Quranic baby boy names starting with F

Quranic most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Quranic are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Quranic baby names for boys and girls.

1. Faryaab
Boy 2441
Name Of A City
2. Faryaad
Boy 2248
3. Faryaaz
Boy 2600
4. Faryar
Boy 2656
Majestic; Magnificent
5. Farz
Boy 5185
Religious Duty; Commandment Of God
6. Farzaam
Boy 2254
7. Farzeeb
Boy 5538
8. Farzeen
Boy 2929
Intelligent; Wise; Zaheen
9. Farzend
Boy 2516
10. Fasaah
Boy 2808
11. Fasaahat
Boy 3516
Fluency Eloquence
12. Fasaam
Boy 2355
13. Fasahat
Boy 3206
14. Fasan
Boy 4445
Clear, Eloquent
15. Fasbah
Boy 3968
Morning Star
16. Faseeh
Boy 5042
Fluent; Eloquent
17. Faseehul Lisaan
Boy 5292
The Eloquent Of Speech
18. Faseekh
Boy 4135
Violator; Breaker
19. Faseel
Boy 3621
Chaar Diwari; Ahata
20. Fasel
Boy 3370
Judge; Arbiter
21. Fashih
Boy 5029
Fluent Speaker
22. Fasih
Boy 4674
Eloquent; Ample; Literary; Khush Kalami; Guftagoo
23. Fasih Ur Rahman
Boy 5008
24. Fasihurrahman
Boy 2485
Eloquent By Grace Of Rahman (Allah)
25. Fasihurrahman
Eloquent servant of the Merciful
26. Fasikh
Boy 2113
Successful; Bounty; Bliss; Blessing
27. Fasil
Boy 3162
Judge; Arbiter
28. Fasir
Boy 3005
29. Fasnan
Boy 2227
30. Fastiq
Boy 3955
Name For God; Rips Apart
31. Fata
Boy 5885
Youth; Nobility
32. Fataa
Boy 3139
33. Fataah
Boy 3060
34. Fataal
Boy 4109
35. Fataaq
Boy 2506
Sun Rays
36. Fataash
Boy 5038
37. Fatahat
Boy 2321
Conquest; Victory
38. Fatak
Boy 5689
Courageous; Worker
39. Fatan
Boy 2753
Intelligent; Sagacious; Smart; Clever
40. Fatanat
Boy 4871
41. Fatash
Boy 3275
42. Fath Shah
Boy 5620
Triumphant King
43. Fathan
Boy 3084
44. Fathe
Boy 3289
45. Fatheddin
Boy 3193
Spiritual; Helper; Intuitive
46. Fathi
Boy 2522
One Who Guides Others; One Who Begins
47. Fathih
Boy 4569
Quran Opener
48. Fathshah
Boy 4874
Triumphant King
49. Fathuddin
Boy 4264
Guidance Of The Faith; Beginning Of The Faith; Conquest Of The Faith; Meaning Someone Who Is A Supporter Of Islam And Who Guides Others
50. Fathullah
Boy 4973
God’ S Guidance; God’ S Help And Support
51. Fatih
Boy 4392
Conqueror; Initiator; Originator
52. Fatihi
Boy 5596
Conqueror; Originator
53. Fatik
Boy 4395
Crystal; Brave; Bold;
54. Fatil
Boy 2028
Lamp Light
55. Fatilah
Boy 4321
56. Fatim
Boy 5996
A Man Worthy Of Utmost Praise
57. Fatimy
Boy 2016
Attributed To Hazrat Fatima
58. Fatin
Boy 3233
Wisdom; Sagacity; Smart;
59. Fatir
Boy 4638
Maker; Creator; Bring Into Being;
60. Fatnan
Boy 2753
Skilled; Clever; Keen; Brilliant
61. Fatooh
Boy 5733
One Who Conquers; One Who Triumphs
62. Fattan
Boy 5914
Charming; Bright
63. Fatteh
Boy 3087
64. Fattooh
Boy 2027
The Little Conqueror; Diminutive Of Fattah
65. Fatun
Boy 5320
Intelligent; Sharp
66. Fatwet
Boy 2668
67. Faud
Boy 4611
68. Faudel
Boy 3900
69. Fauhad
Boy 5242
Healthy Child
70. Fauq
Boy 5693
71. Fauzaan
Boy 4509
72. Fauzi
Boy 4818
73. Fawaat
Boy 5559
74. Fawad
Boy 3687
Generosity; Heart; Wish; Soul
75. Fawaid
Boy 2542
Benefits; Beneficial Things
76. Fawar
Boy 3119
77. Fawass
Boy 2649
78. Fawaz
Boy 3892
Success; Victory; Successful; Kamyab-o-kamran
79. Fawiz
Boy 2830
Successful; Winner
80. Fawz
Boy 4731
Success; Salvation
81. Fawzan
Boy 2859
Successful; Salvation
82. Fayaad
Boy 2370
83. Fayaash
Boy 2227
84. Fayaaz
Boy 3147
Kind & Generous; Gracious
85. Fayad
Boy 4567
Benefit; Advantage; Welfare
86. Fayadh
Boy 5211
Generous Liberal
87. Fayalsofe
Boy 3305
88. Fayaz
Boy 5703
Shah Kharch
89. Fayaz Ahmed
Boy 5418
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
90. Fayaz Ali
Boy 5201
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
91. Fayaz Hussain
Boy 4830
Handsome; Beautiful
92. Faycal
Boy 2378
That Which Decides
93. Fayd
Boy 4701
94. Fayek
Boy 4063
 extraordinary; Sublime; Excellent
95. Fayez
Boy 3743
96. Fayid
Boy 2414
Winner; Benefiter
97. Fayij
Boy 4353
Caring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma
98. Fayis
Boy 3725
The Winner
99. Fayiz
Boy 2471
100. Fayooz
Boy 4394

Quranic baby boy names A to Z

Quranic baby boy names A to Z

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