Muslim baby boy names starting with M

Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.

1. Madi
Boy 2023
Past; Sharp
2. Madiar
Boy 4932
Mother’ S Helper; Mother’ S Companion; A Son Who Helps His Mother And Stays With Her
3. Madih
Boy 2149
One Who Praises
4. Madinah
Boy 5964
A Famous City
5. Madkhal
Boy 2192
Entrance; Entry; Admittance; Access
6. Madlan
Boy 2584
7. Madni
Boy 4199
Resident Of City Madeena; Old Name Yasrib
8. Madoon
Boy 5401
9. Madoow
Boy 2146
Who Is Called
10. Madshar
Boy 5438
The Title Of Hazrat Muhammad (S; A; W; W)
11. Madyaan
Boy 3379
12. Maeel
Boy 3071
13. Maeesh
Boy 3524
Life; Lifetime; Livelihood
14. Mafakhir
Boy 2404
Glorious Deed; Glorious Trait; Object Of Pride; Something That People Are Proud Of
15. Mafaz
Boy 5780
Great Success ; Salvation ( Bakshash)
16. Mafeed
Boy 3999
A Person Who Is Useful
17. Maftuh
Boy 4201
One For Whom The Doors Of Good Things Are Open; One Whose Heart Is Open To Goodness; Literally Meaning Open
18. Magbul
Boy 4846
Acceptable; Getable; Ease Able
19. Magdi
Boy 3383
20. Maghayis
Boy 3723
21. Maghazi
Boy 2638
Essence; ‘ Intent; Content; Significance; Gist
22. Magid
Boy 4909
23. Mah E Kanaan
Boy 2201
Name Of Hasrat Yousaf (A; S)
24. Mah E Kinaan
Boy 3682
Hazrat Yousaf
25. Mahaad
Boy 5141
Bringer Of Ease
26. Mahabet
Boy 2428
27. Mahabuss
Boy 4233
28. Mahad
Boy 4073
Great; Nice
29. Mahafil
Boy 5178
30. Mahafuzur
Boy 3944
Heart Of Love In The Sea
31. Mahamadou
Boy 5078
Freedom Lover; Playful; Friendly
32. Mahamal
Boy 3940
Good Deeds
33. Mahammed
Boy 3703
Form Of Muhammad
34. Mahaqel
Boy 5736
35. Maharab
Boy 2776
Brawler; Arguer
36. Maharib
Boy 2785
37. Mahasab
Boy 5458
38. Mahaser
Boy 2057
Compasser; Hadi
39. Mahashud
Boy 2514
40. Mahasin
Boy 2336
41. Mahasir
Boy 5325
42. Mahaz
Boy 3810
The Place Of War
43. Mahbeer
Boy 4832
44. Mahbir
Boy 3650
45. Mahbob
Boy 5341
46. Mahboob
Boy 3584
47. Mahboub
Boy 4321
The Liked Good
48. Mahbub
Boy 2732
Beloved; Dear
49. Mahbub Ullah
Boy 3352
Beloved Of Allah
50. Mahbubullah
Boy 5750
Beloved Of Allah
51. Mahbur
Boy 4486
Blessed; Living In Luxury
52. Mahdaim
Boy 4278
Ever Lasting Moon;
53. Maheer
Boy 3996
Brave; Bold; Courageous
54. Mahees
Boy 2714
55. Mahfar
Boy 3963
Aware; Sentimental; Noble
56. Mahfooz
Boy 4450
Kept Safe; Guarded; Secure; Memorized; Protected
57. Mahfoozh
Boy 4733
(Mahfooz); Secured; Protected; Safe
58. Mahfoud
Boy 2294
59. Mahfouz
Boy 2409
Keep It Safe
60. Mahfuj
Boy 2992
The Protected One; The Protector
61. Mahfuz
Boy 3825
Protected; Guarded
62. Mahfuzh
Boy 5696
Taken Care Of; Protected
63. Mahfuzurrahman
Boy 5986
Protected Of The Beneficent
64. Mahiar
Boy 3155
Friend Of The Moon; One Who Has The Moon With Himself; Figuratively Meaning Handsome; Radiant; And Possibly Blessed; Fortunate
65. Mahib
Boy 4186
Majestic; Dignified; Magnificent
66. Mahicha
Boy 5368
67. Mahid
Boy 5612
Bringer Of Ease; One Who Comforts Others; One Who Makes Things Even And Uniform
68. Mahidul
Boy 5626
Communicator; Logical; Energetic
69. Mahiib
Boy 5162
Authorized; Respectful
70. Mahiyan
Boy 2599
Achiever; Peacemaker; More Attractive
71. Mahja
Boy 4857
Place To Sleep; Quarters; Lodgings
72. Mahjan
Boy 2535
Pure; Flourishing; Blooming
73. Mahjoob
Boy 2958
Hidden; Covered
74. Mahjub
Boy 4087
Parday Wali
75. Mahmand
Boy 2430
Beloved; Good-looking; Flawless
76. Mahmed
Boy 2061
Spiritual; Domestic; Gentle
77. Mahmeen
Boy 4109
78. Mahmer
Boy 3263
79. Mahmish
Boy 3313
Name Of A Famous Waliullah
80. Mahmood
Boy 2937
Tareef Kiye Gaye; Khas Sifaat Kay Malik
81. Mahmoud
Boy 2486
The Praised One; Commendable; Also The Variation Of The Name (Muhammad)
82. Mahmud
Boy 3864
Praiseworthy; Laudable
83. Mahmud Mahmoud
Boy 5060
The Praised One; Variation Of The NameMuhammad
84. Mahmud Mahmoud
Boy 4652
The Praised One; Variation Of The Name Muhammad
85. Mahmud Un Nabi
Boy 4251
Praised By The Prophet (pbuh)
86. Mahmudunnabi
Boy 5356
Praised By The Prophet
87. Mahomet
Boy 2203
Variant Transcription Of MUHAMMAd ( ) Meanspraiseworthy
88. Mahood
Boy 4162
89. Mahran
Boy 5158
Name Of The River
90. Mahroof
Boy 4136
Famous; Mashahoor
91. Mahroofsha
Boy 4462
Good Boy Name
92. Mahrose
Boy 4692
93. Mahrur
Boy 2778
94. Mahrus
Boy 3710
Guarded; Protected
95. Mahruse
Boy 3014
96. Mahsan
Boy 4065
Moon-like; Thus Meaning Beautiful
97. Mahsar
Boy 3956
Helpful; Peace; Inventiveness
98. Mahshaf
Boy 3962
99. Mahsham
Boy 4183
100. Mahshar
Boy 5004
Day Of Judgement

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

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