Muslim baby boy names starting with B

Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.

1. Basheesh
Boy 3414
Cheerful; Optimistic
2. Basher
Boy 3293
3. Bashhar
Boy 5998
Expressive; Harmony; Cheerful
4. Bashid
Boy 5438
5. Bashie
Boy 5198
Chief Officer; Chief
6. Bashiq
Boy 3134
Bird; Parinda
7. Bashirat
Boy 4422
Prudent; Intelligence
8. Bashiri
Boy 4729
Bringer Of Good News; Bringer Of Good Tidings
9. Bashirun
Boy 3457
Bringers Of Good News; Bringers Of Good Tidings
10. Bashiyr
Boy 4170
Independent; Enthusiasm; Admirer
11. Bashmole
Boy 4866
12. Bashr
Boy 3997
The Human Being; The Man; The Mankind
13. Bashsh
Boy 3762
Glad; Cheerful
14. Bashu
Boy 3200
Optimistic; Joyful; Cheerful
15. Bashur
Boy 2971
Bringer Of Good News
16. Bashush
Boy 4715
Cheerful; Joyous
17. Bashwan
Boy 4375
Good-mannered; Classy
18. Bashwi
Boy 2108
Good-mannered; Classy
19. Basighah
Boy 5101
In A Row
20. Basil
Boy 3291
Brave; Bold; Courageous
21. Basili
Boy 3530
Courageous; Brave
22. Basim
Boy 5288
Smiling Face
23. Basimi
Boy 3016
Joyful; Happy; One Who Smiles Often
24. Basiq
Boy 4751
Soaring; Lofty; Towering And Is Used Especially To Describe Trees
25. Basir
Boy 2969
Bringer Of Glad Tidings
26. Basirat
Boy 3904
Insight Perception
27. Basit Ahmed
Boy 2006
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
28. Basit Ali
Boy 5926
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
29. Basit Hussain
Boy 2035
Handsome; Beautiful
30. Basman
Boy 2660
Smiling A Lot; Full Of Smiles
31. Basoom
Boy 3767
One Who Smiles Often; Happy; Cheerful
32. Basr
Boy 5311
Eye-sight; Wisdom; Sight
33. Basrah
Boy 5212
Name Of A Sahabiyah; Dry Land
34. Bassaar
Boy 4227
Perceptive; Insightful; Literally Meaning One Who Sees Much
35. Bassem
Boy 2680
36. Bassim
Boy 3079
37. Bastaq
Boy 3334
Servant; Attendant
38. Basyar
Boy 3004
Good News Broadcaster
39. Basyir
Boy 5980
Good News Broadcaster
40. Batal
Boy 2828
Hero; Brave Man
41. Batalat
Boy 4372
42. Batek
Boy 5893
43. Bathr
Boy 2438
Plain; A Flat Area Of Grassland
44. Batik
Boy 5684
Sharp Sword
45. Batil
Boy 2438
One Who Devoted Himself To Worshiping God
46. Batin
Boy 3513
Name Of Hazrat Muhammad(saw); Hidden
47. Batoor
Boy 2966
48. Batshah
Boy 4066
Day Of Judgement
49. Battaal
Boy 4361
Ascetic; Virtuous
50. Battah
Boy 5880
51. Battal
Boy 2987
52. Bauo
Boy 3277
53. Bawi
Boy 4810
54. Bayan
Boy 2687
Clearness; Eloquence
55. Bayazeed
Boy 3075
Good; Famous Wali Hazrat Bayazid Bastami
56. Bayazid
Boy 5262
Name Of A Saint
57. Bayd
Boy 3787
58. Bayhas
Boy 4699
Lion; Courageous
59. Bayyan
Boy 2333
Clear; Evident
60. Baz
Boy 5172
Light Rain; Light Rain That Only Affects A Small Area
61. Bazaat
Boy 3911
62. Bazaet
Boy 3054
Wealth; Savings
63. Bazagh
Boy 2617
64. Bazaid
Boy 2760
Good; Virtuous; Righteous; Upright; Pious
65. Bazal
Boy 4659
66. Bazam
Boy 5014
It Was The Name Of The Tabiee; Abu Salih
67. Bazami
Boy 3946
Organizer Of Social Gathering
68. Bazan
Boy 5009
A Companion Of Prophet (PBUH)
69. Bazaq
Boy 4431
70. Bazel
Boy 3424
Royal; Kingly
71. Bazgar
Boy 5980
72. Bazigh
Boy 4848
Shining; Radiating Light
73. Bazij
Boy 3515
Beautifier; One Who Adorns
74. Bazil
Boy 3531
75. Bazir
Boy 4963
Sower; Planter Of Seeds
76. Bazish
Boy 4279
Aggressive; Hardliner
77. Bazl
Boy 2145
Prize; Reward
78. Bazlurrahman
Boy 2054
Generosity Of The All-merciful
79. Bazmakh
Boy 2914
80. Bazogh
Boy 3340
81. Bazore
Boy 2509
82. Bazugh
Boy 5215
83. Bazullah
Boy 2151
God’ S Hawk; Figuratively Meaning God’ S Warrior ( Khuda Ky Lia Larnay Waly )
84. Bazurg
Boy 2414
Grown Up
85. Bebarg
Boy 2978
Beautiful Tree
86. Bechir
Boy 3282
Intelligent And Discerning
87. Bedal
Boy 4524
A Messenger
88. Bedar Bukht
Boy 2579
89. Bedaruddin
Boy 5541
Attentive To The Religion (Islam)
90. Beddis
Boy 5567
Researcher; Freedom Lover; Highly Sensitive
91. Beg
Boy 2423
Honorific Title Ie Lord
92. Behboud
Boy 3463
Wellness; The State Of Being Well And Healthy
93. Behijt
Boy 3309
94. Behlol
Boy 2055
Leader; A Famous Saint
95. Behlole
Boy 4569
Noble; Venerable; A Name Of A Saint
96. Behman
Boy 5602
97. Behr
Boy 5625
98. Behrad
Boy 2573
Generous; Doer Of Good Deeds
99. Behramend
Boy 3256
100. Behruz
Boy 2553
Fortunate; Lucky And Literally It Means One Who Is Having A Good Day

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

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