Scottish baby names for girls and boys

Scottish babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Scottish baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Scottish born baby names of Scottish child's. Top Scottish name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Scottish baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

Scottish baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Annag Girl Gracious; Merciful
2. Artair Boy As Strong As A Bear
3. Athol Unisex New Irish Land
4. Beathag Girl Living
5. Beitris Girl Voyager
6. Cailean Boy A Dove
7. Carson Boy Unclear
8. Cormag Boy Son Of The Raven
9. Daividh Boy Adored
10. Dallas Unisex Living On A Clearing
11. Donaldina Girl Ruler Of The World
12. Dugald Boy The Dark Stranger
13. Ealasaid Girl Promise Of God
14. Eanraig Boy Ruler Of The House
15. Eimhir Girl Quick
16. Fergie Unisex Vigorous
17. Frangag Girl Woman From France
18. Greer Unisex Cautious Person
19. Hendry Boy Ruler Of The House
20. Iseabail Girl Promise Of God
21. Ishbel Girl Promise Of God
22. Isla Girl From The Islay Island
23. Isobel Girl Promise Of God
24. Jockie Boy God Is Merciful
25. Karsen Boy Unclear
26. Keitha Girl Forest
27. Kirsteen Girl Christian Woman
28. Lachie Boy Land Filled With Lakes
29. Laird Boy Landlord Or Owner Of Land
30. Lilias Girl Lily Flower
31. Lorna Girl From Lorne
32. Mairi Girl Rebellious Woman
33. Munro Boy Bald; Red
34. Neilina Girl Champion
35. Ranald Boy Wise Ruler
36. Rodina Girl Renowned Chief
37. Seonaid Girl God Is Merciful
38. Seumas Boy Following After
39. Shug Boy Intelligent
40. Sileas Girl Blinded
41. Teasag Girl God Is Merciful
42. Beileag Girl Promise Of God
43. Bhaltair Boy Army Rule
44. Bonnie Girl Attractive
45. Boyd Boy Son Of The Yellow Haired
46. Cairistiona Girl Christian Woman
47. Deoiridh Girl Pilgrim Woman
48. Donalda Girl Ruler Of The World
49. Donella Girl Ruler Of The World
50. Fingal Boy White Foreigner
51. Forbes Boy From A Field
52. Frang Boy French Man
53. Grizel Girl Fighting In Darkness
54. Jamesina Girl Following After
55. Jock Boy God Is Merciful
56. Keith Boy Forest
57. Lachina Girl Land Filled With Lakes
58. Lileas Girl Lily Flower
59. Lockie Boy Land Filled With Lakes
60. Malina Girl Follower Of Saint Columba
61. Marsaili Girl Young Warrior; Rendered To Mars
62. Nandag Girl Gracious; Merciful
63. Padraig Boy A Nobleman
64. Rabbie Boy Brilliant Fame
65. Ronalda Girl Wise Ruler
66. Seoc Boy God Is Merciful
67. Sineag Girl God Is Merciful
68. Banner Boy Flag; Ensign Bearer
69. Bretton Boy Brit A Native Of Brittany: (France) Or Britain:
70. Broc Boy Badger
71. Broderic Boy Brother
72. Brodric Boy Brother
73. Brodrick Boy Brother
74. Achaius Boy Friend Of A Horse
75. Bearnard Boy Bear Strong
76. Davidson Boy DaviD's son
77. Busby Boy Forest Village
78. Denholm Boy Scottish Village
79. Caillen Boy Virile
80. Caley Boy Slim; Slender
81. Coburn Boy Surname And Place Name
82. Coby Boy Supplanter
83. Camp Boy Crooked Mouth
84. Colquhoun Boy From Colquhoun
85. Comyn Boy From Comines
86. Diarmad Boy Free Man
87. Aindreas Boy Manly
88. Cathair Boy From The Broken Mossy Ground
89. Cauley Boy Relic
90. Cawley Boy Relic
91. Alasdair Boy Defender; Protector Of MankindFamous Bearer:Alexander The Great
92. Domhnall Boy World Ruler; Rules The World
93. Blane Boy Thin
94. Blaney Boy Yellow
95. Crayton Boy Border Dweller
96. Crisdean Boy Follower Of Christ; Christ
97. Donnel Boy Great Chief
98. Cunningham Boy From Cunningham
99. Dunn Boy Brown-skinned Soldier
100. Goraidh Boy Peaceful
101. Gordain Boy Hero
102. Gordan Boy Hero
103. Durell Boy King's Doorman
104. Mathe Boy Bear
105. Gow Boy A Smith
106. Scottie Boy From Scotland; A Gael
107. Scotty Boy From Scotland; A Gael
108. Wal Boy Supporter; Helper
109. Ramsay Boy From Ram's islanD
110. Ramzey Boy Ram's islanD
111. Reade Boy Redheaded Surname
112. Hamish Boy James - In Gaelic; Seumas; Seanius
113. Redd Boy Redheaded Surname
114. Morrison Boy Son Of The Servant Of Mary
115. Sholto Boy Sower
116. Robertson Boy Son Of Robert
117. Munroe Boy Man From Ro
118. Murdoc Boy Protector Of The Sea
119. Murdock Boy Protector Of The Sea
120. Neilan Boy Champion
121. Neill Boy Champion
122. Rossiter Boy Red Surname
123. Rosston Boy Red Surname
124. Roth Boy Red Surname
125. Royal Boy Rye HillRoyal
126. Royall Boy Red
127. Farquhar Boy from the Gaelic Fearchar, meaning 'frienDly man' or 'very Dear one' Famous bearer: an early king of ScotlanD
128. Iain Boy Scottish'Gift from GoD'
129. Fionnlagh Boy Fair-haired Soldier
130. Firth Boy Arm Of The Sea
131. Innes Boy From Innes
132. Frasier Boy Of The Forest Men
133. Frazer Boy From A Scottish Surname Based On A French Place Name Famous Bearer: British Actor Frazer Hines
134. Padruig Boy Royal
135. Parlan Boy Farmer
136. Gair Boy Short
137. Gilbride Boy Servant Of St Bridget
138. Gilleasbuig Boy Sacred And Bold
139. Keeley Boy WoodSurname And Place Name That Has Only Been Used As A First Name (either Gender) In The Latter Half Of The 20th Century
140. Aileene Girl Bright; Shining Light
141. Fia Girl Dark Of Peace
142. Chrissy Girl Christine; Or Any Feminine Name Beginning With Chris-
143. Christi Girl Abbreviation Of Christine Follower Of Christ
144. Davinia Girl Beloved Feminine Of David
145. Moibeal Girl Lovable
146. Muire Girl Bitter Or From The Moor
147. Siusan Girl Lily
148. Blaire Girl Field Of Battle
149. Iseabal Girl Consecrated To God
150. Nessia Girl From The Headland
151. Nessie Girl Pure; Chaste Nessie Is Also The Nickname Given To The Fabled Loch Ness Monster
152. Laine Girl Serves John
153. Laren Girl Serves Lawrence
154. Larena Girl Serves Lawrence
155. Laurie Girl A :from The Place Of The Laurel LeavesFamous Bearer:Laurie Lee; Author Of Cider With Rosie
156. Tira Girl Land
157. Linsey Girl A Lake; A Place Of Linden Trees
158. Lyndsey Girl A Lake; A Place Of Linden Trees
159. Nimmo Boy Nimmo Is A Surname Of Irish Scottish Origin

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Scottish Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Scottish baby names of Girls and Boys.
Scottish names and meanings. Scottish names for girls - Feminine. Scottish names for boys - males. Scottish latest baby names. Scottish names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Scottish baby names.