Hindu Baby Names A to Z

Hindu baby Girl names starting with N

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1. 👧🏻NaherBeautiful Eyes
2. 👧🏻NasikaNose
3. 👧🏻NishathA Tree; Sincere
4. 👧🏻NashidaStudent
5. 👧🏻NavanyBeautiful, New
6. 👧🏻NachniDancer; Suggestive Look
7. 👧🏻NrityApsara; Dance
8. 👧🏻NaishaSpecial; Lovely Flower
9. 👧🏻NishanaOne Who Wins Awards
10. 👧🏻Niara Nebula; Mist
11. 👧🏻NijaSaved One
12. 👧🏻NirupaA Decree; Command
13. 👧🏻NaiteeLittle Gift; End Less
14. 👧🏻NavneetFresh Butter; Gentle; Soft; Always New
15. 👧🏻NirviBliss
16. 👧🏻NischitaCertainty; Confidence
17. 👧🏻NinaGracious One
18. 👧🏻NysaNew Beginning; Special (Celebrity Name: Kajol)
19. 👧🏻NayraBeautiful
20. 👧🏻NihiraNewly Found Treasure
21. 👧🏻NabhyaCentral
22. 👧🏻NaheemPraise Lord
23. 👧🏻NirajakshiLotus Eyed
24. 👧🏻NathiyaEternal; Constant
25. 👧🏻NavaniNew; Youthful Woman
26. 👧🏻NirupamaUnmatched
27. 👧🏻NidhiTreasure
28. 👧🏻NithyaEternal; Constant
29. 👧🏻NeeliThe Skys Color
30. 👧🏻NilaniThe Moon
31. 👧🏻NeelaBlue; Enchanting Moon
32. 👧🏻NeerudhiFire
33. 👧🏻NayantaraIris
34. 👧🏻NimalPure; Blameless
35. 👧🏻NyotaWarrior
36. 👧🏻NivishaPure; New; Goddess Laxmi
37. 👧🏻NeethuBeautiful
38. 👧🏻NeenaDarling; Dear; Little Girl; Lovely Eyed
39. 👧🏻NalinaLotus
40. 👧🏻NivethaSoft; Doing Things Whole Heartedly
41. 👧🏻NethraEyes
42. 👧🏻NiraliUnique And Different From All
43. 👧🏻NandiOne Who Pleases Others; Another Name For Durga; Lord Shivas Bull
44. 👧🏻NamrataModesty
45. 👧🏻NiashaNight
46. 👧🏻NatanaMakes Others Dance
47. 👧🏻NaviNew
48. 👧🏻NiviNew
49. 👧🏻NushkaPrecious Possession
50. 👧🏻NumiFull Of Hope - Peace
51. 👧🏻NiyanshiHonest; Happy
52. 👧🏻NushiSweet; Sanskrit
53. 👧🏻NyshaNew Beginning; Special
54. 👧🏻NilsaLife; Good;
55. 👧🏻NeronaBeautiful
56. 👧🏻NishmithaSensitive; Leadership; Energetic
57. 👧🏻NittalA Planets Of Jupiter
58. 👧🏻NayanaName Of A Goddess; Beautiful Eyed
59. 👧🏻NamithaHumble; Jackal Or Hyena (1)
60. 👧🏻NitiWell-behaved; Guided; Modest; Moral; Carried; Red; Morality
61. 👧🏻NirvikaShe Who Is Unchanging
62. 👧🏻NidiBrilliant; To Bestow
63. 👧🏻NeehaDew Drop; Admired For Look; Love; Rain; Bright One; Naughty One
64. 👧🏻NavikaNew
65. 👧🏻NitanshiEndless; Morning Sun Rays
66. 👧🏻NandikaGoddess Lakshmi
67. 👧🏻NanaGrace; Favor
68. 👧🏻NiranjaniEpitome Of Hotness
69. 👧🏻Nithula
70. 👧🏻NakushaCreativity; Flexible; Studious
71. 👧🏻Niruta
72. 👧🏻NupurPayal; Anklet
73. 👧🏻NainikaPupil Of The Eye
74. 👧🏻NeetPerceived
75. 👧🏻NireekshaHope; Expectation
76. 👧🏻NivritiBliss
77. 👧🏻NivaliTribute
78. 👧🏻NyasaSarovar; Type Of Shakti
79. 👧🏻NivedithaOne Dedicated To Service; A Girl With Intelligence
80. 👧🏻NiharikaDew Drops; Bunches Of Star; Nebula
81. 👧🏻NollyFull Of Joy
82. 👧🏻NaleenMaiden
83. 👧🏻NehasrithaCreative; Educated; Confidence
84. 👧🏻NerupamaIntelligent
85. 👧🏻NikhithaEarth; Victorious People
86. 👧🏻NijuPansophist
87. 👧🏻NeetiTruth; Morality; Justice; Good Behavior
88. 👧🏻NayasaExplorer; Great Companion; Trustworthy
89. 👧🏻NakshaKing Of Stars; Map
90. 👧🏻NagaveniHair Like Snake;
91. 👧🏻NivyaFreshness;
92. 👧🏻NamrathaModesty
93. 👧🏻NarineSea Nymph
94. 👧🏻NilanaBeautiful; Sapphire; Dark Blue
95. 👧🏻NesaraNature
96. 👧🏻NamitaHumble; Jackal Or Hyena
97. 👧🏻NethrikaEyes
98. 👧🏻NeedaFavor; The Nida Creature
99. 👧🏻NavritiBliss; New Rules Law
100. 👧🏻NelikaBlue Eyes