Chilean baby boy names starting with V

Chilean most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Chilean are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Chilean baby names for boys and girls.

1. Vadalon
Boy 4059
Unique; Visionary; Different
2. Vaden
Boy 5481
3. Vagelis
Boy 5800
Name Of A God
4. Vaggelis
Boy 3203
5. Vagor
Boy 2998
Helpful; Researcher; Comfortable
6. Vahram
Boy 2971
King Forever
7. Vailathi
Boy 5743
Individualistic; Emotional; Powerful
8. Vaill
Boy 4033
From The Valley
9. Vain
Boy 3106
Cart Maker; Carter
10. Vaios
Boy 5643
11. Valdeze
Boy 5513
Fierce One
12. Valdin
Boy 3781
Highly Competitive; Confidence; Studious
13. Valens
Boy 2019
Pioneer; Sacrificer; Respectability
14. Valenti
Boy 3274
Mighty, Romantic
15. Valiant
Boy 4776
Courageous Or Brave
16. Valle
Boy 3726
From The Glen
17. Valon
Boy 5522
The Monkey King
18. Valour
Boy 2771
Courageous Or Brave
19. Vance
Boy 3016
From The Moors
20. Vandy
Boy 4145
21. Vanilla
Boy 2033
Innocent, Simple
22. Vannes
Boy 2320
Grain Fans
23. Vanor
Boy 2610
Knowledgeful; Inventive; Elegant
24. Vanse
Boy 4892
Fen Dweller
25. Vareck
Boy 4224
From The Fortress
26. Varek
Boy 5425
From The Fortress
27. Varnell
Boy 3319
Lives Near Ferns
28. Varro
Boy 2324
The TrageDy of Julius Caesar' A servant to Brutus
29. Varu
Boy 4903
30. Vaschel
Boy 3804
From The Small Ash Tree
31. Vashawn
Boy 5981
The One Who Guides The Lost Through Example Given To The Middle Child Of The Family
32. Vashon
Boy 3493
God Is Gracious; Merciful
33. Vassili
Boy 4807
Will; Desire; Helmet
34. Vassilios
Boy 5522
Royal; Kingly
35. Vatche
Boy 2652
A River
36. Vaughn
Boy 3622
37. Vayden
Boy 4789
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
38. Vecrec
Boy 2322
Sensitive; Leadership; Energetic
39. Vee
Boy 3439
40. Veldon
Boy 2318
Well In The Side Of A Hill
41. Velizar
Boy 4427
From Lucania
42. Vellocatus
Boy 4124
Innovative; Domestic; Intelligence
43. Velmer
Boy 3874
Tell Us What The Name Means Friendship
44. Vendesetli
Boy 4876
Investigator; Care Taker; Courage
45. Vendogni
Boy 4362
Passionate; Extremely Sensitive; Intelligence
46. Vendognus
Boy 5983
Unpredictable; Adorable; Confident
47. Vendoni
Boy 5968
Aware; Sentimental; Noble
48. Vendubarus
Boy 3764
Ambitious; Playful; Different
49. Vendusetlus
Boy 3439
Helpful; Researcher; Comfortable
50. Vendvbari
Boy 2344
Investigator; Care Taker; Courage
51. Vendvmagli
Boy 5363
Pioneer; Sacrificer; Respectability
52. Venedict
Boy 3390
53. Venice
Boy 5539
The Merchant of Venice' The Duke of Venice 'The TrageDy of Othello' The Duke of Venice
54. Vennisetli
Boy 5748
Inspiring; Confidence; Gentle
55. Venson
Boy 5519
Winning Attitude
56. Ventres
Boy 2644
Guider; Intelligence; Optimistic
57. Venutius
Boy 2665
Adventure; Emotional; Highly Attractive
58. Veqreq
Boy 5699
Sweet; Humble
59. Veracivs
Boy 3401
Mankind; Great Lover; Optimistic
60. Verden
Boy 5059
From The Green Hills
61. Vered
Boy 3677
Rose Victor - Winner
62. Vergil
Boy 2510
63. Verlin
Boy 2214
64. Verlon
Boy 5212
65. Verlyn
Boy 2612
Blooming; Place Of Alders; Alder Grove
66. Vernal
Boy 2983
Place Of Alders; Alder
67. Verne
Boy 5179
Surname relateD to Vernon 'alDer tree grove' Also useD as abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern
68. Vero
Boy 2820
69. Vertiger
Boy 2976
Loving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability
70. Vianka
Boy 4562
Vianka Means Loving And Caring
71. Vic
Boy 5421
From The Village
72. Vicarle
Boy 5603
Investigator; Care Taker; Courage
73. Vichael
Boy 3300
Honesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
74. Vici
Boy 4672
I Conquered
75. Victorious
Boy 4301
76. Viet
Boy 2664
For Vietnam; To Write
77. Vifil
Boy 5950
Father Of Thornbjorn
78. Viho
Boy 3290
79. Vilfred
Boy 4343
Longing For Peace
80. Villamor
Boy 3268
From A Town Or Village
81. Vin
Boy 5013
82. Vinal
Boy 3290
Vine Hall
83. Vince
Boy 5608
Form of Vincent 'conquering
84. Vincenzo
Boy 3786
85. Vincey
Boy 3081
86. Ving
Boy 3610
Green River
87. Vingon
Boy 5893
Son Of Vinn
88. Vinn
Boy 3993
89. Vinnemagli
Boy 5425
Investigator; Care Taker; Courage
90. Vinnie
Boy 3565
Form of Vincent 'conquering
91. Vinsent
Boy 5509
Winning; Conquering
92. Vinsone
Boy 2046
Son Of Vinn
93. Vint
Boy 4343
Winning; Conquering
94. Viny
Boy 3245
95. Vinz
Boy 5173
Noble And Pure
96. Virgena
Boy 2896
Chaste; Virginal
97. Virgin
Boy 2751
Descadant Of The Virgin River
98. Virl
Boy 5031
Of Verle; Blooming
99. Virnin
Boy 5618
Power; Great Humanity; Stimulator
100. Viron
Boy 3311

Chilean baby boy names A to Z

Chilean baby boy names A to Z

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