Muslim baby boy names starting with M

Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.

1. Montasir
Boy 3436
The One Who Conquers Others, A Winner
2. Mooaz
Boy 4224
3. Moomin
Boy 2904
4. Moonib
Boy 4140
One Who Returns To God
5. Moonis
Boy 4185
Companion Consoler
6. Mooras
Boy 5534
7. Mooriq
Boy 4876
8. Moosa
Boy 2158
Name Of Prophet Of Allah; His Eqvivalent In English Is Moses
9. Moosaa Kaaiim
Boy 4679
Early Imam (Leader) Of Islam
10. Moosaakaaiim
Boy 4816
A Speaker Who Is Saved Out Of The Water
11. Moosha
Boy 3073
Prophets Name
12. Morsed
Boy 4808
13. Mosa
Boy 3174
Taken From The Water; Prophet Name
14. Mosaddak
Boy 2929
Smart; Enormous; Good Understanding
15. Mosahrukh
Boy 5765
Guiding Light
16. Mosin
Boy 2171
Softness Sweet
17. Moslim
Boy 3366
Follower Of Islam
18. Mosoof
Boy 5698
19. Mostafa
Boy 2863
Chosen One; Variant Transcription Of MUSTAFA
20. Mostaffa
Boy 2671
Kind; Enormous; Dynamic
21. Mostapha
Boy 2362
Genius; Wealth; Protector
22. Motaali
Boy 2679
Senior; Venerable
23. Motaasim
Boy 5079
Holding Fast To Allah; Abstemious Person; Assistance For Help;
24. Motaber
Boy 3666
Reliable; Trustworthy; Credible
25. Motabir
Boy 2545
Trusted; Accomplished
26. Motamar
Boy 5678
27. Motamid
Boy 4255
To Rely On Which
28. Motasim
Boy 2705
Madad Mangnay Wala
29. Motassim
Boy 2699
A Place Of Refuge; Asylum; A Safe Haven; Shelter
30. Motaz
Boy 3181
31. Motie
Boy 3515
32. Motmed
Boy 4729
33. Mouafak
Boy 4794
Free Spirit; Visionary; Highly Attractive
34. Mouawiyah
Boy 5405
Best; Harmony; More Attractive
35. Mouaz
Boy 4563
36. Moubarak
Boy 4305
37. Moudy
Boy 2299
Derived from Mohammed
38. Moufid
Boy 5144
39. Moufiq
Boy 3637
The Granter Of Success
40. Mouhamadou
Boy 2945
Manager; Sensitive; Comfortable
41. Mouhamed
Boy 4497
42. Mouhamoin
Boy 5103
43. Mouhaned
Boy 3180
A Sword Or Something Used To Cut
44. Mouhib
Boy 3867
Giving; Generous
45. Mouhyeddin
Boy 3325
Influencer; Freedom Lover; Charisma
46. Mouid
Boy 2805
Recreator; One Of Allahs Name
47. Moujab
Boy 3392
Amazed; Impressed; Pleased
48. Moujib
Boy 3101
Amazing; Impressive; Pleasing
49. Moujid
Boy 5688
Creator; One Who Brings Something About
50. Moukib
Boy 4690
One Who Gives A Goodly Reward To Someone
51. Moukid
Boy 2365
One Who Has Affirmed An Oath; One Who Makes A Solemn Promise
52. Moula
Boy 5904
Lord; Allah; King; Ruler
53. Moulali
Boy 4594
Variant Used For Mohammad
54. Moumin
Boy 4266
Believer; One Who Believes In God
55. Mouminin
Boy 4321
Believers; Plural Of Moumin
56. Mouminun
Boy 5626
Believers; Ones Who Believe In God
57. Moumir
Boy 3529
58. Mounib
Boy 4504
Feeling; Great Humanity; Hard Worker
59. Mounif
Boy 2989
60. Mounir
Boy 4752
Light; Sunlight
61. Mouood
Boy 4942
Acceptance; Acknowledgement
62. Mouqib
Boy 4766
On Who Gives A Goodly Reward To Someone
63. Mourad
Boy 4219
64. Mouri
Boy 2380
One Who Spreads Good Things Between People; It Is The Opposite Of Corrupter
65. Mourib
Boy 3714
Fluent; Eloquent
66. Mousir
Boy 3991
Rich; Wealthy; Needless
67. Moustafa
Boy 2343
Loving; Dedicator; Respectability
68. Moustapha
Boy 2643
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
69. Moutaaz
Boy 2616
Possessor Of Great Honor And Glory; Powerful; Mighty
70. Moutabir
Boy 4113
One Who Learns Life’ S Lessons; Introspective
71. Moutadil
Boy 3276
Straight; Balanced
72. Moutamad
Boy 4723
Aim; Goal
73. Moutamid
Boy 2218
Reliant; A Person Who Relies On Someone Or Something
74. Moutaq
Boy 2885
Freed; Freed Slave
75. Moutaqad
Boy 4203
Belief; Conviction; Faith; Tenet
76. Moutaqid
Boy 5409
Believer; Faithful; One Who Has An Unshakeable Belief In Something; Especially Belief In God
77. Moutasam
Boy 2363
Refuge; Recourse; A Place Or Time Where When People Take Refuge
78. Moutasem
Boy 4408
Spiritual; Helper; Intuitive
79. Moutasim
Boy 2193
Madad Mangnay Wala
80. Moutaz
Boy 4996
Possessor Of Great Honor And Glory; Powerful; Majestic
81. MoutazBillah
Boy 3025
One Who Has High Honor And Glory Through God; One Who Is Given Power And Honor By God
82. Moutazim
Boy 3959
Determined; Resolved; Persevering
83. Moutee
Boy 3422
Giver; God' S Attributive Name
84. Mouti
Boy 4114
85. Moutif
Boy 3225
High In Status And Rank; Elevated; Great
86. Moutiq
Boy 3871
One Who Frees Someone Or Something; One Who Frees A Slave
87. Moutir
Boy 4479
88. Mouza
Boy 4877
Prophet Name
89. Moweebah
Boy 3873
The Name Of A Slave Of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S; A; W; W)
90. Mozaffar
Boy 5956
91. Mozzaf
Boy 3951
Post Holder
92. Muaafii
Boy 5895
Safe; Healthy
93. Muaaid
Boy 4637
Winner; Adorable; Strong
94. Muaan
Boy 3101
95. Muaanis
Boy 3138
Soft; Friendly; Polite
96. Muaddal
Boy 4753
Tuned; Corrected; Reformed; Rectified
97. Muaddil
Boy 2498
Equalizer; Rectifier; Tuner
98. Muaddini
Boy 2552
Like A Miner
99. Muadil
Boy 4768
100. Muadz
Boy 2575
Name of Prophet's companion, ProtecteD

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

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