Oriya baby boy names starting with S

Oriya most popular names of 2025 feature Shritika as Number 1 for girls, and Trinay in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Oriya are Krishvi and Rudvika and Rishiv and for girls, and Shriyan and Ayur and Mivaan and for boys. Here is the list for Oriya baby names for boys and girls.

1. Sankha
Boy 3566
2. Sankhadeep
Boy 4842
3. Sankil
Boy 2949
Possessed With Fire A Burning Torch
4. Sankirth
Boy 3926
Prayer To God
5. Sankit
Boy 3491
Open-Minded; Leadership; Courage
6. Sankith
Boy 2457
Independent; Enthusiasm; Admirer
7. Sanklpa
Boy 5919
Great Talent; Sentimental; Elegant
8. Sankram
Boy 2220
9. Sankrant
Boy 4730
A Hindu Festival;
10. Sankrith
Boy 5218
Another Name Of Lord Vishnu
11. Sanku
Boy 4366
Lord Shiva
12. Sankuku
Boy 3056
Master; Educated; Cheerful
13. Sanman
Boy 4567
14. Sanmay
Boy 3160
Lord Shiva
15. Sanmeet
Boy 4013
Happy Friend
16. Sanmik
Boy 5804
Lord Shiva
17. Sanmish
Boy 3968
Lord Shankar
18. Sanmit
Boy 4254
Symmetry; Harmony
19. Sanmitra
Boy 4205
True Friend
20. Sanmuga
Boy 2833
God Of War; One With Six Faces
21. Sanmugha
Boy 5498
Creativity; Flexible; Studious
22. Sanmuka
Boy 3119
Intolerant; Adorable; Charming
23. Sanmukha
Boy 4601
Researcher; Flexible; Soft
24. Sannasi
Boy 2364
Monk; Signal
25. Sannath
Boy 4608
Lord Brahma; Eternal; Accompanied By A Protector
26. Sannibh
Boy 4172
Rays Of Light; Lightning
27. Sannigdh
Boy 4279
Always Ready
28. Sannisth
Boy 5892
29. Sannitha
Boy 5573
Gods Presence Derived From The Word Sannidhaanam
30. Sannivas
Boy 4896
Dwelling In Truth; Lord Vishnu
31. Sanoj
Boy 3752
Rising Sun; Attractive; Immortal
32. Sanooj
Boy 5838
Attractive; Rays Of Sun
33. Sanoop
Boy 2398
Great Leader; Problem Avoider; Good Judger
34. Sanovar
Boy 4720
A Tree Of Heaven
35. Sanpreet
Boy 4495
Happy Love
36. Sanprit
Boy 2616
Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness
37. Sanradhya
Boy 3037
Acquired By Perfect Meditation
38. Sanraj
Boy 5028
To Regin Universally
39. Sanrakt
Boy 2423
Red; Pleasant
40. Sanranjan
Boy 3202
Charming; Pleasant
41. Sansaar
Boy 4380
The World; The Creation
42. Sansar
Boy 3029
43. Sansarpreet
Boy 3917
Worldly Love
44. Sansay
Boy 2986
45. Sanshay
Boy 3121
Helpful; Peace; Inventiveness
46. Sanshkar
Boy 3414
Good Ethics And Moral Values
47. Sanshray
Boy 5877
48. Sanshubh
Boy 5600
Radiant; Beautiful
49. Sansith
Boy 4474
Change Lover; Intelligence; Confident
50. Sanskar
Boy 2298
Good Ethics And Moral Values
51. Sanskarsahu
Boy 3921
Riti Riwaj
52. Sanskrit
Boy 3861
53. Sansmith
Boy 3888
Smiling Sun
54. Sanstab
Boy 4074
Manager; Peace; Shy
55. Sanstubh
Boy 4992
A Shout Of Joy
56. Sansuma
Boy 5161
57. Sant
Boy 2412
Saintly Person; Tranquil
58. Santam
Boy 2363
Names Of Lord Shiva
59. Santan
Boy 2476
A Tree
60. Santanak
Boy 4328
Spreading A Tree
61. Santanam
Boy 2832
To Spread
62. Santanan
Boy 5711
63. Santanu
Boy 3144
64. Santap
Boy 2293
65. Santat
Boy 5735
Race; Multitude
66. Santatey
Boy 2821
Continuous Extended
67. Santavir
Boy 4261
Courageous And Saintly Person
68. Santbir
Boy 4696
Brave Saint
69. Santdev
Boy 4557
Saint Lord
70. Santenu
Boy 5966
71. Santh
Boy 4034
Saintly Person; Tranquil
72. Santhakumar
Boy 2103
Aim; Peaceful; Satisfaction
73. Santhan
Boy 2393
It Is A King Name
74. Santhanam
Boy 2364
Full Of Happiness
75. Santhanu
Boy 3293
76. Santharam
Boy 4284
Freedom Lover; Joyful; Hard Worker
77. Santhipriyan
Boy 3356
Heart Of God
78. Santhiram
Boy 4712
79. Santhosam
Boy 3745
80. Santhosh
Boy 2363
Happy; Happiness
81. Santhoshram
Boy 4246
82. Santhya
Boy 3934
83. Santi
Boy 2585
84. Santilal
Boy 3895
85. Santjeet
Boy 4746
Victory For Saints
86. Santjot
Boy 2126
Divine Light
87. Santokhbir
Boy 5528
Brave And Contented
88. Santokhdeep
Boy 5638
Lamp Of Satisfaction
89. Santokhjit
Boy 5706
Victory Of Satisfaction
90. Santokhjot
Boy 4055
Light Of Contentment
91. Santokhpal
Boy 3634
Preserver Of Satisfaction
92. Santokhpreet
Boy 5316
Loving Contentment
93. Santosh
Boy 3120
Happy; Happiness
94. Santoshan
Boy 3027
95. Santprakash
Boy 3592
Light Of Saints
96. Santsev
Boy 2495
Service Of Saints
97. Santthana
Boy 4566
98. Santu
Boy 5848
Complete Satisfaction
99. Santunu
Boy 5559
Father Of Bhisma
100. Santush
Boy 3861

Oriya baby boy names A to Z

Oriya baby boy names A to Z

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