Muslim baby boy names starting with M
Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.
No.# | Names | Meanings |
1. |
Maudud Boy 3559 | Attached; Friendly |
2. |
Maueen Boy 5316 | Helper |
3. |
Mauhub Boy 4840 | Given To; Given Charity |
4. |
Maula Boy 3229 | Master; Lord |
5. |
Maulaa Boy 3828 | Master Lord |
6. |
Maulana Boy 4006 | Our Master |
7. |
Maumoon Boy 4816 | Keen; Inventive; Reliability |
8. |
Mausoof Boy 5294 | Worthy Of Description; Endowed With Laudable Qualities |
9. |
Mawan Boy 2782 | Assistants |
10. |
Mawardi Boy 5793 | Loving; Wisedom; Inventiveness |
11. |
Mawdood Boy 4031 | Beloved; Attached |
12. |
Mawdud Boy 2137 | Beloved; Loving; Attached |
13. |
Mawen Boy 2736 | As Rain Water |
14. |
Mawfoud Boy 2595 | Delegate; Agent; Deputy; A Person Who Has Been Sent Somewhere To Act On Behalf Of Someone Else |
15. |
Mawhab Boy 5360 | Given ; Gifted; Bestowed; Something Given Freely |
16. |
Mawhad Boy 3158 | One; Singular |
17. |
Mawhoob Boy 5809 | Gifted; Talented; Endowed; Favoured |
18. |
Mawhoub Boy 5806 | Sensitive; Leadership; Energetic |
19. |
Mawhub Boy 4500 | Given Freely; Bestowed; Gifted; Especially Meaning Gift From God |
20. |
Mawjud Boy 5113 | Existing; Existent; Actual; Accessible; Obtainable |
21. |
Mawla Boy 2953 | Helper; Protector |
22. |
Mawloud Boy 2199 | Highly Competitive; Confidence; Studious |
23. |
Mawlud Boy 4082 | Emotional; Systematic Mind; Serious |
24. |
Mawoud Boy 4910 | Appointed; Determined; Promised; Promisee |
25. |
Mawra Boy 4504 | Unpredictable; Superior; Thing Which Is Not In The Hand Of Anyone |
26. |
Mawsil Boy 3908 | Name Of Hanafi Jurist Of Iraq |
27. |
Mawsool Boy 5784 | Having Link With Allah |
28. |
Mawthuq Boy 4842 | Trusted; Trustworthy |
29. |
Mawun Boy 5240 | Guider; Discipline; Adventurer |
30. |
Mayam Boy 5880 | Vanity |
31. |
Mayar Boy 3789 | Moonglow |
32. |
Maymun Boy 3062 | Fortunate; Blessed |
33. |
Maymuun Boy 5034 | Blessed; Thriving; Prosperous |
34. |
Mazaahir Boy 5796 | Exteriors Appearances |
35. |
Mazafar Boy 5752 | Victorious |
36. |
Mazafer Boy 2444 | Successful; Lucky |
37. |
Mazaham Boy 5174 | Prevention |
38. |
Mazahir Boy 3336 | Scenes; Views; Vistas |
39. |
Mazamin Boy 4441 | Guarantee; Guarantor; Surety; Sponsor |
40. |
Mazaruddin Boy 4610 | Creativity; Flexible; Studious |
41. |
Mazboor Boy 3218 | Written |
42. |
Mazeed Boy 5981 | Abundance; Plenty; More; Increase |
43. |
Mazen Boy 4976 | Rain Cloud |
44. |
Mazhad Boy 5461 | Poor |
45. |
Mazhar Boy 5585 | Witness; Revealing; Natural Phenomena; |
46. |
Mazhar Ahmed Boy 4325 | Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala; |
47. |
Mazhar Ali Boy 4755 | The High Exalted One; The Sublime |
48. |
Mazhar Hussain Boy 2593 | Handsome; Beautiful |
49. |
Mazhar Ud Din Boy 4526 | Manifestation; Of The Religion |
50. |
Mazharuddin Boy 5822 | Manifestation; Of The Religion (Islam) ( Mazhar ) |
51. |
Mazharul Haq Boy 2794 | Manifestation Of The Truth (Allah) |
52. |
Mazharulhaq Boy 5919 | Manifestation Of The Truth (Allah) |
53. |
Mazher Boy 4916 | Appear |
54. |
Mazhir Boy 5490 | Witness |
55. |
Mazhur Boy 2434 | Clear; Apparent |
56. |
Maziar Boy 3338 | King Of The Mountain; Originally Being The Title Of The King In The Area Of The Maz Mountain In Tabaristan; Persia |
57. |
Maziba Boy 3143 | Truely; Wisedom; Attractive Speecher |
58. |
Mazid Boy 5102 | Increase; Excess; More |
59. |
Mazin Boy 4742 | One Who Has Been Given Provision Good Things Talents |
60. |
Mazinn Boy 3274 | Loving Change; Master Of Their Own Destiny; High Intelligence |
61. |
Mazir Boy 3381 | Witty; Elegant; Charming |
62. |
Maziz Boy 2201 | More |
63. |
Mazkoor Boy 2045 | Related; Said Of |
64. |
Mazkur Boy 5773 | Remembered; Mentioned; One Who Is Spoken About And Praised Among People |
65. |
Mazman Boy 4642 | Commitment; Duty; Obligation |
66. |
Mazmun Boy 3890 | Content; Substance; Significance; Meaning; Sense |
67. |
Maznab Boy 5523 | Sinner |
68. |
Mazruuii Boy 2210 | Planted |
69. |
Mazun Boy 5249 | Permission |
70. |
Mazur Boy 3392 | One Who Is Bandaged |
71. |
Mazzayan Boy 5755 | Decorator |
72. |
Mazzin Boy 2331 | Beauty |
73. |
Md Boy 3232 | Mohamad |
74. |
Mebin Boy 2061 | Brilliant |
75. |
Mebsam Boy 4490 | Smiling A Lot |
76. |
Meddar Boy 3112 | Mankind; Great Lover; Optimistic |
77. |
Meegham Boy 3088 | Giver |
78. |
Meekaaeel Boy 5115 | The Biblical Michael Is The English Language Equivalent |
79. |
Meekaaeel Boy 3117 | Variant Of Mikael: The Biblical Michael Is The English Language Equivalent |
80. |
Meekaal Boy 2648 | No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name |
81. |
Meela Boy 2475 | Gracious |
82. |
Meer Hadi Boy 4588 | Instructor; Guide; Spiritual Teacher |
83. |
Meerza Boy 3023 | Son Of Rich Man |
84. |
Meesam Boy 3726 | Friendly; Dedicator; Elegant |
85. |
Meesum Boy 2544 | Successful; Problem Avoider; Noble |
86. |
Meezab Boy 5442 | Running Water |
87. |
Meezan Boy 5739 | Balance |
88. |
Mehabin Boy 5994 | Love |
89. |
Mehboob Ahmed Boy 5521 | Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala; |
90. |
Mehboob Ali Boy 5380 | The High Exalted One; The Sublime |
91. |
Mehboob Hussain Boy 4679 | Handsome; Beautiful |
92. |
Mehd Boy 5566 | Instructor; Haadi; One Of The Names Of Prophet Muhammad PBUH |
93. |
Mehdad Boy 3493 | One Who Comes From A Noble And High-status Family |
94. |
Mehemet Boy 3217 | Praised |
95. |
Mehfooz Boy 2655 | Safe |
96. |
Mehfoz Boy 3339 | Preserved, Protected |
97. |
Mehjer Boy 4897 | Honorable |
98. |
Mehlab Boy 5673 | Beautiful |
99. |
Mehmed Boy 2081 | The Praised One |
100. |
Mehmer Boy 4141 | Laborer |
Muslim baby boy names A to Z
- Muslim boy names starting with A
- Muslim boy names starting with B
- Muslim boy names starting with C
- Muslim boy names starting with D
- Muslim boy names starting with E
- Muslim boy names starting with F
- Muslim boy names starting with G
- Muslim boy names starting with H
- Muslim boy names starting with I
- Muslim boy names starting with J
- Muslim boy names starting with K
- Muslim boy names starting with L
- Muslim boy names starting with M
- Muslim boy names starting with N
- Muslim boy names starting with O
- Muslim boy names starting with P
- Muslim boy names starting with Q
- Muslim boy names starting with R
- Muslim boy names starting with S
- Muslim boy names starting with T
- Muslim boy names starting with U
- Muslim boy names starting with V
- Muslim boy names starting with W
- Muslim boy names starting with X
- Muslim boy names starting with Y
- Muslim boy names starting with Z
Muslim baby boy names A to Z
- Muslim girl names starting with A
- Muslim girl names starting with B
- Muslim girl names starting with C
- Muslim girl names starting with D
- Muslim girl names starting with E
- Muslim girl names starting with F
- Muslim girl names starting with G
- Muslim girl names starting with H
- Muslim girl names starting with I
- Muslim girl names starting with J
- Muslim girl names starting with K
- Muslim girl names starting with L
- Muslim girl names starting with M
- Muslim girl names starting with N
- Muslim girl names starting with O
- Muslim girl names starting with P
- Muslim girl names starting with Q
- Muslim girl names starting with R
- Muslim girl names starting with S
- Muslim girl names starting with T
- Muslim girl names starting with U
- Muslim girl names starting with V
- Muslim girl names starting with W
- Muslim girl names starting with X
- Muslim girl names starting with Y
- Muslim girl names starting with Z