428+ Popular Nickname For Boys

1. BeatF: Ameaning bringer of joy. In the Divine ComeDy, Beatrice was Dante's guiDe through ParaDise, perhaps inspireD by Beatrice Portinari who was Dante's earliest love.
2. BouFeeling; Perfect; Friendly
3. Lige" Yahweh Is God"
4. QingTo Be Clear
5. CubaA Place Of Abundant Fertile Land
6. FelLucky
7. JacqSon Of Jack; Yahweh
8. WicgCounselor; Perfectionist; Compassion
9. PulLord
10. CalvLittle Bald One
11. EinnOrigin Is Varied
12. ApoHe Who Moves Forward
13. GyanKnowledge
14. UpolPowerful; Perfectionist; Capable
15. OdayNo Meaning As This Is A Name
16. AzafTo Be Close
17. EberThe Region Beyond
18. VyomSky
19. MikaCool; Sweet; Intelligent
20. BuzzHumming Noise Or Quick
21. RootGlad
22. AtilName Of The Hun' S King Which Attacked The Roman Empire
23. SigVictory Protection
24. PatsNobleman
25. BayName that means 'born on SaturDay'.
26. AudrWealth; Fortune
27. AlukMessenger; Ambassador
28. AaidRestore
29. BanaSlayer
30. AausA Name Of A Tree
31. DheGod; Servant Of God
32. YardGarden
33. KoitDay Break
34. IlesMessengers Of The God
35. BourRock
36. LexDefender Of Man
37. KyleLiving Near A Narrow Channel
38. AbanWaters; 8th Month Of The Iranian Calendar Name Of A Certain Angel; Old Arabic Name Dual Of Abu
39. FennA Marsh; Fen
40. PhutA Bow
41. IlamMy Enemies Are Many
42. RuddRuddy Colored
43. UbaOld Woman
44. YnwlFriendly; Soft;
45. SithEarth
46. GabiGod Is My Strength
47. AaryGod Rama
48. SuedMaster
49. Kitt" Bearer Of Christ"
50. IannGod Is Forgiving
51. AhanDawn; Sunrise; Morning Glory; First Ray Of Light; One Who Is Of The Nature Of Time Itself
52. CiroThrone; Sun
53. IggyIggi IGGI Only Son
54. BikoPioneer; Sacrificer; Respectability
55. DovBear
56. AserFortunate; Happy; Blessed
57. TaiVast
58. AatBrave; Heroic; Sacrifice Life For Others
59. MaurDark
60. IzoIron
61. OrLight; Brilliance
62. JaazSong
63. Arek" High Mountain; Exalted; Enlightened"
64. FaqBased
65. UhroBrave
66. DalaLeaf
67. AlokCry Of Victory
68. JeddBeloved Of Jehovah
69. WaldChild Of The Forest
70. OlevFamily Descendant
71. LureCopied From The French Name Leroy Meaning The King
72. TucoA Name Of Uncertain Origins And Meanings May Mean The Ugly One Or Refer To A Species Of Owl Or Rodent; Or Even Derive From The Spanish Slang Word For Terrorist
73. RafqPatience; Tolerance; Endurance
74. NijiColour; Rainbow
75. StewHousehold Guardian
76. OlekDefender Of Man
77. ErecEver Ruling; Lone Ruler
78. ShigNames Beginning With Shige-
79. CaelSlim
80. SyllA Bright As A Beam Of Light
81. MyanSaver
82. TobiFrom The Name Tobias Meaning God Is Good
83. SaerCarpenter
84. UsufChosen By God; Prophet
85. MykeOne Who Is Like God
86. FaleHouse
87. LatiLoving; Special; Gladness
88. HundSensitive; Entertainer; Impressive Personality
89. IfadTo Be High And Above Something
90. ShouDefend; Guard
91. TippCourageous Race
92. KundA Name Of A Honor
93. LayFrom The Meadow Farm
94. ManiThinker; Thoughtful One
95. SakoBrave; Hunter
96. PiceTrustworthy; Travel Lover; Capable
97. CudaPeaceful; Systematic Mind; Mysterious
98. SarPain
99. HazzDanger
100. SiriMarvelous Victory
101. TigyTidy
102. DumyOne Who Inspires Others
103. TinhVigilant
104. NaebA Vice; A Deputy
105. DoniProud Ruler
106. HawaBrave Warrior
107. PeikDebated; Stone; Rock
108. AlilResearch For The World
109. EdemLast; God Has Saved Me
110. NasrVictory
111. TahmBrave; Valiant
112. DacySoutherner
113. HeriHappiness
114. BudhTo Know
115. HintHigh Settlement
116. RachTo Form
117. UbadWorshipers; Devoted Servants Of God
118. SetCompensation
119. GrimSon Of Njal
120. BeckLiving Near A Stream
121. JajaGod&#x; S Gift
122. RumhPeaceful; Responsible
123. SujaCalmness; Quitness
124. VanuZealous; Eager; Friend
125. UnamGold
126. CazThe Watchful One
127. SeokLike A Rock
128. JyeJay Bird; Victory
129. HuriLinen-weaver
130. TenaBy That; With That
131. PeleMiracle Child
132. AlfoNoble And Ready
133. WessWestwood; West Clearing Or Meadow
134. BalYoung; Infant; Strong
135. PacoFrench Man
136. HosySalvation; Yahweh Is
137. VernSurname relateD to Vernon 'alDer tree grove.' Also useD as abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern.
138. JarAbreviation Of Jarel; Jarek; Or Jared; Jareh
139. OlefFamily Descendant
140. BjayWinner; Victorious
141. KermSon Of Diarmad
142. ZarmFast-moving; Swift
143. AremNaughty
144. CordBold Or Wise Counselor
145. OudFragrance
146. SoltOne Who Is Honored
147. AnlaAn Early Sun God
148. EftyGod Gift
149. EataHelpful; Researcher; Comfortable
150. NkuSheep
151. NiluClever; Beautiful; Rich
152. AtekImmortal
153. AjrReward
154. BeroBear
155. MyiaEmerald
156. AdiyA Companion Of The Prophet; Also The Name Of The Son Of Hatim Tiay Known For His Generosity; Also The Son Of Thabit Had This Name
157. IwanGod Is Merciful
158. ToddFox Or Fox Like
159. EukeWell Born
160. PetrRock
161. KavyBook
162. LyloOne Who Is Generous
163. XanaLord Of Tribunal Community
164. AiriMessenger; Herald; Beloved Jasmine
165. TahdPraise; Desired; Gift
166. DueyBeloved; Favorite; Darling; Friend
167. Miro" Peace; World"
168. SecgSwordsman
169. ElifSlim; Tall; First
170. OxliOx Meadow
171. Ab" Father Of Light"
172. ZumrMiscellaneous Groups
173. WitLife
174. PucaCommunicator; Logical; Energetic
175. FyskFish; A Fisherman
176. TaaSeed
177. PaleSmall; Petite
178. Edon" Little Fire; Era"
179. JunuGive Refuge
180. IlmiForm Of Ilma
181. NaalName Of A Saint
182. ZookPassion; Severity Want
183. YoriDependence
184. NaefExcess; Surplus
185. YullBorn During Christmas
186. IsliShepherd; Great Mankind; Reliability
187. OlysA Powerful Man
188. RaulAs Wise As A Wolf
189. NilChampion; Cloud; Passionate; Crow; Talktive Person
190. HaepTalent; Care Taker; More Attractive
191. KoenOf Germanic Origin Meaning Bold Counsel It Is A Pet Form Of Koenraad
192. AdirMajestic; Noble
193. VajStrength; Vigour; Energy; Speed; Power
194. OfydSheep
195. ElisGod&#x; S Promise
196. ThaNil
197. MirPrince; Governor; Leader
198. YadFrom The Hebrew Meaning Hand
199. AzaiStrength
200. PalTiny; Petite
201. IlymMy Enemies Are Many
202. Obi" Heart"
203. TimOne Who Honors God
204. DaimA Female Knight
205. MaedFrom The Meadow
206. HymyLife; Man; Life
207. RupForm
208. UxoWell Born; Noble
209. UkkiFaithful
210. DimpCounselor; Perfectionist; Compassion
211. OveFull Of Terror
212. PreyLove
213. KesuLord Krishna
214. WyVillage Near The Cliff
215. SidaOne Who Has Accomplished
216. OdeyWoad Hill
217. GillServant
218. ArabPeaceful; Tranquil
219. KattIndependent; Light-footed; Pure
220. DaebDiligent; Conscientious
221. AakeRepresentative Of Ancestors
222. GaraMastiff
223. KerkChurch
224. KhiBeautiful
225. AresAres Means Fighter Ares Was The God Of War In Greek Mythology
226. UferShore
227. RidSmooth Field; Clearing; Reeds
228. HeamLoveable
229. FomaTwin
230. SantSaintly Person; Tranquil
231. EkkuPeaceful Island Ruler
232. AtidSun
233. KalbDog; BraveIn The Old Testament; Caleb Was A Companion Of Moses During His Time In The Wilderness
234. DumeResembling A Bull
235. NaaPleasant And Nice
236. Amzi" Strong"
237. AyubA Biblical Prophet' S Name; Job Is The English Language Equivalent
238. VienComplete
239. GonA Spirited Man
240. ODescenDent of. Irish surnames formeD by prefacing O'.
241. AhtiMyth Name Of A God Of Magic
242. VikuConqueror; Winner
243. BuddFriend
244. Pyrsrock'.
245. AtefKind
246. Siorfarmer'.
247. CydVariant Abbreviation Of Sydney; MeaningFrom St Denis
248. LarzOf Laurentius
249. ArryArmy Ruler
250. UzziMy Strength; My Kid
251. LachLives Near Water
252. LenyBrave Like A Lion
253. NaamSweetness; Pleasantness
254. HubbLove; Wish; Desire
255. DaynValley
256. DicPowerful Ruler; Peaceful
257. FauzTriumph; Great Victory
258. GraeNo Meaning As This Is A Name
259. OshDew Drops
260. EkonStrong
261. WipTo Strike Or Flay
262. BibProtector
263. QasiSeeing An Object End
264. KiuQueen
265. JodhBrave
266. Doge-
267. StepCrowned
268. NuriShining; Brightness
269. Lav(son Of Lord Rama)
270. GethDusky
271. AribStrong
272. QaidLeader; Commander
273. KumiWater
274. EfanA Alternative Of The Welsh Name Evan; Which Is The Welsh Form Of The Name John; Efan Means God Is Gracious And God Has Shown Favour
275. OvieRiverside Settlement; King
276. ChavA Last Name Now Used
277. ZemaHymn
278. HaajHaaji
279. HakoHigh Son
280. CrocTalent; Care Taker; More Attractive
281. ZalWhite-haired; It Is The Name Of The Father Of Rustam; The Mythical Persian Hero
282. OlynRelic
283. MoabOf His Father
284. HenGrace; Quiet; Rest
285. RomeStrength, power'.
286. EcoReflected Sound
287. AmnPeace; Comfort
288. TeeHappiness; Poet; Joy; Ninth-born
289. KelaLady; Princess
290. AlenPrecious
291. CeyxHusband Of Alcyone
292. IjliThis Was The Name Of The Makes Of Astrolabes
293. HibbDarling; Dear
294. HubaLove; Friendship; Favour
295. DempProud One
296. ImanTo Accept The Truth Of Islam In The Heart
297. HodoDharma Way
298. HaleValley
299. NuutKnot
300. TobaGoodly
301. UlanFirst-born Twin
302. EkerOffspring
303. AlopThat Which Does Not Disappear
304. MatoBrave
305. SidhOne Who Has Accomplished
306. OffaName Of A King
307. HamHot. One of the sons of Noah in the OlD Testament : Father of a multituDe. In the OlD Testament patriarch Abram's name was changeD to Abraham when it was revealeD he woulD be father of the Hebrew nation.
308. TaviGood
309. ShirLight
310. FonsNoble And Prepared
311. EtouThe Sun
312. XoanGod Is Good; Yahweh
313. AtinThe Great One
314. QadrFate; Destiny
315. IshqLove
316. TagDay
317. OfyrGold
318. Bayo" The Crown Meets Joy"
319. StyrA Supporter Of Sumarlidi Son Of Killer Hrapp
320. AlkiViolent Force
321. YuraFarmer
322. XaneGod Is Gracious
323. GereForm Of Gerald: Rules By The Spear
324. BonInnovative; Domestic; Intelligence
325. ClacIndependent; Enthusiasm; Admirer
326. ShyLoyal To God; Strong
327. QuwaPower; Strength
328. AboPriest
329. Sera" Princess"
330. OmnaPious; Pure
331. RavSun
332. ZeriBuilt
333. PrahFrom The Prah River Region
334. BunoBrown
335. KogeFragrant Flower
336. PeteA Rock Form Of Peter
337. EralMankind; Great Lover; Optimistic
338. Zio" Uncle"
339. KotyA Form Of Cody
340. HiobPersecuted; Hated
341. AzifSinger; Musician
342. KyngBenevolent Leader; Of Royalty And Nobility
343. BeegSmall
344. IfeaOne Who Is Widely Loved
345. OwenOf Noble Descent
346. IvanGod Is Merciful
347. BoozIn Strength
348. JahRank
349. SimSnub-nosed
350. PoshMonth In Hindu Calendar
351. Boe" To Live"
352. UpamFirst; Highest; Best
353. DufDark; Black
354. MakuFrom The God Mars
355. DownFortress
356. BreyFeeling; Adaptable; Noble
357. KahlBald Or Without Hair
358. EeliWealthy
359. ArigWeave
360. NaemPleasure; Luxury; Benefits; One Of The Seven Sections Of Paradise
361. AakaLove; Desire; King
362. VaykOne Who Is Wealthy
363. WinnFriend
364. PageYoung Servant
365. BallRound-shaped
366. EriWatchful
367. RaftThank You
368. LacKnowledge; Leadership; Fairness
369. NickPeople' S Triumph
370. OdelWealthy
371. JivnLife
372. ArkaThe Sun
373. EsraHelp; Helper
374. OlegHoly
375. GaitHigh Ground
376. ZefIzefia IZEFIA I Have No Child
377. PoulTiny; Petite
378. HadoHay Valley
379. GonzFight; Whole; Safe
380. HajjOne Who Has Performed The Hajj Or Pilgrimage To Makkah
381. DanhFamous
382. BevoBeaver; Son Of Evan
383. AkkuSweet And Beautiful
384. YaabSuccessful
385. AnayRadhas Husband; Another Name Of Lord Ganesh
386. GoreA Kingdom
387. GlenDeriveD from the Gaelic 'gleana', meaning valley. UseD both as a surname anD given name. Famous bearer: American singer Glen Campbell.
388. GartEnclosure; Protection
389. ZeinFragrant; Beautiful Plant
390. GuinBlond
391. Lyon" Lion"
392. KassFamous Destroyer (of Peace)
393. HulmForbearance; Patient; Leniency
394. YlliStar
395. YoelGod Prevails
396. CavaHandsome
397. TrucWish
398. YarDost; Sathi; Companion; Friend
399. HazmDigestion
400. TrNature
401. ZanyA Gift From God
402. UleGlory
403. PagaAnalytical Mind; Peace; Attractive Speecher
404. UtkuVictorious
405. RipeBearer Of Christ
406. RaviThe Sun; Expert Or Skilled
407. IsavGod Of Jesus
408. AafiThose Who Forgive; To Forgive
409. RauhName Of A Sahabi(RA)
410. RiBrave
411. CantWhite
412. AngyMessenger Of God
413. KirkChurch
414. KoryUnclear
415. EzieKing; Help
416. DonnBrown In Mythology The Irish Donn Was Known As King Of The Underworld
417. AmitEndless
418. AjamNon-Arab; Foreign; Persian; Date Seed
419. IdinUnity
420. AtoBorn On A Saturday
421. AokoOutside
422. GryzGrey
423. YustJust; Righteous; Fair
424. BabuA Gentleman; Child; Clerk
425. IwarYew; Bow Army
426. UrsBear
427. DuWealthy Guard
428. VydaKnowledge

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