German baby boy names starting with P

German most popular names of 2025 feature Shritika as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in German are Feeha and Krishvi and Rudvika and for girls, and Trinay and Orhan and Zuhain and for boys. Here is the list for German baby names for boys and girls.

1. Pardaman
Boy 2095
Lord Siva
2. Pardeep
Boy 2790
3. Pardes
Boy 4231
Name Of An Orange Grove
4. Pardesh
Boy 3164
Foreigner; Country
5. Pardeshi
Boy 5630
6. Pardev
Boy 5253
Love; Lovely
7. Pardhan
Boy 3679
8. Pardheev
Boy 4406
Lord Arjun; King
9. Pardhu
Boy 5336
10. Pardil
Boy 2924
11. Pardip
Boy 2826
12. Pardon
Boy 3201
Wise Ruler
13. Pardu
Boy 4292
Strong; Handsome
14. Pardulfo
Boy 4207
Brave Warrior
15. Parduman
Boy 2705
Cupid Kamdev
16. Pareekshith
Boy 3715
17. Pareen
Boy 3880
Angel; Fairy
18. Parees
Boy 3616
To Seek; Search For; Searcher
19. Pareetam
Boy 3226
20. Parella
Boy 4552
A Clever And Clear Sighted Person
21. Paremjit
Boy 2645
Winner Of Senses
22. Paresh
Boy 5247
Supreme Spirit; Lord Of The Lords; A Name Of Lord Rama
23. Paresha
Boy 2138
Supreme Spirit; Lord Of The Lords; A Name Of Lord Rama
24. Pareshnath
Boy 4482
Lord Of The Lords
25. Pareshti
Boy 5691
Having The Highest Sacrifice Or Worship
26. Pareth
Boy 2792
An Up-and-coming Man
27. Parethe
Boy 3341
An Up-and-coming Man
28. Paretum
Boy 4000
29. Pareyas
Boy 2098
30. Parez
Boy 2685
God Is Merciful
31. Parfait
Boy 4776
32. Pargat
Boy 5750
One who blossoms forth into' fame'fame
33. Pargatjeet
Boy 4257
Revelation of the' victory'victory
34. Pargatjot
Boy 5952
Revelation of the' Divine'Divinelight
35. Parha
Boy 5440
36. Parham
Boy 2327
Derived From Abraham
37. Parhan
Boy 5936
Manager; Peace; Shy
38. Pari Shan
Boy 5767
A Fairy-Like Splendor
39. Paribhar
Boy 3045
Wealth; Royalty
40. Paribodh
Boy 5111
41. Parichay
Boy 3960
42. Parichoy
Boy 2115
43. Parick
Boy 4554
Lotus Faces
44. Parid
Boy 3967
45. Paridar
Boy 2949
Holder Of Angels
46. Paridarshan
Boy 3570
Panoramic View
47. Paride
Boy 2330
Of Old Greek Origin And It Is Used
48. Paridhana
Boy 2421
Touch Stone
49. Parighosh
Boy 5925
Loud Sound
50. Parigyan
Boy 5261
51. Pariishna
Boy 2770
A Sweet Little Angel; Dynamic Personality
52. Parijaat
Boy 5290
Divine Tree; A Celestial Flower
53. Parijat
Boy 4573
Divine Tree; A Celestial Flower
54. Parijata
Boy 2052
Tarumoolastha Dweller Under The Parijata Tree
55. Parijatapa Harakaya
Boy 5446
One Who Removes Parijath Flower
56. ParijatapaHarakaya
Boy 5160
One Who Removes Parijath Flower
57. Parika
Boy 3535
Powerful; Dedicator; Noble
58. Parikansh
Boy 2037
59. Parikesit
Boy 5113
Very Different
60. Pariket
Boy 3687
Against Desire
61. Pariketa
Boy 2726
Helpful; Researcher; Comfortable
62. Parikh
Boy 4211
Great; Nice
63. Pariksh
Boy 3841
Exam; Tested; Challenge
64. Pariksheth
Boy 3384
Give Happy To Life
65. Parikshit
Boy 4149
Name of An ancient' king'king, TesteD one or proven (Posthumous son of Abhimanyu, heir of the PanDavas Pariksit means 'the examiner', as the brahmins saiD he woulD come to examine all men in his search for the Supreme LorD)
66. Pariksit
Boy 2050
Songs of' Guru'Guru
67. Pariksith
Boy 2652
Son Of Abhimanyu
68. Parimal
Boy 5961
69. Parimalan
Boy 4590
Against Desire
70. Pariman
Boy 3780
71. Parimelan
Boy 5523
Nice Smell
72. Parimil
Boy 4641
73. Parimit
Boy 4006
Measured; Adjusted; Moderate
74. Parin
Boy 5855
Another Name Of Lord Ganesh
75. Parinah
Boy 2890
Old, Ancient
76. Parinai
Boy 5955
Soft Breeze
77. Parinay
Boy 3384
Bond Of Love
78. Parind
Boy 3701
79. Parindra
Boy 5766
80. Parineet
Boy 5783
81. Parineeti
Boy 2660
82. Parinith
Boy 2885
83. Parinut
Boy 2905
84. Paripreet
Boy 3433
Full Of Life
85. Paris
Boy 2278
Woh Pathar Jis Ko Cho Kar Cheez Sona Ban Jati Hai; And The French Capital
86. Parisar
Boy 4592
A Part Of Temple; Surrounding
87. Parisatya
Boy 5243
The Pure Truth
88. Parisch
Boy 2759
Lives Near The Church
89. Parish
Boy 5184
One Who Lives In A Parish
90. Parishan
Boy 4942
A Fairy-Like Splendor
91. Parishkar
Boy 5167
92. Parishrut
Boy 5476
Popular; Renown (1)
93. Parishudh
Boy 3857
94. Parisio
Boy 3626
Language Of Origin Is Old Greek And It Is
95. Parisito
Boy 5262
96. Pariss
Boy 3016
Princess Or Prince
97. Parit
Boy 4181
In Each Detection; Angel
98. Paritarth
Boy 5918
99. Paritej
Boy 5094
Investigator; Care Taker; Courage
100. Parith
Boy 5142
An Up-and-coming Man

German baby boy names A to Z

German baby boy names A to Z

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