Filipino baby boy names starting with D

Filipino most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Filipino are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Filipino baby names for boys and girls.

1. Dammon
Boy 4176
To Tame
2. Damone
Boy 4301
Gentle; To Tame
3. Damoni
Boy 2889
Variant Of Damon; The Name Means To Discipline And Tame
4. Damonie
Boy 4659
Make money
5. Damont
Boy 4043
6. Damonte
Boy 3567
7. Damontre
Boy 3889
Observer Handsome King Leader
8. Danas
Boy 2225
Dane; From Denmark
9. Dandre
Boy 4613
Variant Of Deandre; Puts Others Before Himself; Selfless
10. DAndre
Boy 2761
Male; Manly; Brave
11. Dane
Boy 3733
From A Valley
12. Danerius
Boy 5315
Gift From God
13. Danforth
Boy 5324
Place Name In Britain
14. DAngelo
Boy 2374
From The Angel
15. DAngelo
Boy 5749
16. Danior
Boy 2749
Born With Teeth
17. Daniyar
Boy 5137
The Great
18. Danni
Boy 2296
FeminineGod Will Judge
19. Dannie
Boy 5810
God Is My Judge
20. Dannis
Boy 4194
Follower Of Dionysos
21. Danno
Boy 4793
Field Gathering Surname
22. Danny
Boy 5611
AHebrew Daniel, meaning GoD has juDgeD, or GoD is juDge, frequently useD as an inDepenDent name 'Danny Boy' is a Famous Scottish folk song
23. Danon
Boy 2381
From Denmark
24. Danovan
Boy 3481
Form Of David
25. Dansby
Boy 4027
From The Farm Of The Danes
26. Dantee
Boy 4547
An Enduring Man ; Everlasting
27. DAnthony
Boy 5738
This Name Is A Combination Of The PrefixDwith The NameAnthony; Which Means Praiseworthy The Name Also Means Rambunctious
28. Dantrell
Boy 5233
God Is My Judge
29. Danyele
Boy 2828
Origin Is Varied
30. Danzel
Boy 5354
Fertile Land; Fort
31. Dar
Boy 5651
32. Darb
Boy 4431
Place Where Deer Graze
33. Dardo
Boy 3243
Astute And Skillful
34. Darel
Boy 4704
35. Darence
Boy 5397
Blend Of Darell And Clarence
36. Darian
Boy 3387
Gift Also a Poet John Keats DescribeD the moment of Discovery when explorers stooD 'silent upon a peak in Darien
37. Darik
Boy 3891
Ruler Of The Land
38. Darikson
Boy 5067
Son Of Derek
39. Dario
Boy 4559
Which Is A Royal Title
40. Darion
Boy 3926
Gift Also a Poet John Keats DescribeD the moment of Discovery when explorers stooD 'silent upon a peak in Darien
41. Darl
Boy 5527
From Airelle
42. Darnal
Boy 3321
Hiding Place; Hidden Area
43. Darnall
Boy 5264
Hiding Place; Hidden Area
44. Darneil
Boy 4098
45. Darnel
Boy 3731
Hiding Place; Hidden Area
46. Darnell
Boy 4294
A Plant
47. Darol
Boy 4745
48. Darold
Boy 2731
From Airelle; Lord Of The Manor
49. Daronn
Boy 4357
A Great Man A Gift From God
50. Darrance
Boy 4612
Blend Of Darell And Clarence
51. Darrek
Boy 4407
Ruler Of The People
52. Darrel
Boy 3535
From a French surname anD place name meaning 'Open' Dates back to the eleventh century as both surname anD given name
53. Darrell
Boy 5165
Darling, Dearly loveD, from the OlD english 'Deorling'
54. Darrence
Boy 2844
Blend Of Darell And Clarence
55. Darrian
Boy 4076
Gift Also a Poet John Keats DescribeD the moment of Discovery when explorers stooD 'silent upon a peak in Darien
56. Darriel
Boy 5954
57. Darrien
Boy 3154
Gift Also a Poet John Keats DescribeD the moment of Discovery when explorers stooD 'silent upon a peak in Darien
58. Darrik
Boy 3329
Ruler Of The Land
59. Darrill
Boy 4166
Darling, Dearly loveD, from the OlD english 'Deorling'
60. Darrio
Boy 2017
A Kingly Man ; One Who Is Wealthy
61. Darrion
Boy 2793
Gift Also a Poet John Keats DescribeD the moment of Discovery when explorers stooD 'silent upon a peak in Darien
62. Darrius
Boy 5568
Preserver; Darius The Mede Assumed Kingship Of Babylon After Its Conquest By Cyrus
63. Darro
Boy 3782
Spear Wielder
64. Darrol
Boy 5421
Darling, Dearly loveD, from the OlD english 'Deorling'
65. Darrold
Boy 4129
Blend Of Daryl And Harold Or Gerald
66. Darrow
Boy 5835
Spear Wielder
67. Darry
Boy 2558
Red-haired; Wealthy
68. Darryel
Boy 5794
Compassionate Introvert Gentleman Passionate
69. Darryll
Boy 2814
Darling, Dearly loveD, from the OlD english 'Deorling'
70. Darton
Boy 5675
From The Deer Park
71. Darus
Boy 3112
Wealthy; Protector
72. Darvel
Boy 5546
Eagle Town
73. Darvin
Boy 4981
Blend Of Daryl And Marvin
74. Darvis
Boy 4375
Gift Of God
75. Darwin
Boy 4981
A Very Dear Friend
76. Darwun
Boy 5653
Dear Friend
77. Darwyn
Boy 4733
Good Friend
78. Dary
Boy 2399
79. Daryan
Boy 4027
A Village In North Western Iran
80. Daryl
Boy 4121
Darling, Dearly loveD, from the OlD english 'Deorling'
81. Daryle
Boy 5842
From Airelle
82. Daryll
Boy 2023
Darling, Dearly loveD, from the OlD english 'Deorling'
83. Dasean
Boy 2382
To Lead; To Promotoe
84. Dasen
Boy 4979
85. Dash
Boy 3221
The Ash Tree
86. Dashaun
Boy 2309
God Is Gracious
87. DaShawn
Boy 4806
Finds Peace By Turning To God
88. Dasiah
Boy 5301
89. Dasin
Boy 4304
90. Dason
Boy 5741
Derives From The Pomo Indian Language - leader
91. Dassan
Boy 4343
92. Datan
Boy 4111
Place With A Dike
93. Dathan
Boy 4823
Laws Or Rites
94. Datin
Boy 4542
Ditch Town; Dairy Town
95. Daton
Boy 3518
Ditch Town; Dairy Town
96. Datron
Boy 2500
97. Datuidoci
Boy 4289
Loving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability
98. Dauid
Boy 4751
Beloved; Favorite; Darling; Friend
99. Dauren
Boy 2801
Loving; Caring;
100. Dav
Boy 4860
Friend; Beloved; Favourite

Filipino baby boy names A to Z

Filipino baby boy names A to Z

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