German baby boy names starting with E

German most popular names of 2025 feature Shritika as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in German are Feeha and Krishvi and Rudvika and for girls, and Trinay and Orhan and Zuhain and for boys. Here is the list for German baby names for boys and girls.

1. Ebbett
Boy 3628
Winning; Success
2. Ebbie
Boy 5463
Father Of Light Or Stone Of Help
3. Ebbin
Boy 5935
Son Of Lord
4. Ebby
Boy 3249
Father Of Light
5. Ebeb
Boy 2686
6. Ebed
Boy 5916
7. Ebedmelech
Boy 5269
Servant Of The King
8. Ebee
Boy 2289
9. Ebekwumonye
Boy 2310
10. Ebel
Boy 5742
Tree Branch
11. Eben
Boy 4752
12. Eben Ezer
Boy 4341
The Stone Of Help [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name]
13. Ebena
Boy 4794
14. Ebeneezer
Boy 3150
Rock that helpsEbeneezer Scrooge was the main character of Charles Dickens' story 'A Christmas Carol'
15. Ebeneser
Boy 5371
Rock that helpsEbeneezer Scrooge was the main character of Charles Dickens' story 'A Christmas Carol'
16. Ebenezar
Boy 4736
Rock that helpsEbeneezer Scrooge was the main character of Charles Dickens' story 'A Christmas Carol'
17. Ebenezeer
Boy 5996
Rock that helpsEbeneezer Scrooge was the main character of Charles Dickens' story 'A Christmas Carol'
18. Ebenezer
Boy 3491
The Helping Stone
19. Ebenzer
Boy 4660
Stone Of Help
20. Eber
Boy 5753
The Region Beyond
21. Eberardo
Boy 4466
Courageous Like A Boar
22. Eberechukwu
Boy 4842
God's Mercy
23. Eberhard
Boy 5874
Courageous Like A Boar
24. Eberhardt
Boy 5426
Strong As A Boar
25. Eberhart
Boy 4550
Brave Like A Boar
26. Eberlein
Boy 3764
Resembling A Small Boar
27. Ebersold
Boy 3574
Swiss Variant Of Ebersol, Meaning Wild Boar Or Wallow
28. Ebert
Boy 3422
Brave; Strong Boar
29. Eberto
Boy 4760
30. Eberwin
Boy 5905
Honourable Friend
31. Ebg
Boy 3281
A Hill
32. Ebhaleleme
Boy 2097
You Won’t Follow My Lead
33. Ebhanan
Boy 3306
34. Ebi
Boy 3328
35. Ebiasaph
Boy 2935
A Father That Gathers Or Adds
36. Ebic
Boy 2307
37. Ebie
Boy 2193
38. Ebiegberi
Boy 5043
Light; Lamp;
39. Ebin
Boy 3757
40. Ebiowei
Boy 3757
A Handsome Boy
41. Ebisu
Boy 4906
Japanese God Of Labour And Luck
42. Ebitimi
Boy 5851
Lord Shiva; Ambition
43. Ebl
Boy 5223
Liberated; Free
44. Eblis
Boy 2844
A Devilish Man
45. Ebner
Boy 2877
A Form Of Abner
46. Ebo
Boy 5241
Born On Tuesday
47. Ebon
Boy 4431
Stone Of Help
48. Eborard
Boy 2590
Teacher; Friendly; Confidence
49. Eboselulu
Boy 3206
Man Of Obedience
50. Ebosetale
Boy 4361
Defender Of Man
51. Ebou
Boy 4085
Researcher; Flexible; Soft
52. Ebow
Boy 3128
Water Like
53. Eboy
Boy 5808
Beach; Shore
54. Ebra
Boy 5002
Lord Brahma
55. Ebraham
Boy 3181
Wasee O Areezi
56. Ebraheem
Boy 5910
Name Of Hazrat Ibrahim
57. Ebrahem
Boy 2704
From Abraham
58. Ebrahiem
Boy 2830
Gods Messenger; Father Of Many
59. Ebrahim
Boy 4899
Name Of Prophet
60. Ebrahima
Boy 3486
61. Ebrahm
Boy 4971
Victory Of Lord Rama
62. Ebram
Boy 3945
63. Ebran
Boy 2261
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
64. Ebrard
Boy 3324
Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive
65. Ebrima
Boy 5973
Eye Sight
66. Ebrin
Boy 4252
67. Ebronah
Boy 4264
68. Ebsen
Boy 5823
69. Ebshaan
Boy 4298
Exclusively Loved
70. Ebu
Boy 4181
71. Ebube
Boy 4156
72. Ebubechukwu
Boy 2031
Glory Of God
73. Ebubedike
Boy 5540
Guiding The Victory
74. Ebull
Boy 2889
Capability; Strength; Impressive Personality
75. Ebulus
Boy 2587
Achiever; Peacemaker; More Attractive
76. Ebun
Boy 5375
77. Ebunoluwa
Boy 2505
God’s Gift
78. Eburhard
Boy 2842
Boar harD OlD German, from 'ebur harDu'
79. Eburhardt
Boy 5261
Strong As A Boar
80. Eburscon
Boy 5836
Lives Near The Yew Tree Estate
81. Eburu
Boy 3137
French Man
82. Ebward
Boy 4983
83. Eby
Boy 3234
Model; Example
84. Ebyn
Boy 4168
85. Ebzan
Boy 4658
86. Ec
Boy 3886
Name Of A Raga
87. Ecadian
Boy 4527
Supreme Woman
88. Ecaroh
Boy 2744
Lord Vishnu; Prowess
89. Ecb
Boy 4411
Successful Man
90. Ecca
Boy 2627
Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive
91. Eccel
Boy 3190
Independent; Enthusiasm; Admirer
92. Ecchit
Boy 5157
Wanted; Desired
93. Ecchvaku
Boy 5869
A King
94. Ecci
Boy 4323
Cooperative; Travel Lover; Fairness
95. Ecclesiastes
Boy 4147
A Preacher
96. Ecedro
Boy 4708
Gift Of Isis
97. Ecequiel
Boy 2248
Rival; Challenger
98. Ecga
Boy 4421
Investigator; Care Taker; Courage
99. Ecgbald
Boy 3926
Investigator; Care Taker; Courage
100. Ecgbehrt
Boy 4471
Loving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability

German baby boy names A to Z

German baby boy names A to Z

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