Herzegovina baby boy names starting with H

Herzegovina most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Herzegovina are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Herzegovina baby names for boys and girls.

1. Hasain
Boy 2727
2. Hasam
Boy 4856
3. Hasan
Boy 2770
Beautiful; Handsome; Goodly; Gentle; Good-mannered; Virtuous
4. Hasan Ahmed
Boy 2648
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
5. Hasan Ali
Boy 5069
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
6. Hasan Hassan
Boy 3793
7. Hasan Hassan
Boy 3965
8. Hasan Hussain
Boy 4066
Handsome; Beautiful
9. Hasan Ibn Ali
Boy 4176
10. Hasan Khaise
Boy 4716
Place Of Beautiful Peoples
11. Hasan Sabeeh
Boy 2138
12. Hasar
Boy 4940
13. Hasaz
Boy 3197
14. Haseeb
Boy 5892
Arithmetic; Mathematics; Calculate; Compute; Hissab Karney Wala
15. Haseeb Ahmed
Boy 2337
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
16. Haseeb Ali
Boy 3862
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
17. Haseeb Hussain
Boy 2211
Handsome; Beautiful
18. Haseeb Raza
Boy 5672
To Calculate The Elderly
19. Haseef
Boy 4047
Wise; Reasonable; Judicious
20. Haseel
Boy 2513
21. Haseem
Boy 5668
Diligent; Assiduous; Persevering
22. Haseer
Boy 3696
23. Hasees
Boy 4725
Sensitive; Perceptive
24. Hasem
Boy 4220
25. Hasen
Boy 3428
26. Hashaam
Boy 3818
Brave Destroyer Of Evil
27. Hashaan
Boy 3534
Explorer; Joyful; Expert
28. Hashah
Boy 3223
29. Hasham
Boy 5425
30. Hashami
Boy 4294
An Ancestor Of Prophet Muhammad
31. Hashash
Boy 2534
Mirthful; Happy; Tidy; Pleased
32. Hashbin
Boy 3997
33. Hasheem
Boy 4304
Broker; Destroyer (of
34. Hasheer
Boy 2686
Name Of Hazrat Muhammad SAWW
35. Hasher
Boy 4075
36. Hashia
Boy 3507
The Edge
37. Hashib
Boy 4472
The Rain
38. Hashid
Boy 5396
One Who Rallies People; Crowded; Gathered
39. Hashim
Boy 2756
Generosity; Liberal; The Breaker; The Destroyer Of Evil
40. Hashimi
Boy 3652
Hashemite; A Nisba (relation) Through Ancestry To The Banu Haashim
41. Hashir
Boy 3592
Collector; Another Name For Prophet(SAW); Jama Karney Wala
42. Hashir Ahmed
Boy 2932
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
43. Hashir Ali
Boy 3191
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
44. Hashir Hussain
Boy 4035
Handsome; Beautiful
45. Hashm
Boy 5838
46. Hashmat
Boy 3695
Decency; Dignity; Glory; Splendour
47. Hashmath
Boy 5936
Decency, Modesty
48. Hashmi
Boy 2168
Guider; Intelligence; Optimistic
49. Hashmir
Boy 4229
Guider; Intelligence; Optimistic
50. Hashr
Boy 4755
Raising; Collecting
51. Hasib
Boy 5697
Arithmetic; Mathematician; Accountant; Hissab Ka Maahir
52. Hasiib
Boy 3305
Dignified Descendant; Always Enough; Always Making Calculation
53. Hasil
Boy 3563
Acquirer; Producer; Farmer; Harvester
54. Hasim
Boy 2717
Decisive; Conclusive; Determinate
55. Hask
Boy 5940
Acme Of Mountain
56. Hasn
Boy 4355
57. Hasnain
Boy 2476
The Two Hasans; Hasan And Husain; The Two Sons Of Caliph Ali And It Is Used As Name Of One Person
58. Hasnan
Boy 5016
59. Hasnat
Boy 3157
60. Hason
Boy 2752
Art; Knowledgeul; Freedom Lover
61. Hasoor
Boy 5709
62. Hasoun
Boy 5877
Virtuous; Chaste
63. Hasret
Boy 5846
64. Hassaan
Boy 5407
Very Well; Very Good; Bohot Acha;
65. Hassam
Boy 4086
Sword; Scimitar; Tilwar;
66. Hassan
Boy 3402
Handsome; Good; Benefactor
67. Hassan abdullah
Boy 4214
Handsome Servant Of God
68. Hassan Ahmed
Boy 5486
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
69. Hassan Ali
Boy 3201
70. Hassan askaree
Boy 4673
Early Imam (Leader) Of Islam; Grandson Of Prophet Muhammad
71. Hassan Askari
Boy 4517
Early Imam (Leader) Of Islam; Grandson Of Prophet Muhammad
72. Hassan askari
Boy 5985
Variant Of Hassan Askaree: Early Imam (Leader) Of Islam; Grandson Of Prophet Muhammad
73. Hassan Hussain
Boy 2683
Handsome; Beautiful
74. Hassan Mehdi
Boy 3137
75. Hassan Raza
Boy 3913
76. Hassanain
Boy 4249
Beauty; Handsome
77. Hassanaskaree
Boy 3258
Early Imam (Leader) Of Islam
78. Hassanaskari
Boy 3892
Early Imam (Leader) Of Islam
79. Hasseb
Boy 5034
Variant Of Haseeb, Meaning Reputable, Respected
80. Hassen
Boy 3601
Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive
81. Hasshid
Boy 3002
One Who Gathers The People Together; The Name Of The Son Of Lmaam Bukhaari(RA); A Great Muhaddith
82. Hasshir
Boy 4754
An Assembler
83. Hassian
Boy 4189
Achiever; Peacemaker; More Attractive
84. Hassiba
Boy 5166
Free Spirit; Visionary; Highly Attractive
85. Hassin
Boy 3884
86. Hasson
Boy 4133
Chief; Educated; Good Understanding
87. Hassoun
Boy 3307
Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness
88. Hassun
Boy 5997
Handsome; Good-looking
89. Hasud
Boy 5567
90. Hasun
Boy 5137
91. Haswar
Boy 3721
92. Hasyid
Boy 4005
Always Completing; A Bunch Full Of Fruits; Full Of Goodness
93. Hasyim
Boy 4735
94. Hataal
Boy 4329
Brave; Bold; Courageous
95. Hataam
Boy 4377
96. Hatam
Boy 4763
Generous; Liberal; Munificent; Benevolent;
97. Hatar
Boy 3552
Falcon; Eagle; Shaheen;
98. Hateef
Boy 3884
A Sound From Heaven
99. Hateera
Boy 3270
100. Hatem
Boy 5474
Judge; Justice; Decider

Herzegovina baby boy names A to Z

Herzegovina baby boy names A to Z

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