Biblical baby names for girls and boys

Biblical babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Biblical baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Biblical born baby names of Biblical child's. Top Biblical name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Biblical baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

Biblical baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Anah Girl Answer
2. Hena Girl Troubling
3. Hur Girl Hole; A Prison Cell
4. Amam Boy Gathering Spot
5. Salah Boy Faithfulness; Loyalty; Piety; Purity; Goodness; Benefit
6. Amad Boy Enduring
7. Arba Girl Fourth
8. Ater Boy Binder; Maimed
9. Azal Boy Near; Proximity
10. Harim Boy Snub Nosed
11. Jabal Boy A Stream; Water
12. Raham Boy Merciful
13. Samaria Girl Watch Tower
14. Achim Boy God Will Establish
15. Adiel Boy Ornament Of God
16. Andronicus Boy Man Of Victory
17. Apphia Girl Fruitful
18. Cypress Boy Hardness
19. Enos Boy Mortal
20. Golan Boy Flower-like; Flowers; Figuratively Meaning Beautiful
21. Hillel Boy Praising
22. Koa Boy Camel
23. Methuselah Boy Judgement
24. Midian Boy Strife
25. Cephas Boy Rock
26. Eder Boy Flock
27. Eran Boy Watchful
28. Hebron Boy Alliance; Association
29. Jezreel Unisex God Sows
30. Kir Boy Wall
31. Rei Girl Friendly
32. Syntyche Girl Fortunate; Affable
33. Tabor Boy Height
34. Talmai Boy Furrow; Brave
35. Tryphosa Girl Thrice Shining
36. Ahi Unisex Brotherly
37. Ashan Boy Smoke
38. Obed Boy Working
39. Ahaziah Girl God Has Taken; Seizure; Vision Of The Lord
40. Zimran Boy Vine Dresser (a Person Who Prunes; Trains; And Cultivates Vines); Celebrated; Song
41. Baasha Girl Bravery
42. Addar Boy Splendid; Ample
43. Azaniah Boy Hearing the LorD; the LorD's weapons
44. Blastus Boy Sprout
45. Azareel Boy Whom The Lord Helps
46. Azariah Boy He That Hears The Lord
47. Azaz Boy Strong
48. Azekah Boy Tilled( Golak; Daraz; Ghala )
49. Azgad Boy Stern Troop
50. Boaz Boy In Strength
51. Azmaveth Boy Strong Unto Death
52. Azmon Boy Strong
53. Aznothtabor Boy Peaks Of Tabor
54. Azor Boy Helper
55. Azotus Boy Stronghold
56. Bocheru Boy Firstborn
57. Bochim Boy Weeping
58. Azrikam Boy Help Against The Enemy
59. Azubah Boy Forsaken
60. Azzan Boy Noble; Excellent; Lofty; Cherished; Extraordinary’
61. Azzur Boy Helpful
62. Baal Boy Master; Owner
63. Abarim Boy Regions Across
64. Baalmeon Boy Lord Of Dwelling
65. Baalath Boy Mistress
66. Baca Boy Weeping
67. Abdi Boy My Servant
68. Bajith Boy House
69. Balaam Boy The Lord Of The People
70. Baladan Boy Bel Is His Lord
71. Bozez Boy Shining
72. Bozrah Boy Fortress
73. Balthazar Boy King
74. Bamah Boy High Place
75. Dalaiah Boy Freed By God
76. Chaldea Boy Land Of The Kaldu
77. Dalmanutha Boy Slow Firebrand
78. Dalphon Boy Dripping
79. Abelmaim Boy Meadow Of Water
80. Abelmeholah Boy Meadow Of Dancing
81. Abelmizraim Boy Meadow Of Egypt
82. Abelshittim Boy Meadow Of Acacias
83. Abib Boy Tender; Green; Ear Of Corn
84. Abiel Boy God My Father
85. Abijam Boy My Father Is The Sea Or Seaman
86. Baruch Boy Goodly
87. Abishua Boy Father Of Plenty; Prosperous
88. Barzillai Boy Iron Hearted
89. Abitub Boy Father Of Goodness; Noble
90. Darda Boy Pearl Of Wisdom
91. Chebar Boy Far Off
92. Accad Boy Strengthen; Fortress
93. Chedorlaomer Boy Handful Of Sheaves
94. Accho Boy Sandy
95. Chelal Boy Perfection
96. Chelluh Boy Completed
97. Chelubai Boy Capable
98. Chemosh Boy Subduer; Powerful
99. Darkon Boy Scatterer
100. Chenaanah Boy Merchant
101. Achaia Boy Trouble
102. Achaicus Boy Trouble
103. Achan Boy Troublesome; One Who Troubles
104. Cheran Boy Lyre
105. Chesulloth Boy Fertile Places
106. Achish Boy Angry; Terrifying
107. Achor Boy Troubled
108. Bealiah Boy Whose Lord Is God
109. Achzib Boy Deceit
110. Chidon Boy Javelin
111. Bealoth Boy Mistresses
112. Chilion Boy Pining
113. Chilmad Boy Enclosure
114. Chimham Boy Longing; Pining
115. Adadah Boy Festival
116. Adaiah Boy The Witness Of The Lord
117. Chios Boy Snowy
118. Chislothtabor Boy Flanks Of Tabor
119. Bebai Boy Fatherly
120. Adami Boy Earthy
121. Bedad Boy Solitary
122. Bedeiah Boy Servant Of God
123. Adbeel Boy Miracle Of God
124. Chorazin Boy Furnace Of Smoke
125. Chozeba Boy Falsehood
126. Beeliada Boy The Lord Knows
127. Addi Boy Ornament
128. Beerlahairoi Boy Well Of The Living One
129. Beera Boy A Well
130. Beerelim Boy Well Of Heroes
131. Addon Boy Low
132. Beeroth Boy Wells
133. Beersheba Boy Well Of An Oath
134. Debir Boy Sanctuary
135. Dedan Boy Low Ground
136. Chun Boy Established
137. Adithaim Boy Twofold Prey
138. Chushanrishathaim Boy Twice Wicked Cushan
139. Chuza Boy The Seer
140. Dekar Boy Lancer; Piercing
141. Admatha Boy A Testimony To Them
142. Delaiah Boy Freed By God
143. Buzi Boy Contempt
144. Adonibezek Boy Lord Of Bezek
145. Adonizedek Boy My Lord Is Just
146. Adonijah Boy My Lord Is God
147. Cis Boy A Bow
148. Adoniram Boy My Lord Is Exalted
149. Adoraim Boy Two Heaps
150. Adoram Boy My Lord Is God
151. Adrammelech Boy Splendor Of The King
152. Benhadad Boy Son Of Hadad
153. Cabbon Boy The Builder
154. Demas Boy Governor Of The People
155. Cabul Boy Binding
156. Adullam Boy Justice Of The People
157. AdUmmim Boy Red Spots
158. Clauda Boy Lame
159. Benzoheth Boy Son Of Zoheth
160. Beon Boy In The Dwelling
161. Beor Boy Lamp; Burning
162. Cleophas Boy My Exchanges
163. Beri Boy A Well
164. Calcol Boy Sustaining
165. Cnidus Boy Nettled
166. Agabus Boy Locust
167. Agag Boy Flame
168. Agee Boy Fugitive
169. Berothai Boy Cypress Grove
170. Calneh Boy Fortress
171. Deuel Boy Invocation Of God
172. Agur Boy Collector; Gatherer
173. Aharah Boy After The Brother
174. Aharhel Boy Safe
175. Ahasbai Boy Blooming
176. Ahasuerus Boy Lion King
177. Colhozeh Boy All-seeing
178. Ahava Boy Water
179. Ahaz Boy Possessor; Owner
180. Besai Boy Sword
181. Besodeiah Boy In The Counsel Of The Lord
182. Camon Boy Elevation
183. Besor Boy Cool
184. Betah Boy A Place Of Refuge
185. Ahiah Boy Friend Of God
186. Beten Boy Womb
187. Ahian Boy Brotherly
188. Bethaven Boy House Of Vanity
189. Bethazmaveth Boy House Of The Strong Unto Death
190. Bethbaalmeon Boy House Of Baal
191. Bethbarah Boy House Of The Ford
192. Bethbirei Boy House Of A Creative One
193. Bethcar Boy House Of Lamb
194. Ahimelech Boy My brother is a king; my king's brother
195. Ahinadab Boy Liberal
196. Bethgader Boy House Of The Wall
197. Ahio Boy Brotherly
198. Bethhaccerem Boy House Of The Vineyard
199. Bethhoron Boy House Of Hollowness
200. Ahisamach Boy Helpful

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Biblical Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Biblical baby names of Girls and Boys.
Biblical names and meanings. Biblical names for girls - Feminine. Biblical names for boys - males. Biblical latest baby names. Biblical names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Biblical baby names.

Biblical Baby Boy Names A to Z