Spanish baby names for girls and boys

Spanish babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Spanish baby names for girls and boys. Cool and attractive Spanish born baby names of Spanish child's. Top Spanish name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Correct spelling of Spanish baby Names. Kids all new and old name meanings in English.

Spanish baby names for girls and boys - Top Listed

1. Abelardo Boy Breathing
2. Adolfo Boy Distinguished Or Strong Wolf
3. Adora Girl Adoration
4. Agata Girl Good-hearted
5. Alba Girl Fair; White
6. Alberto Boy Aristocratic And Bright
7. Aldo Boy Very Old
8. Alexandro Boy Defender Of Man
9. Alfredo Boy Advice From Elves
10. Alonzo Boy Noble And Prepared
11. Ambrosio Boy Eternal; Indestructible
12. Amelio Boy Hard-working
13. Amias Boy Beloved
14. Anastasia Girl Resurrection
15. Andres Boy Virile; Manly
16. Anso Boy Eagle; God
17. Antonia Girl Invaluable
18. Arsenio Boy Virile; Potent; Strong
19. Bartolo Boy Farmer' S Son
20. Bernardo Boy As Strong As A Bear
21. Bonito Boy Good
22. Carlitos Boy Free Man
23. Carlos Boy Free Man
24. Cecilia Girl Blinded
25. Celia Girl Blinded
26. Charo Girl Woman With Rosary
27. Che Boy Hey
28. Chelo Girl Solace; Consolation
29. Chiquita Girl Little Girl
30. Cierra Girl From The Mountains
31. Clara Girl Bright And Clear
32. Concepcion Girl Conception
33. Concha Girl Conception
34. Conrado Boy Bold Or Wise Counselor
35. Consuelo Girl Solace; Consolation
36. Cornelio Boy Horn
37. Cortez Boy A Refined Or Accomplished Person
38. Damarion Boy Dedicated To Mars
39. Dejuan Boy God Is Merciful
40. Delmar Boy From The Sea
41. Dolores Girl Full Of Sorrows
42. Domingo Boy Lord' S Child
43. Eberardo Boy Courageous Like A Boar
44. Eldora Girl Golden
45. Elonso Boy Fit For Battle
46. Emberto Boy Of Great Acclaim
47. Emilio Boy Rival; Challenger
48. Enrico Boy Ruler Of The House
49. Erardo Boy Respectable And Courageous
50. Ernesto Boy Serious Minded
51. Estefan Boy Man With Crown
52. Estela Girl Like A Star
53. Eugenio Boy Of Noble Descent
54. Eulalia Girl Good Talker
55. Fabiola Girl Lovely Bean
56. Faustino Boy Fortunate
57. Federico Boy Calm Monarch
58. Flavia Girl Golden-haired Woman
59. Flavio Boy Golden-haired
60. Genoveva Girl Leader Of The Tribe
61. Gertrudes Girl The Strongest Spear
62. Gilberto Boy Bright Young Man
63. Gregorio Boy Awake Or Watchful
64. Guillermo Boy Strong Mind And Protection
65. Henio Boy Ruler Of The House
66. Humberto Boy Bright Fighter
67. Jeronimo Boy Holy Name
68. Jesenia Girl Like A Flower
69. Jorge Boy Farming Man
70. Jose Boy God Raises
71. Lando Boy Unclear
72. Lasaro Boy My Helper Is God
73. Lavada Girl Washed
74. Leonardo Boy Strong Like The Lion
75. Leonor Girl Sympathy; Compassion
76. Lola Girl Full Of Sorrows
77. Loma Girl Born On A Small Hill
78. Lorena Girl Woman From Lorraine
79. Lorenza Girl Laurel Tree
80. Luciano Boy Light Of The Day
81. Luis Boy Well-known Fighter
82. Manfredo Boy Powerful Peace
83. Manolo Boy God With Us
84. Maricruz Girl Rebellious; Cross
85. Marino Boy Rendered To Mars
86. Marisol Girl Sun And Sea
87. Mercedes Girl Merciful; Mercies
88. Merche Girl Merciful; Mercies
89. Micaela Girl Which Man Is Like God?
90. Milagros Girl Miracles
91. Nieves Girl Born When It Snows
92. Osias Boy My Strength Comes From God
93. Perla Girl Gemstone
94. Porfirio Boy Purple
95. Prospero Boy According To One' S Wishes
96. Renato Boy Reborn
97. Reynaldo Boy Wise Ruler
98. Rio Boy River
99. Roldan Boy Famous Land
100. Roman Boy Coming From Rome
101. Roque Boy Sleep Or Rest
102. Rosa Girl Rose Blossom
103. Rosario Unisex Woman With Rosary
104. Rufina Girl Woman With Red Hair
105. Sancho Boy Sacred Or Holy
106. Santiago Boy St James
107. Santos Boy Saint
108. Savannah Girl Grassland Without Trees
109. Sergio Boy One Who Serves; Attendant
110. Severino Boy Austere Or Grim
111. Sierra Girl From The Mountains
112. Tavares Boy Hermit' S Son
113. Teodoro Boy God' S Present
114. Tia Girl Aunt
115. Tierra Girl Land; Soil; Earth
116. Tito Boy Honored
117. Valdez Boy Unclear
118. Valerio Boy Powerful; Strong
119. Verda Girl Truth
120. Vicente Boy The One Who Conquered
121. Yesenia Girl Like A Flower
122. Zavanna Girl Grassland Without Trees
123. Benito Boy The Blessed One
124. Bolivar Boy Mill On The Shore
125. Bonita Girl Attractive
126. Buena Girl Woman Of Good
127. Calderon Boy Melting Pot
128. Carlito Boy Free Man
129. Celso Boy Exalted One
130. Cesar Boy Head Full Of Hair
131. Chavez Boy May God Protect
132. Cordero Boy Young Ram
133. Cruz Unisex Carrying A Cross
134. Danilo Boy The Lord Is My Judge
135. Delia Girl Woman From Delos
136. Delores Girl Full Of Sorrows
137. Dores Girl Full Of Sorrow
138. Dulce Girl Sweet Daughter
139. Emilia Girl Competitor; Rival
140. Enrique Boy Ruler Of The House
141. Esteban Boy Man With Crown
142. Eugenia Girl Woman Well-born
143. Eustacio Boy Bearing Fruit
144. Everardo Boy Courageous Like A Boar
145. Ezequias Boy God Provides Strength
146. Fabio Boy Bean Farmer
147. Fausto Boy Fortunate
148. Febe Girl Brightest Of Women
149. Felipe Boy Friend Of Horses
150. Fernando Boy Brave Yet Peaceful
151. Francisco Boy French Man
152. Geraldo Boy Ruler With Spear
153. Gerardo Boy Strong Like A Spear
154. Geronimo Boy Holy Name
155. Gonzalo Boy Safe Fight
156. Gustavo Boy Staff Of The Gods
157. Hector Boy To Possess Or To Hold
158. Hernan Boy Brave Yet Peaceful
159. Ignacio Boy Fire
160. Isandro Boy One Who Frees Or Releases Men
161. Izador Boy Present From Isis
162. Jade Girl Gemstone
163. Joseluis Boy God Will Increase; War Famous
164. Josue Boy God Is Deliverance
165. Lolita Girl Full Of Sorrows
166. Lorenzo Boy City Of Laurels
167. Lucio Boy Light Of The Day
168. Manuel Boy God With Us
169. Marco Boy Rendered To Mars; Warlike
170. Marina Girl From The Shore
171. Mario Boy Rendered To Mars
172. Marissa Girl Of The Sea
173. Nazario Boy From Nazareth
174. Nevada Unisex Covered In Snow
175. Neves Girl Born When It Snows
176. Orlando Boy Famous Land
177. Paco Boy French Man
178. Palma Girl Palm Tree
179. Palmira Girl Palm Tree
180. Paloma Girl Beautiful Dove
181. Pedro Boy Rock
182. Querida Girl Darling
183. Ramiro Boy Famous Counsel
184. Raymundo Boy Protected Counsel
185. Rejinaldo Boy Wise Ruler
186. Renaldo Boy Wise Ruler
187. Reyes Girl Royalty
188. Roberto Boy Brilliant Fame
189. Rocio Girl Drops Of Dew
190. Rodolfo Boy Legendary Wolf
191. Rodrigo Boy Renowned Chief
192. Rogelio Boy Request Or Petition
193. Rolando Boy Famous Land
194. Sandro Boy Defender Of Men
195. Santana Unisex Santa Ana
196. Severo Boy Austere Or Grim
197. Silvio Boy From The Woods
198. Socorro Unisex Support; Succor
199. Sol Girl The Sun
200. Timoteo Boy One Who Honors God

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Spanish baby girls / baby Boys NamesSpanish Kid's or Children cool and Attractive names and its meanings in English. Huge Names database of Spanish baby names of Girls and Boys.
Spanish names and meanings. Spanish names for girls - Feminine. Spanish names for boys - males. Spanish latest baby names. Spanish names and meanings and their lucky numbers.Spanish baby names.