Muslim baby boy names starting with Z
Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.
No.# | Names | Meanings |
1. |
Zahal Boy 4037 | Joy |
2. |
Zaham Boy 2004 | Crime; Filthiness; Impurity |
3. |
Zahan Boy 2756 | Gift Of God |
4. |
Zahanat Boy 3291 | Lord; Master; Chief |
5. |
Zahaq Boy 2563 | Comedian |
6. |
Zaharat Boy 2489 | To Be Strong |
7. |
Zahauddin Boy 3244 | Radiance Of The Faith; Brilliance Of The Faith; Meaning One Who Is A Source Of Guidance And Enlightenment For The Muslims |
8. |
Zahb Boy 3223 | Gold |
9. |
Zaheeb Boy 2893 | Golden |
10. |
Zaheed Boy 4177 | Patient; Enduring |
11. |
Zaheel Boy 3105 | Sure Of Heart; Without Worry And Fear |
12. |
Zaheer Boy 5510 | Supporter Ally Blooming; Shining; Luminous |
13. |
Zaheer Ahmed Boy 3312 | Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala; |
14. |
Zaheer Ali Boy 3936 | The High Exalted One; The Sublime |
15. |
Zaheer Hussain Boy 5865 | Handsome; Beautiful |
16. |
Zaheer Ud Dawlah Boy 3142 | Helper Of The Religion (Islam) |
17. |
Zaheer Uddin Boy 2968 | Helper Of Islam; Helper Of The Religion; A Mughal Emperor (Babar) |
18. |
Zaheeruddawlah Boy 2325 | Helper Of The Religion (Islam) |
19. |
Zaheeruddin Boy 2731 | Helper Of The Religion (Islam) |
20. |
Zaher Boy 4678 | Chamkela; Glowing; Luminous; Twinkling |
21. |
Zahhaak Boy 5200 | A Person Who Laughs Most Name Of A Sahabi Who Participated In The Battle Of Badr |
22. |
Zahher Boy 4590 | Bright |
23. |
Zahi Boy 4232 | Lord; Master; Chief |
24. |
Zahib Boy 3611 | Gilded |
25. |
Zahid Boy 4181 | Self-Denying; Ascetic; Mystic Hermit; Devout; Muttaqi; Perhaiz Gar; |
26. |
Zahid Ahmed Boy 2903 | Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala; |
27. |
Zahid Ali Boy 4379 | The High Exalted One; The Sublime |
28. |
Zahid Hussain Boy 3851 | Handsome; Beautiful |
29. |
Zahie Boy 4168 | A Brilliant Man |
30. |
Zahif Boy 2683 | Intelligent, Perceptive |
31. |
Zahil Boy 4525 | Calm |
32. |
Zahim Boy 4752 | Close |
33. |
Zahir Ul Haq Boy 3236 | Truth That Blooms; That Shines |
34. |
Zahiril Boy 4100 | Shining, Radiant |
35. |
Zahirul Boy 5775 | Communicator; Logical; Energetic |
36. |
Zahirulhaq Boy 5843 | Truth That Blooms; That Shines |
37. |
Zahl Boy 2203 | Sureness Of The Heart; Confidence; Distance From Evil And Danger |
38. |
Zahmir Boy 2236 | Almighty |
39. |
Zahoora Boy 5328 | Exhibition |
40. |
Zahran Boy 4630 | Radiant; Glowing; And Blossoming |
41. |
Zahrasi Boy 5289 | Stars |
42. |
Zahri Boy 5874 | Flower-like; Fresh And Good Looking Like A Flower |
43. |
Zahrun Boy 4116 | Blossom; Flower |
44. |
Zahub Boy 2841 | The Goer |
45. |
Zahuk Boy 4172 | Happy; Joyous; Literally Meaning One Who Laughs Often |
46. |
Zahun Boy 3143 | Intelligent; Keen; Bright |
47. |
Zahur Boy 5451 | Radiant; Brilliant |
48. |
Zahur Ul Haq Boy 5284 | Light |
49. |
Zahurhusen Boy 4079 | Light |
50. |
ZahurUlHaq Boy 2189 | Light |
51. |
Zahyan Boy 5545 | Brilliant; Luminous ( Chamkti Hoe Roshni ) |
52. |
Zaiban Boy 5189 | Achiever; Peacemaker; More Attractive |
53. |
Zaid Boy 3417 | Growth; Progress |
54. |
Zaid Ahmed Boy 4134 | Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala; |
55. |
Zaid Ali Boy 2425 | The High Exalted One; The Sublime |
56. |
Zaid Hussain Boy 5300 | Handsome; Beautiful |
57. |
Zaidaan Boy 2922 | Growth; Great Abundance |
58. |
Zaidan Boy 5554 | Growth And Progress |
59. |
Zaidanie Boy 4607 | Sacrifice; Innovative; Powerful |
60. |
Zaidi Boy 3185 | My Advantage; Follower Of Imam Zaid Bin Ali |
61. |
Zaidun Boy 5089 | Additional; Excess |
62. |
Zaif Boy 4158 | Guest |
63. |
Zaifan Boy 5491 | Host |
64. |
Zaifullah Boy 4102 | God’ S Guest; Meaning A Person Who Is Under The Special Care And Protection Of God |
65. |
Zaigan Boy 3372 | Rich |
66. |
Zaigham Boy 5761 | Lion; Brave; |
67. |
Zaighum Boy 2144 | Lion; Powerful |
68. |
Zaim Boy 3437 | Brigadier General |
69. |
Zaim Tanish Boy 2220 | Leader, Ambitious |
70. |
Zaim Uddin Boy 4748 | Leader Of The Religion (Islam) |
71. |
Zaimary Boy 2857 | Wise; Sensible |
72. |
Zaimery Boy 4238 | Wise Person |
73. |
Zaimuddin Boy 5674 | Leader Of The Religion (Islam) |
74. |
Zain Ahmed Boy 4867 | Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala; |
75. |
Zain Ali Boy 3034 | The High Exalted One; The Sublime |
76. |
Zain Hussain Boy 3671 | Handsome; Beautiful |
77. |
Zain Uddin Boy 3122 | Grace Of The Religion (Islam) |
78. |
Zain Ul Aabideen Boy 3654 | Adornment Of The Worshipers; One Who Is A Source Of Pride For The Muslims; Early Imam (Leader) Of Islam |
79. |
Zain Ul Abdeen Boy 4474 | Adornment Of The Worshiper Of Allah |
80. |
Zain Ul Abdin Boy 4878 | Adornment Of The Servant Of The Most Merciful |
81. |
Zain Ul Abid Boy 2423 | Handsome Worshiper |
82. |
Zainon Boy 3733 | Graceful |
83. |
Zainuddeen Boy 4462 | Lord Of Good Light |
84. |
Zainuddin Boy 5657 | Grace Of The Religion (Islam) |
85. |
Zainul Abidin Boy 3075 | Ornament Of The Worshippers Of Allah |
86. |
Zainulabdeen Boy 3443 | Beauty Of The Worshippers |
87. |
Zainulabidin Boy 2576 | Ornament Of The Worshippers (of Allah) |
88. |
Zaiq Boy 5816 | Taste |
89. |
Zair Boy 5262 | Pilgrim |
90. |
Zair Boy 2111 | Visitor; Guest |
91. |
Zaisham Boy 2734 | Brave; Bold |
92. |
Zaiya Boy 5937 | The Lord Is Gracious |
93. |
Zaiyyan Boy 2013 | Beautiful |
94. |
Zajah Boy 3464 | Glass Maker |
95. |
Zajaj Boy 2446 | Glasses |
96. |
Zajal Boy 2854 | Wrongdoer |
97. |
Zajan Boy 4448 | A Mountain Name |
98. |
Zajil Boy 5713 | Loud |
99. |
Zajir Boy 4515 | Denial |
100. |
Zajnan Boy 5114 | The Mountain |
Muslim baby boy names A to Z
- Muslim boy names starting with A
- Muslim boy names starting with B
- Muslim boy names starting with C
- Muslim boy names starting with D
- Muslim boy names starting with E
- Muslim boy names starting with F
- Muslim boy names starting with G
- Muslim boy names starting with H
- Muslim boy names starting with I
- Muslim boy names starting with J
- Muslim boy names starting with K
- Muslim boy names starting with L
- Muslim boy names starting with M
- Muslim boy names starting with N
- Muslim boy names starting with O
- Muslim boy names starting with P
- Muslim boy names starting with Q
- Muslim boy names starting with R
- Muslim boy names starting with S
- Muslim boy names starting with T
- Muslim boy names starting with U
- Muslim boy names starting with V
- Muslim boy names starting with W
- Muslim boy names starting with X
- Muslim boy names starting with Y
- Muslim boy names starting with Z
Muslim baby boy names A to Z
- Muslim girl names starting with A
- Muslim girl names starting with B
- Muslim girl names starting with C
- Muslim girl names starting with D
- Muslim girl names starting with E
- Muslim girl names starting with F
- Muslim girl names starting with G
- Muslim girl names starting with H
- Muslim girl names starting with I
- Muslim girl names starting with J
- Muslim girl names starting with K
- Muslim girl names starting with L
- Muslim girl names starting with M
- Muslim girl names starting with N
- Muslim girl names starting with O
- Muslim girl names starting with P
- Muslim girl names starting with Q
- Muslim girl names starting with R
- Muslim girl names starting with S
- Muslim girl names starting with T
- Muslim girl names starting with U
- Muslim girl names starting with V
- Muslim girl names starting with W
- Muslim girl names starting with X
- Muslim girl names starting with Y
- Muslim girl names starting with Z