Muslims baby Boy names starting with N

Islamic babies names - Cool and attractive Islamic born baby names of child's. Top Muslims name list and its meanings with lucky number and origin. Correct spelling of Islamic baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in Urdu, Hindi and English.

1. Naazish
Boy 4415
2. Naqvi
Boy 4528
Descendant Of Imam Ali Naqi
3. Naeem
Boy 4587
Variant Of Na' Im: Happiness; Benefits
4. Nahayan
Boy 3642
5. Naib
Boy 2895
Delegate; Substitute
6. Naymat
Boy 2473
7. Nuris
Boy 2430
8. Najjmi
Boy 5697
9. Nazeh
Boy 3920
10. Nizaal
Boy 4168
11. Niji
Boy 2180
Colour; Rainbow
12. Nairab
Boy 3145
Bazrugi Wala
13. Naeeman
Boy 2938
The Blessing
14. Nosher
Boy 2374
15. Nawid
Boy 5466
Good News; Glad Tiding
16. Nadee
Boy 3733
17. Naazeer
Boy 4741
Variant Of Naazir: Observant; Spectator
18. Nai
Boy 3994
Musical Instrument With A SadBeautiful Tune
19. Nabid
Boy 5139
Bearer Of Good News Or Good Wishes
20. Nahian
Boy 3626
21. Nawroz
Boy 5581
Persian New Year' S Day
22. Nurullah
Boy 3755
Light Of God; Meaning God’ S Guidance
23. Narwan
Boy 3546
Deliverance; Liberation; Freedom
24. Nafeel
Boy 5424
25. Naqqad
Boy 3335
Literary Critic; Reviewer
26. Nayem
Boy 3034
Calm; Tranquil; Reassured
27. Noam
Boy 2222
Beautiful; Good-looking
28. Naji
Boy 2139
Useful; Beneficial
29. Namoos
Boy 5128
30. Nazaar
Boy 4890
31. Nawaazish
Boy 4585
Variant Of Nawazish: Caress; Kindness
32. Noumaan
Boy 5929
Truely; Wisedom; Attractive Speecher
33. Nason
Boy 5483
Helper; Entry-way
34. Naffah
Boy 4892
35. Nazzeef
Boy 5591
36. Nizafat
Boy 4634
Purity; Cleanliness; Elegance
37. Nahmir
Boy 5039
Gift Of God
38. Noshad
Boy 5725
Happy; Rejoice
39. Nauroz
Boy 5260
Variant Of Nawroz: Persian New Year' S Day
40. Nibal
Boy 2593
41. Nayib
Boy 4481
42. Nazam
Boy 2411
Order; Discipline; Star
43. Nasik
Boy 2024
Worshiper; Devoted To God’ S Worship
44. Nabiullah
Boy 2724
An Epithet Of The Prophet Nuh
45. Najee
Boy 3715
Variant Of Naji' : Useful; Beneficial
46. Najm Al Din
Boy 5214
Star Of The Faith
47. Nadr
Boy 2324
48. Najmuddin
Boy 4199
Star Of The Faith; A Person Who Is Famed And Respected Among The Muslims
49. Naabih
Boy 3895
Noble; Famous; Eminent; Distinguished; Brilliant
50. Najji
Boy 4505
Intimate Friend; Bosom Friend
51. Nur Al Din
Boy 2203
Brightness Of The Faith
52. Nafel
Boy 5827
Naafil Reading
53. Nazzeer
Boy 4192
Precedent; Alike; Equal To
54. Nuaym
Boy 2041
One Of Narrators Of Hadith
55. Nadim Nadeem
Boy 5112
Friendly; Entertaining
56. Nafis
Boy 3814
57. Naef
Boy 4845
Excess; Surplus
58. Nabighah
Boy 3188
Brilliant; Outstanding; Talented
59. Nurdeen
Boy 3984
Light Of The Religion
60. Nuriya
Boy 4914
Light; Luminous; Radiant; Brilliant; Fem Of Noori
61. Nasihuddin
Boy 4137
Counselor Of The Religion (Islam)
62. Nakhshib
Boy 4798
Well The Moon
63. Nihar
Boy 5081
Dew Drop; Mist; Fog; Dew
64. Nafi
Boy 3649
65. Numan
Boy 2723
Blood; Red
66. Nihaal
Boy 4761
(Persian) A Young; Planet; Pleased; Happy; Prosperous
67. Namari
Boy 5030
A Truly Pure Heart
68. Naeem
Boy 5023
Bliss; Ease And Luxury
69. Nazakat
Boy 3085
70. Najib Najeeb
Boy 3044
Of Noble Descent
71. Nizami
Boy 4551
Of Or Relating To Nizam
72. Nasih
Boy 2704
Giver Of Advice; Giver Of Good Guidance
73. Nehal
Boy 2661
Cherished; Beauty; Rainy; Handsome
74. Nisrin
Boy 5191
Kind Of Aromatic Plant
75. Nameer
Boy 3049
Good Fresh Water
76. Najam
Boy 2201
77. Nadhir
Boy 4535
78. Naseef
Boy 2198
Words Spoken In Secret
79. Nabih
Boy 4633
Vigilant; Aware; Honored; Honorable
80. Nail
Boy 3300
Aquirer; Earner
81. Nery
Boy 2468
Light Or My Fire
82. Nadim
Boy 3343
Friend; Companion
83. Nabigh
Boy 5769
Brilliant; Outstanding; Talented
84. Naji
Boy 2748
Survivor; Rescued Person; Delivered And Saved Person
85. Nuaim Nuaym
Boy 4842
Name Of Several Of The Prophets Companions
86. Naib
Boy 2126
Deputy; Second In Command
87. Najaf
Boy 2753
City Of Iraq; A High Mound; Buland O Baala Teela
88. Nawab
Boy 4516
Barron; Ruler
89. Nashah Nashat
Boy 2393
Growing Up; Youth
90. Nizamat
Boy 4960
Organization; Arrangement
91. Naqit
Boy 3623
Salih Bin Aasim Had This Name
92. Nusrah Nusrat
Boy 5052
Help; Support
93. NuMan
Boy 2224
Blood; Old Arabic Name
94. Nasir Al Din
Boy 5221
Protector Of The Faith
95. Nezahat
Boy 3347
Prosperity; Holiness
96. Nahid
Boy 5542
Venus; The Planet
97. Nazeer
Boy 3006
Warner; Cautioner; Official Messenger Bringing News;  bringer Of Good News; Portent; Harbinger
98. Najid
Boy 4447
Supporter; Rescuer; Brave
99. Najmuddawlah
Boy 5789
Star Of The State
100. Noman
Boy 3603
Counselor; Advice Counselor; Say A Word Of Advice; Nasihat Karney Wala