Chilean baby boy names starting with R

Chilean most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Chilean are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Chilean baby names for boys and girls.

1. Rocatos
Boy 5365
2. Roce
Boy 2289
Free Spirit; Visionary; Highly Attractive
3. Rocelinus
Boy 4065
Intolerant; Adorable; Charming
4. Rochester
Boy 4235
From A Roofed Roman Fort
5. Rock
Boy 3645
Rock Or Stone
6. Rocki
Boy 3792
From The Rock; Rock-like; To Roar
7. Rockland
Boy 4080
8. Rocklee
Boy 2154
From The Rock Meadow
9. Rockleigh
Boy 3524
The Wood Of Rook
10. Rockley
Boy 4277
The Wood Of Rook
11. Rockly
Boy 5599
From The Rock Meadow
12. Rockne
Boy 2731
A Rock
13. Rockwell
Boy 4682
Crow Spring
14. Rocky
Boy 5924
15. Roco
Boy 4988
Kind; Entertainer; Handsome
16. Rod
Boy 5849
Famed Ruler
17. Rodarius
Boy 5127
Pleasant Scent
18. Roddelle
Boy 2480
Famous Ruler
19. Rodderick
Boy 2989
A Famous Ruler
20. Roddney
Boy 5786
From The Famous One
21. Roddy
Boy 2088
Island Of ReedsAlso Afamous Ruler
22. Rodell
Boy 4950
Famous Ruler
23. Roden
Boy 2232
Powerful; Dedicator; Noble
24. Roderrick
Boy 3776
A Famous Ruler
25. Rodes
Boy 3330
Lives Near The Crucifix
26. Rodge
Boy 5044
Famed Spear
27. Rodger
Boy 5641
Renowned Spear
28. Rodman
Boy 3525
Servants On Horse Back
29. Rodney
Boy 4253
Famous Island
30. Rodolph
Boy 2418
Famous Wolf
31. Rodrick
Boy 3718
32. Rodwell
Boy 3136
Lives By The Spring Near The Road
33. Rody
Boy 3527
Spiritual; Domestic; Gentle
34. Roe
Boy 4271
35. Roee
Boy 3260
36. Roel
Boy 5334
37. Roemello
Boy 4973
Precious And Powerful Soul
38. Roger
Boy 3815
Henry VI, Part 2' Roger Bolingbroke, a conjurer
39. Rogerio
Boy 5870
Renowned Spear
40. Rogers
Boy 4043
Renowned Spear
41. Rogin
Boy 5208
42. Rohn
Boy 2260
Progressive; Healing; Ascending
43. Rohon
Boy 3603
Horse Country
44. Roiston
Boy 3717
Son Of Royce; Settlement Of Royce
45. Rojins
Boy 2086
Son Of Ronish And Jincy
46. Rokey
Boy 4252
Rock-like; From The Rock
47. Roki
Boy 2987
Rock-like; From The Rock
48. Rolandas
Boy 3674
King Of Wisdom
49. Rolen
Boy 5964
50. Rolf
Boy 4879
Legendary Wolf
51. Rolin
Boy 2744
Famous Landowner
52. Rollin
Boy 5103
Famous Wolf
53. Rollins
Boy 4506
Famous Wolf
54. Rollo
Boy 2127
Renowned Wolf
55. Rolo
Boy 2688
Famous Land
56. Rom
Boy 3601
Curving River; Soul
57. Romani
Boy 2139
Man From Rome
58. Romann
Boy 5113
Man From Rome
59. Romar
Boy 5989
Pilgrim To Rome
60. Romas
Boy 4923
Awake Or Watchful
61. Rome
Boy 4004
Strength, power'
62. Romell
Boy 3915
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
63. Romello
Boy 5621
No Meaning
64. Romer
Boy 4649
Pilgrim To Rome
65. Romio
Boy 4599
Pilgrim To Rome; Citizen Of Rome
66. Rommel
Boy 2167
Good Looking; Smart
67. Rommy
Boy 3559
Man From Rome
68. Romney
Boy 5893
Dwells Near The Curving River
69. Romone
Boy 4530
To Glow
70. Ron
Boy 3278
Rules With Counsel Form Of Ronald From Reynold
71. Ronan
Boy 4041
Little Seal
72. Rondal
Boy 3503
Gift of God
73. Rondale
Boy 4128
The King’s Advisor
74. Rondall
Boy 2616
Short Poem
75. Rondey
Boy 3332
In My
76. Rondo
Boy 3550
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
77. Roneil
Boy 5667
The Lord Is My Judge
78. Roni
Boy 4363
Joy Is Mine
79. Ronie
Boy 3526
Rules With Good Judgement
80. Roniel
Boy 4327
Happines Of God
81. Ronilo
Boy 4698
Mill On The Shore
82. Ronish
Boy 4355
Perfectionist; Bright
83. Ronnald
Boy 3381
The King
84. Ronold
Boy 5356
85. Ronson
Boy 2523
Son Of Ronald
86. Roo
Boy 4374
Companion; Friend; Neighbour
87. Rook
Boy 5449
88. Rorry
Boy 3434
ReD Sixteenth-century rebel chief Rory O'More is celebrateD in Irish poetry
89. Rosevelt
Boy 4305
Strong Leader
90. Roshaun
Boy 3290
Shining Light
91. Roshon
Boy 4758
92. Rosman
Boy 4724
Rose Flower
93. Ross
Boy 3263
Mighty Horse
94. Rossano
Boy 5564
Brilliant; Peninsula; Promontory
95. Rosselyn
Boy 2733
Red Haired
96. Rossy
Boy 4646
Beautiful; Deep Pink
97. Roswell
Boy 2479
Horse Mighty
98. Rotimi
Boy 4042
99. Rotri
Boy 2172
Spiritual; Domestic; Gentle
100. Rouben
Boy 2170
Winner; Lucky

Chilean baby boy names A to Z

Chilean baby boy names A to Z

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