga
61. 👧🏻YasmithaPride; Glorious
62. 👧🏻YoginiOne Who Can Control Senses
63. 👧🏻YavnaQuick; Swift
64. 👧🏻YunnaSome One Special
65. 👧🏻YagaviBright
66. 👧🏻YuktikaAct Of Creativity
67. 👧🏻YasasriGods Name Of Success; Victory Or Glory Or Fame Or Success; Supplanter
68. 👧🏻YamniNight
69. 👧🏻YagyaseniName Of Draupadi
70. 👧🏻YasomatiSuccessful Lady
71. 👧🏻Yashvanthini
72. 👧🏻YaaliniMelodious
73. 👧🏻YashvyFame
74. 👧🏻YulaganayakiThe Earth
75. 👧🏻YuvinaYoung Lady
76. 👧🏻YasaswiniGreat
77. 👧🏻YutiUnion
78. 👧🏻YakshitaWonder Girl
79. 👧🏻YamminiLight In The Dark; Nocturnal
80. 👧🏻YashawanthiWith Great Fame
81. 👧🏻YavneeYouth; Young; The Earth
82. 👧🏻YagneethaBorn From Holly Fire
83. 👧🏻YavnikaProtected By God; Powerful
84. 👧🏻YugleshwariLord Of Yug
85. 👧🏻Yogarshi
86. 👧🏻YogashriQueen; Goddess Lakshmi
87. 👧🏻YagneeBorn From Fire
88. 👧🏻YemaOur Joy
89. 👧🏻YaagyaseneePretty; Beautiful
90. 👧🏻YadammaMother Of Remembrance;
91. 👧🏻YekaparnaParvatis Sister
92. 👧🏻Yajna PriyaLoving Fire
93. 👧🏻YasashreeGoddess Of Success; Goddess Durga
94. 👧🏻YashniBeauty; Succeed
95. 👧🏻YajairaForm Of Yahaira
96. 👧🏻YakksheetaPermanent; Who Is Made Forever
97. 👧🏻YushiPopular Around
98. 👧🏻YojnaPlan
99. 👧🏻YukasriFragrant; Friendly Blossom (1)
100. 👧🏻YongariMaster; Educated; Cheerful