Muslim baby boy names starting with Z

Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.

1. Zaka
Boy 2756
Sagacity; Honesty; Intelligence; Acumen Purity; Zahanat;
2. Zaka
Boy 5721
Intelligence; Acumen; Purity; Honesty
3. Zakah
Boy 5857
4. Zakan
Boy 2289
Clean Water
5. Zakar
Boy 3461
Handsome; Kind Hearted
6. Zakaria
Boy 5832
Zachary; Khuda Ne Yaad Kia
7. Zakariah
Boy 3619
The Lord Never Forgets
8. Zakariyah
Boy 2789
A Prophet
9. Zakariye
Boy 5730
10. Zakariyya
Boy 4823
Bright; Glowing; Flowery; Rosy
11. Zakariyyaa
Boy 5407
Zechariah Biblical Prophet's name
12. Zakawan
Boy 2641
Abu Salih As Saman Az-Ziyat Had This Name; He Was A Narrator Of Hadith
13. Zakawat
Boy 2939
Intelligence; SharpMindedness
14. Zakee
Boy 3569
Pure Pious
15. Zakeer
Boy 4772
16. Zakeria
Boy 3087
God Has Remembered
17. Zakhaam
Boy 3918
18. Zakhaf
Boy 4210
The Sea
19. Zakhar
Boy 5900
Tall Wide
20. ZaKhi
Boy 5803
Strong, Smart
21. Zakhif
Boy 4910
22. Zakhim
Boy 4942
23. Zakhir
Boy 2829
24. Zakhref
Boy 5531
25. Zaki
Boy 2991
Intelligent; Pure; Chaste; Clean; Paak; Neik; Zakaat Denay Wala
26. Zaki Uddin
Boy 5944
Pure (person) Of The Religion (Islam)
27. Zakii
Boy 5727
Pure; One Who Gives Zakat
28. Zakir
Boy 5464
Remembering; Grateful; Professional Of Reciting Such Elegies(old Fable);
29. Zakir Ahmed
Boy 3601
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
30. Zakir Ali
Boy 4987
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
31. Zakir Hussain
Boy 3132
Handsome; Beautiful
32. Zakir Uddin
Boy 5576
One Who Praises (teaches) The Religion (Islam)
33. Zakir Ullah
Boy 3132
One Who Praises Allah
34. Zakiruddin
Boy 2804
One Who Teaches The Religion (Islam)
35. Zakirul Islam
Boy 4028
One Who Praises (teaches) Islam
36. Zakirulislam
Boy 4040
One Who Teaches The Religion (Islam)
37. Zakirullah
Boy 5420
One Who Praises Allah
38. Zakiuddin
Boy 4201
Pure (person) Of The Religion (Islam)
39. Zakiyy
Boy 5993
40. Zakkee
Boy 2720
Intellectual Ingenious
41. Zakki
Boy 5932
Intellectual Ingenious
42. Zakloot
Boy 3875
43. Zakoor
Boy 5449
Narrator; Speaker
44. Zakou
Boy 4854
Growth; Increase; Improvement
45. Zakour
Boy 3315
46. Zakriyaaa
Boy 3783
Remembered By God
47. Zakuan
Boy 2648
Wise People
48. Zakwan
Boy 5857
Smart; Creative ; Innovative
49. Zaky
Boy 5844
50. Zakyas
Boy 4727
51. Zal
Boy 4873
White-haired; It Is The Name Of The Father Of Rustam; The Mythical Persian Hero
52. Zalaal
Boy 2991
53. Zalaid
Boy 2002
Achiever; Peacemaker; More Attractive
54. Zaland
Boy 3280
Bright; Feminine Zalanda
55. Zalaqat
Boy 4510
Spanking Speakers
56. Zalazil
Boy 5615
Leader; Guide
57. Zaleel
Boy 5071
58. Zaleem
Boy 3688
59. Zaleeq
Boy 4682
Lord; Master; Chief
60. Zalif
Boy 5472
61. Zalih
Boy 2334
62. Zaliq
Boy 2695
Sharp Tongue
63. Zalmay
Boy 3233
64. Zalool
Boy 4916
Obedient; Submissive
65. Zaluli
Boy 4575
Good Habits
66. Zamaa
Boy 4240
67. Zamaad
Boy 3724
68. Zamaair
Boy 2575
Hearts; Consciences
69. Zamaam
Boy 5137
Honour; Right; Share; Place
70. Zamaan
Boy 4514
Ehad; Waqt; Zaman; Period; Time
71. Zamaar
Boy 5161
Bravery; Valour
72. Zamah
Boy 3430
Origin Is Varied
73. Zamair
Boy 2263
Heart; Idea; Secret
74. Zamal
Boy 4955
Provisions For A Journey; Garment; Robe; Abaya
75. Zaman
Boy 2894
Time; Destiny
76. Zaman Ahmed
Boy 5139
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
77. Zaman Ali
Boy 3277
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
78. Zaman Hussain
Boy 4598
Handsome; Beautiful
79. Zaman Shah
Boy 4006
King Of The Sage
80. Zamandar
Boy 3867
One Who Supports (a Family); One Who Takes The Surety Or Guarantee; A Person Who Stands As Surety
81. Zamander
Boy 5891
82. Zamanshah
Boy 3681
King Of The Sage
83. Zamat
Boy 5389
Rank; Designation; Post
84. Zamba
Boy 4103
85. Zambaq
Boy 3753
86. Zameel
Boy 2718
Friend; Colleague; Companion
87. Zameem
Boy 3647
Dew; Mixed
88. Zameer
Boy 2898
Conscience; Innermost Self; Heart; Mind
89. Zameir
Boy 3468
90. Zamen
Boy 2008
91. Zamer
Boy 4209
92. Zami
Boy 3426
Helper; Supporter
93. Zamiir
Boy 5586
A Good Young Man; Short
94. Zamim
Boy 5376
The Well
95. Zamin
Boy 2505
Lord; Master; Chief
96. Zamir
Boy 4245
Miana Ravi Par Chalnay Wala; Moderate
97. Zamir Uddin
Boy 2239
Heart Of The Religion (Islam)
98. Zamiruddin
Boy 5974
Heart Of The Religion (Islam)
99. ZamirZameer
Boy 3711
Miana Ravi Par Chalnay Wala; Moderate
100. Zamit
Boy 5114

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

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