Muslim baby boy names starting with F

Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.

1. Fakhrid Adin
Boy 5628
Glorious Religion
2. Fakhridadin
Boy 5205
Glorious Religion
3. Fakhriddin
Boy 4767
Inspiring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Intuitive
4. Fakhruddaulah
Boy 5704
Pride Of The State
5. Fakhruddawlah
Boy 4931
Glory Of Kingdom State
6. Fakhrul
Boy 4210
7. Fakruddin
Boy 2617
Pride Of Religion
8. Fakur
Boy 5208
9. Falaah
Boy 3631
Success Progress
10. Falak
Boy 5836
The Sky; High; Sphere; The Heaven; Asman
11. Falatoon
Boy 5471
The Name Of A Greek Ruler
12. Falatun
Boy 4130
Mighty Powerful
13. Faleeh
Boy 4403
14. Faleeq
Boy 2216
God Of Still
15. Falih
Boy 3668
16. Falihi
Boy 4228
Successful; Winner
17. Faliq
Boy 4262
Creator; One That Divides Into Two
18. Falki
Boy 5734
19. Fallah
Boy 4142
20. Fallgu
Boy 5733
Communicator; Logical; Energetic
21. Falooh
Boy 2627
Successful; Winner
22. Falzah
Boy 4169
23. Famirul
Boy 3594
24. Fanan Ullah
Boy 5432
God' S Way
25. Faneek
Boy 3029
26. Faneez
Boy 4648
27. Faniq
Boy 5832
28. Fannanah
Boy 3204
Female Artist
29. Fanu
Boy 2166
Eloquent, Articulate
30. Faouzi
Boy 4563
31. Faoz
Boy 3709
Success; Victory; Advantage; Gain; Salvation
32. Faqad
Boy 3463
33. Faqahat
Boy 5445
Intelligent; Learned
34. Faqeed
Boy 2338
Nayaab; Azeem
35. Faqeeh
Boy 4537
Knowledgeable; Expert; Learned; Well-educated
36. Faqeelat
Boy 2560
Magnified; Knowledge; Goodness
37. Faqeer
Boy 3789
Poor Sufi Mendicant
38. Faqiah
Boy 5649
39. Faqih
Boy 5263
Islamic; Legal Expert; Wise Man;
40. Faqiih
Boy 4189
Expert In Fiqh; Understanding
41. Faqir
Boy 4948
Poor; Needy; One Renounces The World Ie Sufi Mendicant
42. Faqum
Boy 3932
43. Faraan
Boy 4900
44. Faraaq
Boy 2392
45. Faraar
Boy 3378
46. Faraasat
Boy 2953
Perception; Discernment; Sagacity; Understanding; Insight
47. Faraaz
Boy 5923
(Persian) Ascent; Height; Elevation Adj High; Aloft; Exalted; Lofty; Exalting; Elevating; Ascend
48. Faraazi
Boy 4234
49. Farab
Boy 3888
Open; Uncovered; Displayed; Wide
50. Farad
Boy 4791
Pearl Sellers
51. Faradis
Boy 2472
52. Farafisa
Boy 5682
Name Of A Companion; Bin Umayr Al-Hanafi
53. Farag
Boy 4445
54. Faragh
Boy 5029
55. Farah Ser
Boy 5178
56. Farahaat
Boy 3349
Happy; Joyous; Rejoicing
57. Farahan
Boy 5172
Happy; Joyful
58. Farahmand
Boy 5505
Majestic; Magnificent
59. Farajallah
Boy 4587
Philosopher; Careful; Beautiful
60. Farajuddin
Boy 4600
One Who Causes Worry And Sadness To Be Removed From The Faith; A Person Whose Work And Achievements Bring Joy To The Muslims And Removes Their Worries
61. Farajullah
Boy 5716
God’ S Relief; God’ S Rescue; Relief And Rescue That Comes From God
62. Farakh Akhtar
Boy 4802
63. Farakh Nihad
Boy 3067
64. Faral
Boy 5886
House Of Lion
65. Faramorz
Boy 2250
One Who Forgives His Enemies
66. Faraq
Boy 5726
67. Faraqlit
Boy 5256
Who Distinguishes Truth From False
68. Farasat
Boy 4325
Wise; Sagacity; Intuition;
69. Faraseen
Boy 5397
70. Farash
Boy 5016
71. Farashah
Boy 2686
72. Faraz
Boy 4794
Wide; Open; Lofty; High;
73. Faraz Ahmed
Boy 2613
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
74. Faraz Ali
Boy 3338
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
75. Faraz Hussain
Boy 4313
Handsome; Beautiful
76. Farazdaq
Boy 5495
Loaf Of Bread
77. Farazone
Boy 4960
78. Farbad
Boy 5893
Majestic; Great
79. Farboud
Boy 5415
Upright; Rightly-guided
80. Farbud
Boy 3712
Right; Orthodox
81. Fard
Boy 4793
Another Name For God; Unequalled
82. Fardaal
Boy 5382
83. Fardaan
Boy 2794
84. Fardad
Boy 5965
Born With Greatness; Born With Majesty; One Who Is From A Great And Magnificent Family
85. Fardain
Boy 2127
Unique; Peerless; Plural Of Fard
86. Fardan
Boy 2178
87. Fardosi
Boy 4297
Able For Heaven
88. Fardun
Boy 3509
Unique; Peerless; Singular
89. Fare
Boy 2831
Tall; Towering; Lofty; Slim
90. Fareed
Boy 4995
Unique; Alone;
91. Fareedon
Boy 3331
Alone; Lone; Single; Lonely
92. Fareegh
Boy 3917
93. Fareeh
Boy 3690
94. Fareeman
Boy 5925
Blessed; Great; Magnificent; One Whose Thought Is Sublime And Blessed
95. Fareeq
Boy 5722
Group; Band; Crew
96. Farees
Boy 4596
97. Farehan
Boy 5556
Great; Majestic
98. Farekh Tabar
Boy 3203
99. Farekhzad
Boy 5356
100. Fares
Boy 5775

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

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