Italian baby names for girls and boys

Italian babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Italian baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Italian born baby names of Italian child's. Top Italian name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Italian baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

Italian baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Amedeo Boy God' S Love
2. Augusta Girl Exalted
3. Aurelia Girl Golden
4. Benedetto Boy The Blessed One
5. Cara Girl Darling
6. Cesare Boy Head Full Of Hair
7. Chiara Girl Bright And Clear
8. Clarissa Girl Bright And Clear
9. Colonel Boy A Column
10. Domenico Boy Lord' S Child
11. Donatello Boy Donated
12. Durante Boy Steadfast
13. Enzo Boy Ruler Of The House
14. Francesca Girl Woman From France
15. Franco Boy French Man
16. Fulvia Girl Blonde-haired
17. Gaetano Boy From Gaeta
18. Giambattista Boy John The Baptist
19. Giulia Girl Soft-haired
20. Giustina Girl Fair; Rightful
21. Laura Girl Bay Laurel Tree
22. Lauretta Girl Bay Laurel Tree
23. Lazzaro Boy My Helper Is God
24. Lia Girl Beautiful Rose
25. Madonna Girl Lady Of Mine
26. Marcella Girl Young Warrior; Rendered To Mars
27. Maurizio Boy A Dark Skinned Person
28. Michelangelo Boy Michael; The Angel
29. Nero Boy The Strong One
30. Ottavio Boy Eighth
31. Paola Girl Tiny; Petite
32. Pasquale Boy Easter-related
33. Regina Girl Queen
34. Renata Girl Reborn
35. Renzo Boy City Of Laurels
36. Ricci Boy Crinkly Or Curly
37. Romolo Boy From Rome
38. Rosetta Girl Rose Blossom
39. Scilla Girl Old-time; Ancient
40. Sebastiano Boy From Sebastos
41. Silvestro Boy From The Woods
42. Tatiana Girl Unclear
43. Urbana Girl The One Who Lives In The City
44. Venetia Girl From Venetia
45. Verona Girl Unclear
46. Vincenza Girl The One Who Conquered
47. Bambi Girl Little Girl
48. Biaggio Boy Stammering; Stuttering
49. Bice Girl Voyager
50. Bonavento Boy Good Fortune
51. Camilla Girl Priest' S Attendant
52. Capriana Girl Unclear
53. Cristiano Boy Christian Man
54. Dante Boy Steadfast; Faithful
55. Dino Boy Various
56. Donna Girl Lady-like
57. Fabia Girl Lovely Bean
58. Fabrizio Boy Skilled Worker
59. Faustina Girl The Lucky One
60. Giuliano Boy Wearing A Soft Beard
61. Gloria Girl Woman Of Glory
62. Ladonna Girl Lady-like
63. Marcello Boy Pledged To Mars
64. Mauro Boy A Dark Skinned Person
65. Oriana Girl Golden; Sunrise
66. Paolo Boy Tiny; Petite
67. Placido Boy Calm Or Placid
68. Romano Boy Coming From Rome
69. Rosalia Girl Beautiful Rose
70. Salvatore Boy Savior
71. Santino Boy Saint
72. Saverio Boy New Home
73. Severin Boy Austere Or Grim
74. Silvano Boy A Man From The Woods
75. Soren Boy Austere; Severe Or Grim
76. Tonio Boy Worthy Of Admiration Or Praise
77. Valentino Boy Hale And Healthy
78. Ventura Boy Good Luck Or Fortunate
79. Viola Girl Violet Flower
80. Vitale Boy Vital
81. Zita Girl Small Girl
82. Damiano Boy one who tames; subDues' The Belgian priest Father Damien gave his life helping the Hawaiian lepers of Molokai 3rD Century St Damian is patron of physicians
83. Daniele Boy GoD is my juDge'
84. Adriano Boy Dark; From Adria: (The Adriatic Sea Region)
85. Caseareo Boy Long Haired
86. Corrado Boy Sage Counselor
87. Donato Boy Abbreviation of Donatello 'gift from GoD
88. Drago Boy Dragon
89. Martinus Boy Warrior Of Mars
90. Edmondo Boy prosperous'
91. Vincenzio Boy Victor
92. Vittorio Boy Victor
93. Egidio Boy Young Goat (kid); Squire
94. Enea Boy Born Ninth
95. Riccardo Boy Powerful; Strong Ruler
96. Xiomar Boy Famous In Battle
97. Ruggero Boy famous spear'
98. Stefano Boy Crown Of Laurels
99. Horry Boy TimekeeperDeriveD from the Roman clan name Horatius The close frienD of Hamlet in Shakespeare's trageDy
100. Stephano Boy The Merchant of Venice' Servant to Porita 'The Tempest' A Drunken butler
101. Felicio Boy Lucky
102. Ferdinando Boy aDventurer'
103. Fidelio Boy Fidelity
104. Ignazio Boy Fiery
105. Orsino Boy Little Bear
106. Pascual Boy Passover
107. Gabriele Boy GoD given strength'
108. Geomar Boy Famous In Battle
109. Piero Boy rock'
110. Geremia Boy sacreD'
111. Pietro Boy rock'
112. Giomar Boy Famous In Battle
113. Bruna Girl Dark Haired
114. Calendre Girl Lark
115. Calinda Girl Contemporary Blend Of The Italian Greek Calandra With Linda
116. Calynda Girl Contemporary Blend Of The Italian Greek Calandra With Linda
117. Cameo Girl Sculptured Jewel
118. Agnella Girl Pure
119. Agnese Girl Pure
120. Carmelina Girl Garden
121. Albinia Girl White A Feminine Form Of Albin; Introduced Into Britain From Italy In The Early 17th Century The Name Was Frequently Used By Members Of The Aristocratic Cecil Family And Their Descendants
122. Catarina Girl Form Of The Greek Catherine Meaning Pure
123. Alexandra Girl A Feminine Form Of Alexander Meaning Defender Of Men; Used In Britain Since Early 13th Century; It Became Popular After The Marriage Of The 1863 Marriage Of Future King Edward VII To Princess Alexandra Of Denmark
124. Cerelia Girl Of The Spring
125. Alonza Girl Ready For Battle
126. Florenza Girl Flowering
127. Gabbie Girl Woman Of God An Italian Form Of The Hebrew Name Gabriel
128. Gaby Girl GoD's able-boDieD one
129. Gaetana Girl From Gaete
130. Gaetane Girl From Gaete
131. Cira Girl Sun
132. Constanza Girl Constancy; Steadfastness
133. Ghita Girl Pearl
134. Marietta Girl Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
135. Gulielma Girl An Italian Feminine Form Of William; Meaning Resolute Or Determined Protector
136. Jemma Girl Dove Little Dove In The Old Testament; Jemima Was One Of The Three Beautiful Daughters Of Job (the Other Two Were Keziah And Keren)
137. Sancia Girl Holy
138. Serafina Girl From The Seraph
139. Benigna Girl Gracious
140. Eleanora Girl Shining Light; Or Bright One AGreek Helen
141. Nicia Girl People's victory
142. Teresina Girl which is a popular saint's name of uncertain meaning
143. Ysabel Girl Conseacrated To God

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Italian Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Italian baby names of Girls and Boys.
Italian names and meanings. Italian names for girls - Feminine. Italian names for boys - males. Italian latest baby names. Italian names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Italian baby names.