Filipino baby boy names starting with D
Filipino most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Filipino are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Filipino baby names for boys and girls.
No.# | Names | Meanings |
1. |
Degan Boy 4487 | There Once Was A Strong Man |
2. |
Degare Boy 3272 | Problem Solver; Healer; Comfortable |
3. |
Dehaney Boy 5145 | To Try; Desire |
4. |
Deheuwynt Boy 2848 | Great Leader; Problem Avoider; Good Judger |
5. |
Deire Boy 5968 | Loving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability |
6. |
Deiren Boy 4789 | Independent; Enthusiasm; Admirer |
7. |
Deither Boy 5800 | Army Of The People |
8. |
Deji Boy 5013 | One Of A Kind, Strong And |
9. |
Dejon Boy 5005 | Yahweh God Is Gracious |
10. |
Dekota Boy 5079 | Friend |
11. |
Deland Boy 4930 | Of The Land |
12. |
Delany Boy 3093 | Competitor's chilD; from the river Slaney |
13. |
Delavan Boy 3374 | Friend; Good Friend |
14. |
Deldrick Boy 3506 | A Reason To Never Give Up |
15. |
Deleon Boy 3760 | From Lyons (Place In France) |
16. |
Delevan Boy 4618 | Friend; Good Friend |
17. |
Dell Boy 2520 | A Dell Or Valley |
18. |
Dellwin Boy 2458 | Bright Friend |
19. |
Delman Boy 5636 | From The Dell Or Valley |
20. |
Delmas Boy 3050 | Person Living In An |
21. |
Delmer Boy 3528 | Seaside |
22. |
Delmon Boy 3872 | From The Mountain Valley |
23. |
Delon Boy 3990 | The Day Is Long; Light; Hope |
24. |
DeLontae Boy 2549 | Chicken Head |
25. |
Delonte Boy 4719 | To Conquer |
26. |
Delorean Boy 4106 | Delorean Represents The Transferred Use Of The Surname As A Given Name |
27. |
Deloy Boy 3723 | Herder Of Geese |
28. |
Delphin Boy 4858 | Dolphin |
29. |
Delroy Boy 3865 | The King |
30. |
Delson Boy 3916 | No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name |
31. |
Delsy Boy 4535 | He Is So |
32. |
Delton Boy 3787 | A Settlement In A Valley |
33. |
Delvin Boy 4098 | Friend; Good Friend |
34. |
Delvon Boy 4072 | Godly Friend |
35. |
Delwynn Boy 2106 | Friend; Good Friend |
36. |
Demani Boy 2778 | Emotional |
37. |
Demar Boy 5331 | No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name |
38. |
Demarco Boy 5520 | Of Mark |
39. |
Demario Boy 2872 | Greek Damaris 'gentle |
40. |
Demarious Boy 4852 | Mars |
41. |
Demarrio Boy 5161 | Gentle |
42. |
Demauri Boy 5906 | Courageous, Strong, Male |
43. |
Demetre Boy 5980 | Gift From Demeter |
44. |
Demetris Boy 5692 | Earth-loverOf Demeter Demeter Is The Mythological Greek Goddess Of Corn And Harvest She Withdraws For The Part Of The Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With The God Of The Underworld - The Reason For Winter |
45. |
Demetrius Boy 3291 | Antony anD Cleopatra' FrienD to Mark Antony 'A MiDsummer Night's Dream' In love with Hermia 'The TrageDy of Titus AnDronicus' Son to Tamora |
46. |
Deming Boy 3037 | Act Of Judging |
47. |
Demon Boy 4860 | Strong; Spirit; An Evil Attendant |
48. |
Demond Boy 2516 | Of Man |
49. |
Demontez Boy 4279 | Disassembly |
50. |
Demontre Boy 3026 | King Power |
51. |
Demorris Boy 5453 | Has Its Origins In The English-American |
52. |
Dempster Boy 5687 | Judge |
53. |
Den Boy 2593 | From Denmark |
54. |
Denali Boy 4995 | Great One |
55. |
Dencil Boy 5355 | A Loving Father |
56. |
Dene Boy 2909 | From The Valley |
57. |
Deneheard Boy 3009 | Warrior; Innovative; Handsome |
58. |
Denewulf Boy 4723 | Guider; Discipline; Adventurer |
59. |
Denham Boy 3007 | Coming From A Homestead In A Valley |
60. |
Denic Boy 3953 | Intolerant; Adorable; Charming |
61. |
Deniel Boy 5720 | The Lord Is My Judge |
62. |
Denim Boy 2191 | Strong; Dependable; Comfortable And Safe |
63. |
Denis Boy 5909 | Named For Saint Denys |
64. |
Denis Dennis Boy 5505 | Devotee Of Dionysos |
65. |
DenisDennis Boy 5409 | Devotee Of Dionysos |
66. |
Deniss Boy 2630 | Follower Of Dionysus |
67. |
Denistan Boy 2383 | From Denis |
68. |
Denley Boy 3238 | The Dean' S Farm |
69. |
Denlie Boy 5806 | Meadow By A Valley |
70. |
Denly Boy 5045 | Meadow By A Valley |
71. |
Denman Boy 2389 | Resident Of A Valley |
72. |
Dennard Boy 5920 | Bears Home |
73. |
Denney Boy 4798 | Dionysius Is The Mythological Greek God Of Wine Responsible For Growth Of The Vines And The Originator Of Winemaking: (equivalent To The Roman God Bacchus) |
74. |
Dennies Boy 5528 | Follower Of Dionysus |
75. |
Deno Boy 4976 | No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name |
76. |
Denson Boy 4244 | Couragous And Helpful |
77. |
Denston Boy 3304 | Leader; Visionary; Powerful |
78. |
Dent Boy 3346 | Valley Town |
79. |
Denten Boy 3895 | Valley Town |
80. |
Dentin Boy 3203 | Valley Town |
81. |
Denton Boy 2622 | Settlement In A Valley |
82. |
Denver Boy 4454 | Passage Of Danes |
83. |
Denvor Boy 5400 | Valley Ferry; Dane Ford |
84. |
Denym Boy 4403 | Made Of A Strong Cloth |
85. |
Denys Boy 5548 | Named For Saint Denys |
86. |
Denzal Boy 5330 | Fort |
87. |
Denzell Boy 4934 | A Place In Cornwall |
88. |
Denzil Boy 2936 | British Town |
89. |
Denzill Boy 3459 | Fort; Fertile Land |
90. |
Denzyl Boy 4964 | Fort; Fertile Land |
91. |
Deodat Boy 4737 | He Or She Gives To God |
92. |
Deon Boy 4781 | Abbreviation Of Dionysius |
93. |
Deondrae Boy 5849 | The Strong One |
94. |
Deontae Boy 5945 | No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name |
95. |
Deonte Boy 4000 | Deonte Is A Mix Of The Names Deon And Dante Meaning Coming From Zeus & Lasting Forever |
96. |
Deor Boy 2043 | Simple Person; Brother Of Husband |
97. |
Deorlaf Boy 4145 | Explorer; Joyful; Expert |
98. |
Deorling Boy 4499 | Expressive; Harmony; Cheerful |
99. |
Deormod Boy 2823 | Hypersensitive; Strength; Highly Attractive |
100. |
Deormund Boy 4132 | Unpredictable; Adorable; Confident |
Filipino baby boy names A to Z
- Filipino boy names starting with A
- Filipino boy names starting with B
- Filipino boy names starting with C
- Filipino boy names starting with D
- Filipino boy names starting with E
- Filipino boy names starting with F
- Filipino boy names starting with G
- Filipino boy names starting with H
- Filipino boy names starting with I
- Filipino boy names starting with J
- Filipino boy names starting with K
- Filipino boy names starting with L
- Filipino boy names starting with M
- Filipino boy names starting with N
- Filipino boy names starting with O
- Filipino boy names starting with P
- Filipino boy names starting with Q
- Filipino boy names starting with R
- Filipino boy names starting with S
- Filipino boy names starting with T
- Filipino boy names starting with U
- Filipino boy names starting with V
- Filipino boy names starting with W
- Filipino boy names starting with X
- Filipino boy names starting with Y
- Filipino boy names starting with Z
Filipino baby boy names A to Z
- Filipino girl names starting with A
- Filipino girl names starting with B
- Filipino girl names starting with C
- Filipino girl names starting with D
- Filipino girl names starting with E
- Filipino girl names starting with F
- Filipino girl names starting with G
- Filipino girl names starting with H
- Filipino girl names starting with I
- Filipino girl names starting with J
- Filipino girl names starting with K
- Filipino girl names starting with L
- Filipino girl names starting with M
- Filipino girl names starting with N
- Filipino girl names starting with O
- Filipino girl names starting with P
- Filipino girl names starting with Q
- Filipino girl names starting with R
- Filipino girl names starting with S
- Filipino girl names starting with T
- Filipino girl names starting with U
- Filipino girl names starting with V
- Filipino girl names starting with W
- Filipino girl names starting with X
- Filipino girl names starting with Y
- Filipino girl names starting with Z