Muslim baby boy names starting with Q

Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.

1. Qashqa
Boy 3614
2. Qasi
Boy 2042
Seeing An Object End
3. Qasid
Boy 5532
4. Qasidulhaq
Boy 5579
Courier Of The Truth (Allah)
5. Qasiem
Boy 2944
Destiny Maker
6. Qasif
Boy 2245
7. Qasiim
Boy 5309
Portion; Fate; Luck; Take Part
8. Qasim
Boy 4629
Divider; Distributor; Allotting; Official;
9. Qasim Mehdi
Boy 2203
Giver; Generous; Handsome
10. Qasimi
Boy 2776
Distributor; Divider
11. Qasimuddin
Boy 2529
Distributor Of The Faith; Meaning A Person Who Judges Between People; Or Distributes Things Among Them; According To The Laws Of The Religion
12. Qasir
Boy 2879
Helpless Poetic Pseudonym
13. Qasit
Boy 4099
Just; Fair
14. Qasmun
Boy 3275
Good-looking; Handsome
15. Qasool
Boy 3318
16. Qasoorah
Boy 3001
17. Qasqaas
Boy 4497
18. Qassam
Boy 3948
Handsome; Name Of A Great Mujahid(Izzu Deen Al Qassam)
19. Qassamat
Boy 5267
20. Qaswar
Boy 2370
Strong Young Man
21. Qaswari
Boy 2609
Brave; Valiant; Like A Lion
22. Qataadah
Boy 3181
Name Of A Sahabi Who Took Part In The Battle Of Badr
23. Qatadah
Boy 2412
A Hardwood Tree;
24. Qatadeh
Boy 2386
Name Of A Sahabi-e-Rasool (S; A; W; W)
25. Qatan
Boy 3735
26. Qatawah
Boy 3213
A Companion
27. Qateef
Boy 3688
Fruit Picker; A Person Who Picks Ripe Fruit From Trees
28. Qateel
Boy 4524
Become A Sacrifice For Welfare; Assassination; Slaughter; Allah Ki Rah Mein Qurbaan Karna;
29. Qatif
Boy 4859
30. Qatii
Boy 3764
Muhammad Ibn Yahya; A Studen
31. Qatim
Boy 2810
32. Qatir
Boy 3369
33. Qatlaq
Boy 3866
Blessed; Lucky
34. Qatmeer
Boy 5973
Name Of The Dog Of Ashab E Kahaf
35. Qatn
Boy 3762
Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness
36. Qavi
Boy 3326
Strong; Vigorous; Mighty; Powerful; Able;
37. Qawi
Boy 5692
Strong; Powerful; Firm
38. Qawim
Boy 2750
39. Qawiyy
Boy 4484
Strong; Powerful; Firm; An Attribute Of Allah Almighty Name; Abdul Quaawiyy
40. Qayaam
Boy 3885
41. Qayaas
Boy 4966
The Idea
42. Qayafah
Boy 3237
43. Qayam
Boy 3345
44. Qayem
Boy 3726
Watcher; Invigilator
45. Qayim
Boy 3895
Stand Position
46. Qayoom
Boy 3813
Lord Of Universe
47. Qayum
Boy 2138
Permanent; Lasting
48. Qayyim
Boy 5463
Upright; True; Correct And Appropriate
49. Qayyoom
Boy 2335
He Who Exists By Himself; As An Attributive Name Of Allah(SWT);
50. Qayyum
Boy 5854
Eternal; Everlasting An Epithet Applied To Allah
51. Qazaab
Boy 4642
Sharp Sword
52. Qazaafi
Boy 5251
53. Qazaara
Boy 3075
54. Qazafi
Boy 4266
Wasee O Areezi
55. Qazaque
Boy 3175
56. Qazeeb
Boy 3153
Sharp Sword
57. Qazel
Boy 3634
58. Qazha
Boy 4451
Green Color
59. Qazim
Boy 2939
The One Who Imprison His Anger
60. Qazlbash
Boy 4122
Red And Green
61. Qazzafi
Boy 4866
Wide; Spacious; Extensive; Magnanimous; Extensive Power;
62. Qdratullah
Boy 4491
Power Of God
63. Qdratullahsirat
Boy 4322
Path Of The Power Of God
64. Qeehael
Boy 3032
The Biblical Cain Is The English Language Equivalent
65. Qeem
Boy 5655
66. Qeemat
Boy 3946
67. Qeharmaan
Boy 2200
68. Qenaat
Boy 5033
69. Qershi
Boy 2410
Qureshi Sardar
70. Qidaaf
Boy 4126
71. Qidoom
Boy 3639
72. Qidwah
Boy 4878
73. Qihael
Boy 4635
The Biblical Cain Is The English Language Equivalent
74. Qimaaz
Boy 4126
75. Qimat
Boy 3054
A Valuable Woman
76. Qira
Boy 3502
77. Qiradul
Boy 4836
The Hunter
78. Qiran
Boy 4233
79. Qirmiz
Boy 2251
Red Color
80. Qirni
Boy 3317
Capable; Able
81. Qirtas
Boy 2121
Heart; Conscience
82. Qirwah
Boy 2878
Cold Water
83. Qishun
Boy 2356
Army Group
84. Qismat
Boy 5331
Fate; Destiny
85. Qiwam
Boy 5424
Support; Prop
86. Qiwamuddin
Boy 5128
Support Of The Religion (Islam)
87. Qizaz
Boy 4815
Silk Seller
88. Qobad
Boy 3217
Beloved King
89. Qosain
Boy 3175
Two Bows
90. Qoshim
Boy 6462
The Distributor
91. Qosi
Boy 2743
92. Qosum
Boy 2332
93. Qousain
Boy 3941
Form Of Qasim - A Divider, Distributor
94. Qseem
Boy 3594
95. Qssim
Boy 5547
96. Qtatdah
Boy 4773
Best; Harmony; More Attractive
97. Quadeer
Boy 3615
Intolerant; Adorable; Charming
98. Quadir
Boy 3637
99. Quaid
Boy 2544
Leader; General
100. Quaize
Boy 2278

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

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