Russian baby names for girls and boys

Russian babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Russian baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Russian born baby names of Russian child's. Top Russian name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Russian baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

Russian baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Bogdan Boy God Has Rendered
2. Borya Boy Battle; War Or Fight
3. Demyan Boy A Tamer
4. Faddey Boy Gift Given By God
5. Feliks Boy Happy
6. Fyodor Boy Powerful Ruler Of The People
7. Gavriila Girl God' S Bravest Woman
8. Inna Girl Coming From Water Of Strength
9. Ioann Boy God Has Favored Me
10. Kazimir Boy Keeper Or Destroyer Of Peace
11. Klava Girl Feeble Woman
12. Konstantin Boy Constant And Steadfast
13. Kostya Boy Constant And Steadfast
14. Manya Girl Rebellious Woman ( Baghi Orrat )
15. Matrona Girl Lady-like
16. Matvey Boy God Has Rewarded
17. Motya Boy God Has Rewarded
18. Nadezhda Girl Filled With Hope
19. Rasputin Boy Badly Behaved Child
20. Ruslan Boy Lion Man
21. Sasha Girl Protector Of Humanity
22. Serafima Girl The One That Burns
23. Snezhana Girl From The Land Of Snow
24. Svyatopolk Boy Celebrating People
25. Timur Boy Iron Man
26. Vadim Boy Ruler
27. Verusha Girl Verity; Truth
28. Vladimir Boy Ruler Of The World
29. Vladislava Girl Famous Ruler
30. Volya Boy Free Will
31. Yelizaveta Girl Promise Of God
32. Bogdana Girl Lord Has Rendered
33. Elizaveta Girl Promise Of God
34. Fedor Boy Powerful Ruler Of The People
35. Kodiak Boy An Island
36. Liliya Girl Lily Flower
37. Lizaveta Girl Promise Of God
38. Luba Girl Loving Woman
39. Maksim Boy The Great
40. Masha Girl Rebellious Woman
41. Nadzieja Girl Filled With Hope
42. Nata Girl Birthday Of Christ
43. Osip Boy God Will Increase
44. Pavel Boy Small And Humble
45. Polina Girl Tiny; Petite
46. Rada Girl Filled With Care
47. Roza Boy Radiant; Beautiful
48. Slava Unisex Person Of Fame
49. Stanislav Boy Becoming Famous
50. Stas Boy Becoming Famous
51. Svetlana Girl Shining Woman
52. Uliana Girl Soft-haired
53. Vadik Boy Ruler
54. Vladimira Girl Greatest Ruler
55. Volodya Boy Ruler Of The World
56. Vova Boy Ruler Of The World
57. Yaromir Boy Man Of Peace
58. Yaroslava Girl Spring Glory
59. Brends Boy crowneD with laurels'
60. Berdy Boy Very Intelligent
61. Dimitrios Boy Earth-lover
62. Dimitry Boy Earth-lover
63. Dmitri Boy Earth-lover
64. Grigor Boy On The Watch
65. Vitenka Boy Victor
66. Vladik Boy Peaceful Or Has Glory
67. Vladislav Boy Has Glory
68. Vyacheslav Boy Has Glory
69. Serge Boy An Attendant
70. Serguei Boy An Attendant
71. Seriozha Boy An Attendant
72. Seriozhenka Boy An Attendant
73. Yaremka Boy Appointed By God
74. Yerik Boy Appointed By God
75. Evgenii Boy noble'
76. Yura Boy Farmer
77. Yurii Boy Farmer
78. Yurochka Boy Farmer
79. Faddei Boy Bold; Brave
80. Fadey Boy Bold; Brave
81. Zivon Boy Alive
82. Foma Boy Twin
83. Iov Boy From Job
84. Jov Boy Form of Job 'persecuteD'
85. Agafia Girl Good
86. Agrafina Girl Born Feet First
87. Feodora Girl DeriveD from the Greek TheoDora, meaning GoD's gift
88. Galenka Girl God Has Redeemed
89. Galya Girl God Has Redeemed
90. Anouska Girl Name Ann
91. Antonina Girl Praiseworthy Feminine Of Anthony
92. Czarina Girl Feminine Of Czar Russian Equivalent To A Female Caesar Or Empress
93. Marisha Girl Dew
94. Asenka Girl Grace
95. Devora Girl Bee
96. Mila Girl People's love
97. Helenka Girl Light
98. Sinovia Girl Stranger
99. Narkissa Girl Daffodil
100. Natassia Girl Born At Christmas
101. Eleni Girl Shining Light
102. Irisa Girl Rainbow Also A Flower Name Iris Was The Mythological Messenger-goddess Who Rode On Rainbows From Heaven To Earth To Deliver Messages From Olympus
103. Ivane Girl Feminine of Ivan: GoD's gracious gift
104. Ninette Girl Russianname Anne: Favour; Grace
105. Lidia Girl From Lydia
106. Ursola Girl Little Bear
107. Valeska Girl Victorious Leader
108. Velika Girl Wonderful
109. Mara Boy Bitter Or Grace
110. Zenevieva Girl White Shoulders

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Russian Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Russian baby names of Girls and Boys.
Russian names and meanings. Russian names for girls - Feminine. Russian names for boys - males. Russian latest baby names. Russian names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Russian baby names.