Muslim baby boy names starting with H

Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.

1. Hatem
Boy 5474
Judge; Justice; Decider
2. Hatib
Boy 5920
A Wood Collector
3. Hatif
Boy 2714
Heavenly Voice; Praise; Admiration; Commendation;
4. Hatim
Boy 5395
Sakhi; Shareef
5. Hatm
Boy 2852
6. Hattab
Boy 5033
Lumberjack; Woodcutter; Wood Gatherer; Timberman; Timber Merchant; A Person Whose Work Involves Wood And Timber One Way Or Another
7. Hattar
Boy 5639
8. Hattardin
Boy 3780
Eagle Of Deen
9. Hattem
Boy 3551
Broad-Minded; Domestic; Mysterious
10. Hattib
Boy 4283
11. Haumat
Boy 3301
Great Battle; Battlefield
12. Haushab
Boy 3147
Name Of Son Of Imam Muslim (RA); A Great Muhaddith
13. Haussam
Boy 2354
The Sward
14. Hautat
Boy 4689
Prudence; Caution
15. Hauzaan
Boy 3619
Human Being
16. Havari
Boy 5612
Companion; Friend
17. Havasal
Boy 4434
18. Hawaari
Boy 2433
Loyal Follower; Messenger; Pupil
19. Hawaiz
Boy 3492
Be Careful
20. Hawajib
Boy 3562
21. Hawal
Boy 4692
22. Hawari
Boy 5809
Apostle; Follower; Supporter; Used In The Quran To Refer To The Early Followers Of Prophet Isa Jesus; Peace Be Upon Him
23. Hawas
Boy 2507
Brave; Courageous
24. Haweez
Boy 2536
25. Hawer
Boy 3942
26. Hawi
Boy 5597
The Beautiful Names Of Allah
27. Hawis
Boy 4542
Brave; Courageous
28. Hawiz
Boy 4961
Able; Active
29. Hawshab
Boy 3216
A Son Of Iama Muslim Had This Name
30. Hawwari
Boy 3927
31. Hayaat
Boy 5894
32. Hayal
Boy 3157
33. Hayatat
Boy 3946
34. Haydar
Boy 5821
35. Hayder
Boy 5426
Means Lions In Arabic This Was Another Name Of Ali; The Husband Of Fatima - Daughter Of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
36. Hayid
Boy 2661
37. Hayl
Boy 5112
Heaped Sand; Piled Sand
38. Haysam
Boy 3947
39. Hayub
Boy 5272
To Be Feared; Venerable
40. Hayy
Boy 5995
Ever Alive; An Attribute Applied Exclusively To Allah Name; Abdul Hayy
41. Hayyaan
Boy 4134
Hayyan Is An Indirect Quranic Name For Boys That Means Alive; Awake; And Someone Who Has Self Respect And Refuses To Be Mistreated And Disrespected
42. Hayyan
Boy 4058
Alive; Awake (Someone Who Has Self Respect And Refuses To Be Mistreated And Disrespected)
43. Hayyee
Boy 2759
Modest; Bashful
44. Hayyi
Boy 3456
Good-looking; Handsome
45. Hazaar
Boy 3316
46. Hazaf
Boy 3801
47. Hazafat
Boy 4686
Loyalty, Fidelity
48. Hazaifa
Boy 3359
Name Of A Sahabi
49. Hazaim
Boy 2026
50. Hazain
Boy 5287
Goddess Parvati
51. Hazamat
Boy 3757
52. Hazaq
Boy 5030
Learning The Quran By Heart
53. Hazar
Boy 5593
Vigilant; Cautious; Careful
54. Hazeefa
Boy 2904
Name Of A Sahabi
55. Hazeer
Boy 5223
Tiger; Very Brave
56. Hazeez
Boy 5492
57. Hazefa
Boy 5542
A Name Of The Friend Of Prophet (SAW); Aik Sahabi-e-Rasool Ka Naam; Guardian; Manager;
58. Hazer
Boy 5092
Ready; Prepared; Alert; Prompt;
59. Hazi
Boy 5309
60. Hazib
Boy 4961
On A Masculine People
61. Hazifa
Boy 5622
A Companion Of The Prophet' S Name
62. Hazil
Boy 5511
63. Hazim
Boy 3457
Far Sighted; Provident; Sagacious; Door Andesh;
64. Hazin
Boy 2234
From The Hedged Enclosure
65. Hazine
Boy 2251
66. Haziq
Boy 3302
Expert; Skilful; Learning Quraan By Heart;
67. Hazir
Boy 2710
Present (opposite Of Absent); The Present (meaning Now); Prepared; Ready
68. Haziran
Boy 5006
Ninth Month Of The Syrian Calender
69. Haziz
Boy 4535
70. Hazlaqat
Boy 4521
Skilfulness; Dexterity
71. Hazm
Boy 2737
72. Hazoor
Boy 4944
73. Hazr
Boy 3601
74. Hazrah
Boy 3804
75. Hazur
Boy 3550
76. Hazz
Boy 3873
77. Hedayathulla
Boy 4968
Guidance Of Allah
78. Hedayathun
Boy 4264
79. Heel
Boy 2559
80. Hefil
Boy 4614
81. Helal
Boy 3593
Moon; First Moon
82. Heleel
Boy 2776
True Friend; Companion
83. Heqiq
Boy 4625
84. Heraaz
Boy 3585
85. Herfeti
Boy 2082
86. Hermaan
Boy 5845
Wise; Prudent
87. Hermizan
Boy 3072
The Name Of A Star
88. Hermuzad
Boy 4306
Name Of An Angel
89. Hershaf
Boy 4347
Solid Land
90. Hershef
Boy 5525
Solid Land
91. Hesham
Boy 3310
Variant Transcription Of HISHAM
92. Hesheem
Boy 4540
A Great Honor
93. Hesin
Boy 2754
94. Hetal
Boy 4663
Strong; Brave
95. Hewad
Boy 2723
96. Heydar
Boy 3452
Like A Lion
97. Hezb Ullah
Boy 3695
God' S Lover
98. Hibah
Boy 5470
Gift; Present
99. Hibatullah
Boy 5048
Gift Of Allah
100. Hibb
Boy 4809
Darling; Dear

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

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