Tamil baby boy names starting with T

Tamil most popular names of 2023 feature Aayana as Number 1 for girls, and Arshin in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Tamil are Djin and Poonam and Nishath and for girls, and Zaiyaan and Nissar and Mivaan and for boys. Here is the list for Tamil baby names for boys and girls.

1. TimothyOne Who Honors God
2. TinkuA Very Common Nick Name Of Boys In In India
3. TinuSpot Of Vermillion Or Sandal Wood Paste On Forehead
4. TiranandLord Shiva
5. TirathSacred Place
6. TirayaLarge Fish
7. TirishaanthKing Of Surya Dynasty
8. TirnaA Queen; A Crown
9. TirranandLord Shiva
10. TirthHoly Place; Sacred Water; Place Of Pilgrimage
11. TirthaHoly Place; Sacred Water; Place Of Pilgrimage
12. TirthakHoly; Free From Sin
13. TirthankarA Jain Saint; Lord Vishnu
14. TirthankaraJains Saint
15. TirthapadLord Krishna
16. TirtharajiLord Shiva
17. TirthatamA Holy Object
18. TirthayaadLord Krishna
19. TirthayadLord Krishna
20. TirtheshwarMaker Of A Passage; Holy; Sacred
21. TirthiLord Vishnu
22. TirthrajHoly Place
23. TirumalaSeven Hills
24. TirunakshatraHoly Star
25. TirunarayanLord Vishnu
26. TirupathiSeven Hills
27. TirupatiLord Venkatesha
28. TisyaketuLord Shiva
29. TithaFire; Love; Time
30. TitikshuEnduring Patiently
31. TitirA Bird
32. TivraFast; Intense
33. TivradyutiHot Rayed; The Sun
34. TivranandLord Shiva
35. TivrayaBig; Most Biggest
36. TivriTarget
37. TivyapurushaLord Shiva
38. TiyasSilver
39. TohitBeautiful;
40. TolaA Scarlet Worm
41. TolaramMouse
42. TonmoyPilgrim
43. TontoIndulgence; Devotion
44. ToruBull
45. TosaTarun
46. ToshPleasure
47. ToshanSatisfaction
48. ToshinSatisfied
49. ToshitPleasant
50. ToshithHappy
51. ToyajLotus Stem
52. ToyarajThe King Of Waters; The Ocean
53. ToyeshLord Of Water
54. TraamanProtection
55. TraananGuarding
56. TrailokvaThe Three Worlds
57. TraimbakLord Shiva
58. TrambakLord Shiva
59. TrambakeshwarName Of God Shiva And Vishnu
60. TranavSun
61. TrangDecoration
62. TrayakshName Of Lord Shiva
63. TreetLord Of Water; Holy Water
64. TriakshThree Eyed; Another Name For Shiva
65. TriambakLord Shiva
66. TribangLord Krishna
67. TribhuvanThe Tree Worlds
68. TribhuwanPower Of All Three Lokas
69. TridevHindu Trinity Brahma; Vishnu & Mahesh The Creator; Sustainer; Destroyer
70. TridhamShining In The Three Worlds
71. TridhamanThe Holy Trinity
72. TridhatuConsisting Of Three Matters
73. TridibHeaven
74. TridipWith Three Lights
75. TrigunThe Three Dimensions
76. TrigyaLord Buddha
77. TrigyeshLord Buddha; Trigya With Esh As Ishwar
78. TrijalLord Shiva
79. TrijatLord Shiva
80. TrijnaAll-knowing; Divine
81. TrikakudMountain; Prince
82. TrikayLord Buddha
83. TrikeyA Buddha
84. TrilochanOne With Three Eyes; Shiva
85. TrilochanaLord Shiva
86. TrilochananLord Shiva
87. TrilokThe Three Worlds Heaven; Earth; Hell
88. TrilokanathLord Shiva
89. TrilokarakshakaProtector Of The Three Worlds
90. TrilokchandMoon Of The Three Worlds
91. TrilokeshLord Shiva
92. TrilokiLord Shiva
93. TrilokiNathLord Shiva
94. TrilokjitConquering The Three Worlds
95. TriloknathLord Shiva
96. TrilokpatiMaster Of All The Three Worlds
97. TrimaanWorshipped In Three Worlds
98. TrimurthiHoly Trinity
99. TrimurtiThe Holy Trinity
100. TrinabhLord Vishnu

Tamil baby boy names A to Z

Tamil baby boy names A to Z

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