Dutch baby names for girls and boys

Dutch babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Dutch baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Dutch born baby names of Dutch child's. Top Dutch name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Dutch baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

Dutch baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Aart Boy As Powerful As An Eagle
2. Abbe Boy Nobleman
3. Adrianus Boy From Hadria
4. Aleid Girl Graceful And Noble
5. Anke Girl Gracious; Merciful
6. Anneke Girl Gracious; Merciful
7. Antoon Boy Worthy Of Admiration Or Praise
8. Bastiaan Boy From Sebastos
9. Bente Girl One Who Is Blesssed
10. Betje Girl Promise Of God
11. Bonifaas Boy Your Fate Is Good
12. Boudewijn Boy Bold Friend
13. Braam Boy Father Of Many Nations
14. Brandy Girl Distilled Wine
15. Brecht Boy Bright
16. Brooklyn Girl From The Land Of The Broken
17. Carola Girl Free Woman
18. Cilla Girl Blinded
19. Cobus Boy Following After
20. Cokkie Girl Horn
21. Daan Boy The Lord Is My Judge
22. Daffodil Girl Narcissus Flower
23. Dewitt Boy White Complexioned
24. Diede Boy Powerful Ruler Of The People
25. Elke Girl Graceful And Noble
26. Els Girl Promise Of God
27. Else Girl Promise Of God
28. Emerens Boy Deserving
29. Faas Boy Your Fate Is Good
30. Femke Girl Woman Of Peace
31. Filibert Boy Very Bright
32. Floortje Girl Thriving
33. Floris Boy Thriving
34. Fons Boy Noble And Prepared
35. Freek Boy Calm Monarch
36. Funs Boy Noble And Prepared
37. Hannie Girl God Is Merciful
38. Huub Boy Man With Clever Mind
39. Jacoba Girl Following After
40. Jacomina Girl Following After
41. Jager Boy To Chase Or To Hunt
42. Janneke Girl God Is Merciful
43. Jantine Girl God Is Merciful
44. Jef Boy God Raises
45. Jennigje Girl God Is Merciful
46. Kees Boy Horn
47. Kobus Boy Following After
48. Lien Girl Free Woman
49. Luus Girl Light Of The Day
50. Marieke Girl Rebellious Woman
51. Rebekka Girl One Who Ties And Joins
52. Roos Girl Rose Blossom
53. Sanne Girl Lily
54. Zaan Boy From Near The Zaan River
55. Bartel Boy Rich In Land
56. Bas Boy From Sebastos
57. Brechtje Girl Bright
58. Carolien Girl Free Woman
59. Cees Boy Horn
60. Diederik Boy Powerful Ruler Of The People
61. Drika Girl Ruler Of The House
62. Elise Girl Promise Of God
63. Ferdi Boy Brave Yet Peaceful
64. Floor Unisex Thriving
65. Frans Boy French Man
66. Funske Boy Noble And Prepared
67. Gerda Girl Strong Like A Spear
68. Guus Boy Exalted
69. Harm Boy Army Man
70. Hein Boy Ruler Of The House
71. Ima Girl Universal Woman
72. Isabella Girl beautiful; attractive;
73. Jacobina Girl Following After
74. Jacobus Boy Following After
75. Jansen Boy Son Of Jan
76. Jantje Girl God Is Merciful
77. Jelle Boy Strong Mind And Protection
78. Johanneke Girl God Is Merciful
79. Mariska Girl Rebellious Woman
80. Mathilde Girl Powerful And Mighty In Battle
81. Meike Girl Rebellious Woman
82. Renate Girl Reborn
83. Rhetta Girl Advisor
84. Roosevelt Boy A Field Filled With Roses
85. Schuyler Boy Savant; Runaway
86. Skylar Unisex Scholar
87. Bonifacius Boy Does Good
88. Gotthard Boy Divinely Firm
89. Egidius Boy Youthful
90. Everhart Boy Brave Boar
91. Pieter Boy A Rock Form Of Peter
92. Jen Boy Fair One; White And Smooth; Soft
93. Sibylla Girl Prophetess; Oracle

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Dutch, Germanic Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Dutch, Germanic baby names of Girls and Boys.
Dutch names and meanings. Dutch names for girls - Feminine. Dutch names for boys - males. Dutch latest baby names. Dutch names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Dutch baby names.