French baby names for girls and boys

French babies names - Our database contain huge name list of French baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive French born baby names of French child's. Top French name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of French baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

French baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Albert Boy Aristocratic And Bright
2. Alicio Boy Noble; Graceful
3. Aliisa Girl Noble; Graceful
4. Alison Girl Noble; Graceful
5. Aliz Girl Noble; Graceful
6. Ames Girl Companion
7. Amy Girl Beloved
8. Balzac Boy Horse With White Spots On Its Legs
9. Beaman Boy From A Beautiful Hill
10. Beaufort Boy Coming From A Beautiful Fortress
11. Beauregard Boy Beautiful Look
12. Beeman Boy From A Beautiful Hill
13. Belmont Boy From A Beautiful Hill
14. Blanchard Boy White Or Fair
15. Bryce Boy Speckled
16. Calvin Boy Little Bald One
17. Chante Unisex Being Sung
18. Cherilyn Girl Darling; Beloved
19. Chesney Boy The Person Who Dwells Near The Oak Grove
20. Chevy Boy A Member Of The Nobility
21. Colette Girl People' S Triumph
22. Corbett Boy Little Raven
23. Cosette Girl Unclear
24. Coty Boy Living Near A River Bank
25. Darryl Boy From Airelle
26. Dashiell Boy Coming From Chiel
27. Deja Girl Once Before
28. Delaney Girl From The Black River
29. Demonte Boy Living Near The Top Of A Mountain
30. Dior Unisex Golden
31. Dixie Girl The Tenth Child
32. Esprit Boy Spirit
33. Fitz Boy Son Or Male Descendant
34. Gael Boy Of Gaelic Descent
35. Gaylord Boy A Dandy
36. Gibbon Boy A Friend With A Gift
37. Grant Boy Great; Large
38. Guido Boy Professional Guide
39. Gulliver Boy Covetous Or Acquisitive Person
40. Guy Boy Professional Guide
41. Hamelin Boy Home
42. Ives Boy Yew
43. Joy Girl Joy
44. Lafayette Boy From La Hetire
45. Lamar Boy From Near A Pool
46. Laverne Unisex Alder Tree
47. Leroy Boy King
48. Leverett Boy Fleet Footed
49. Lockhart Boy Fresh Water Fish
50. Lorand Boy Famous Land
51. Lorin Boy Laurel Tree
52. Lorraine Girl Woman From Lorraine
53. Lyle Boy Coming From An Island
54. Mallory Girl Unlucky
55. March Boy Border Or Extremity
56. Marquita Girl From The Border
57. Marva Girl Wonder; Miracle
58. Matisse Boy God' S Present
59. Montague Boy From A Pointed Mountain
60. Montel Boy From A Little Hill
61. Montgomery Boy Strong Man' S Hill
62. Montrell Boy Royal Hill
63. Moselle Girl From A French River
64. Neville Boy New Village
65. Noel Boy Christmas
66. Noelle Girl Christmas
67. Noll Boy Elf Warrior
68. Norris Boy Coming From North
69. Pacey Boy From Pacy
70. Pansy Girl Pansy Flower
71. Percival Boy Pierce The Valley
72. Pippin Boy To Tremble Fear Or Excitement
73. Reichard Boy Daring Power
74. Reinald Boy Wise Ruler
75. Richard Boy Daring Power
76. Richmond Boy From Richmond
77. Ricky Boy Daring Power
78. Ritchie Boy Daring Power
79. Shantae Girl Being Sung
80. Sheryl Girl Darling; Beloved
81. Sigourney Girl Unclear
82. Talin Girl Unclear
83. Travis Boy A Collector Of Toll
84. Trista Girl Filled With Sadness
85. Tristao Boy Filled With Sadness
86. Troy Boy From Troyes
87. Verna Girl Of The Alder Tree
88. Vernon Boy Of The Alder Tree
89. Wallace Boy Foreign Person
90. Yves Boy Yew
91. Yvon Boy Yew
92. Bale Boy Living Near The Castle Wall
93. Bassett Boy From Bassett
94. Beau Boy Beautiful Person
95. Beaumont Boy Coming From A Beautiful Hill
96. Berle Boy A Water Parsnip
97. Bijou Girl Jewel-like
98. Bleu Boy The Color Blue
99. Boone Boy A Good Person
100. Bunyan Boy Structures; Buildings; Foundations; Institutions
101. Chandler Unisex One Who Sells Candles
102. Chanel Girl Narrow As A Pipe
103. Chantal Girl Tough Like Stone
104. Chantelle Girl Tough Like Stone
105. Cheney Boy An Oak Tree Or Grove
106. Cher Boy Darling; Beloved
107. Cheryl Girl Darling; Beloved
108. Chevalier Boy A Member Of The Nobility
109. Corbin Boy Raven
110. Cornett Boy Dwelling In The Cornel Tree
111. Cort Boy Bold Or Wise Counselor
112. Darcy Unisex From Arcy
113. Darren Boy From Airelle
114. Delano Boy Coming From Swamps
115. Dorsey Boy From The Village Of Arcy
116. Dozier Boy Living Near Willows
117. Drystan Boy Filled With Sadness
118. Durant Boy Steadfast
119. Dureau Boy Hure' S Son
120. Elroy Boy The King
121. Esme Girl Beloved One
122. Garnet Unisex A Person Who Makes Door Hinges
123. Gaston Boy Guest
124. Gilen Boy Vow; Oath
125. Granger Boy A Person Who Oversees The Granaries
126. Granville Boy Guard Settlement
127. Hammett Boy Son Of Hamo
128. Hubert Boy Man With Clever Mind
129. Jewel Unisex Precious Stone
130. Jolie Girl Lovely Girl
131. Justice Unisex Morally Right
132. Lacey Unisex Person From Normandy
133. Lancelot Boy Servant
134. Larue Unisex The Street
135. Laur Boy Bay Laurel Tree
136. Lavelle Boy Valley
137. Lever Boy Fleet Footed
138. Loring Boy Son Of A Well Known Warrior
139. Louis Boy Well-known Fighter
140. Lourdes Girl From Lourdes
141. Macy Girl Armed
142. Manon Girl Rebellious Woman
143. Marquis Boy From The Border
144. Martel Boy Hammer
145. Marvel Unisex Wonder; Miracle
146. Mason Boy Mason
147. Mavis Girl Song Thrush
148. Naeva Girl Born At Night
149. Neval Boy New Village
150. Norville Boy Northern Town
151. Orson Boy Bear
152. Orville Boy Golden Village
153. Percy Boy Pierce The Valley
154. Raine Girl Woman From Lorraine
155. Ricardo Boy Daring Power
156. Rich Boy Daring Power
157. Rick Boy Daring Power
158. Rico Boy Daring Power
159. Rikard Boy Daring Power
160. Rochelle Girl Small Rock
161. Rockford Boy Hard Rock
162. Ruben Boy See My Son
163. Salomon Boy Peace
164. Seymour Boy From St Maur
165. Shantel Girl Like A Stone
166. Sherilyn Girl Darling; Beloved
167. Spencer Boy Man Who Manages The Distribution Of Food
168. Toulouse Boy From Toulouse
169. Tracy Unisex From The Place Of Thracius
170. Travers Boy A Collector Of Toll
171. Trey Boy The Number Three
172. Tristan Boy Filled With Sadness
173. Valmont Boy Mount Of The Vale
174. Warren Boy From La Verenne
175. Chauncy Boy Meaning; Fortune; A Gamble Famous Bearers: Charles Chauncy; An Early Harvard University President
176. Dariel Boy Open
177. Dariell Boy Open
178. Bay Boy Name that means 'born on SaturDay'
179. Bayard Boy Reddish - Brown Hair
180. Baylen Boy Auburn-haired
181. Bayley Boy Steward
182. Darroll Boy Open
183. Beal Boy Handsome
184. Darvell Boy Town Of Eagles
185. Beale Boy Handsome
186. Beall Boy Handsome
187. Choncey Boy Fortune; A Gamble
188. Dayne Boy Surnames meaning 'from Denmark
189. Burdett Boy Surname Used As A Given Name
190. Burdette Boy Surname Used As A Given Name
191. Christophe Boy With Christ Inside
192. Burkett Boy From The Little Stronghold
193. Delmont Boy Of The Mountain
194. Derell Boy Open
195. Caine Boy Place Name Unrelated To The Biblical Cain
196. Derrall Boy Open
197. Derrell Boy Open
198. Derrill Boy Open
199. Destrey Boy Variant Of A French Surname American Classic Western Film Destry Rides Again
200. Destrie Boy Variant Of A French Surname American Classic Western Film Destry Rides Again

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French, Germanic Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of French, Germanic baby names of Girls and Boys.
French names and meanings. French names for girls - Feminine. French names for boys - males. French latest baby names. French names and meanings and their lucky numbers.French baby names.