Muslim baby boy names starting with J

Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.

1. Jhia
Boy 4858
Loud Voice
2. Jhiraagh
Boy 2982
Lamp; Light
3. Jhumki
Boy 3095
Ear Ring;
4. Jiala
Boy 2731
Strong; Stout; Powerful
5. Jibillah
Boy 2194
Nation; Group Of People
6. Jibraeel
Boy 2550
To Fix; To Mend
7. Jibraiel
Boy 2467
A Angel' S Name
8. Jibrail
Boy 2866
Arch Angel
9. Jibran
Boy 4202
Reward; Result; Comparison;
10. Jibran Ahmed
Boy 4501
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
11. Jibran Ali
Boy 3139
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
12. Jibran Hussain
Boy 3481
Handsome; Beautiful
13. Jibreel
Boy 5485
Archangel Gabriel; Hazrat Jibreel(AS);
14. Jibrel
Boy 4662
Archangel Gabriel
15. Jibriil
Boy 2719
Name Of An Angel
16. Jibriyal
Boy 5075
To Fix; To Mend
17. Jiddat
Boy 5828
18. Jigr
Boy 5104
19. Jihaad
Boy 2353
Holy Way; Fight; Battle
20. Jimar
Boy 2405
21. Jimel
Boy 5667
Winner; Adorable; Strong
22. Jimell
Boy 3103
Researcher; Freedom Lover; Highly Sensitive
23. Jimelle
Boy 4269
24. Jimmil
Boy 3136
Expertise; Good Person; Charming
25. Jinnah
Boy 2267
Glorious; Splendid; Wing; Opinion Wing Of Army; Possessing;
26. Jirhas
Boy 5732
27. Jisan
Boy 2948
28. Jisar
Boy 2316
Group Leader; Captain; Forward
29. Jismon
Boy 3149
30. Jiyad
Boy 4153
Very Good
31. Jnab
Boy 2251
An Honorific Title; Your Excellency
32. Jobaira
Boy 5851
Like An Angel
33. Jobayer
Boy 4580
34. Jodet
Boy 2541
35. Joedat
Boy 5248
36. Joher
Boy 2728
37. Johri
Boy 2299
Gem Worker
38. Joinda
Boy 2079
39. Joindah
Boy 5467
GoD's gift
40. Jomal
Boy 5032
41. Jood
Boy 2202
42. Joonair
Boy 4867
43. Joozhar
Boy 5248
44. Joshan
Boy 2427
Probably A Reference To The Iranian Naval Vessel Of The Name Name It Is Also The Name Of A Sikh Gotra
45. Joury
Boy 3151
46. Juail
Boy 3168
Nigran; Muahfiz
47. Juayfir
Boy 3654
Little Stream ; Little River
48. Juayl
Boy 2267
49. Jubayr
Boy 5279
Compelled; Assisted A Companion Of The Prophet PBUH Ibn Mutim RA; Also Ibn Nufayr RA
50. Juber
Boy 3744
51. Jubraan
Boy 4649
Name Of An Islamic Literature
52. Jubran
Boy 2488
To Help The Poor
53. Juda
Boy 4590
Generous; Sacrifice; Serious; Goodness; Excellence; Derived From Arabic(jada)to Be Excellent
54. Juday
Boy 2891
This Was The Name Of A Skilled Kufic (Script) Writer Who Wrote Copies Of The Quran During The Reign Of Mutasim
55. Juhaim
Boy 4619
Name Of A Sahabi
56. Juhlan
Boy 3778
57. Jul
Boy 3873
Resolution; Firm Will
58. Julaybib
Boy 4925
Brave Martyr
59. Jumaat
Boy 2711
60. Jumail
Boy 4252
Nightingale; A Singing Bird
61. Jumal
Boy 4590
Handsome; Good-looking
62. Jumar
Boy 5513
63. Juml
Boy 2411
Emotional; Entertainer; Strong
64. Jumlish
Boy 3169
65. JUmmah
Boy 3343
(Born On) Friday
66. Jumuah
Boy 2265
(Born On) Friday
67. Junaan
Boy 3249
Researcher; Freedom Lover; Highly Sensitive
68. Junada
Boy 2150
Helper; Warrior; Soldier
69. Junaid
Boy 5868
Soldier; Warrior; Baghdaad Key Wali Ka Naam;
70. Junaid Ahmed
Boy 3032
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
71. Junaid Ali
Boy 5331
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
72. Junaid Hassan
Boy 5886
Handsome; Good; Benefactor
73. Junaid Hussain
Boy 2327
Handsome; Beautiful
74. Junaid Jamshed
Boy 2542
King; Glorious; Sun' S Rays; Lights; Name Of A King
75. Junaid Zia
Boy 4418
Light; Bright; Splendor;
76. Junaidi
Boy 2447
Free Spirit; Sensitivity; Energetic
77. Junayd
Boy 2111
Fighter; Warrior
78. Junayet
Boy 2104
Soldier Of God
79. Jund
Boy 4910
Group; Army
80. Jundi
Boy 2607
81. Jundub
Boy 5125
82. Jurair
Boy 3063
83. Juraiw
Boy 3104
Cub; For Example Lion Cub Or Fox Cub
84. Jurat
Boy 3675
Bravery; Valour
85. Jurayj
Boy 5894
This Was The Name Of A Teacher Of Tabari; He Was Also An Authority For Hadith
86. Jurdik
Boy 4209
Ambitious; Playful; Different
87. Jurhad
Boy 5965
He Was Ibn Khuwaylid Al-Aslami
88. Jurji
Boy 5393
Freedom Lover; Joyful; Hard Worker
89. Jurrat
Boy 3185
90. Jury
Boy 2755
It Means Rose, The Flower
91. Jusaam
Boy 4278
92. Jusaas
Boy 2719
Home Maker
93. Jusair
Boy 4604
Bold; Brave
94. Jusam
Boy 5006
One Who Has A Large And Powerful Body
95. Jusamah
Boy 2144
Nightmare; Name Of A Companion
96. Jusuf
Boy 5459
God May Add
97. Juthamah
Boy 5292
Nightmare (name Of Companion)
98. Juwaid
Boy 2599
Generous; Selfless
99. Juwain
Boy 3364
100. Juwair
Boy 3233
Khanchny Wala

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

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