Chilean baby boy names starting with I
Chilean most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Chilean are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Chilean baby names for boys and girls.
No.# | Names | Meanings |
1. |
Iaenbeorht Boy 3813 | Capability; Strength; Impressive Personality |
2. |
Ibba Boy 4210 | Loving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability |
3. |
Ibis Boy 5764 | A Man Named |
4. |
Ibzan Boy 3702 | Father Of A Target; Father Of Coldness |
5. |
Icca Boy 5079 | Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness |
6. |
Ichi Boy 4095 | First Son |
7. |
Icori Boy 3136 | Mankind; Great Lover; Optimistic |
8. |
Icorigas Boy 4401 | Helpful; Researcher; Comfortable |
9. |
Idal Boy 2716 | From The Yew Tree Valley |
10. |
Idande Boy 5539 | Protection |
11. |
Idcant Boy 5680 | Caring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma |
12. |
Iddig Boy 5092 | Legendary Son Of Anarawd |
13. |
Ider Boy 5775 | Helper; Adaptable; Strengthful |
14. |
Idguallaun Boy 3087 | Genius; Wealth; Protector |
15. |
Idguin Boy 5608 | Ambitious; Playful; Different |
16. |
Idhelm Boy 4324 | Trustworthy; Travel Lover; Capable |
17. |
Idmab Boy 2257 | Open-Minded; Leadership; Courage |
18. |
Idmaer Boy 2257 | Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong |
19. |
Idnert Boy 2908 | Researcher; Flexible; Soft |
20. |
Idnerth Boy 4118 | Lord Strength |
21. |
Idon Boy 4620 | Honesty; Sacrificer; Admirer |
22. |
Idres Boy 3686 | Influencer; Freedom Lover; Charisma |
23. |
Idwal Boy 5378 | Leader' S Protection |
24. |
Idwallon Boy 3212 | Helpful; Researcher; Comfortable |
25. |
Idwared Boy 5515 | Pioneer; Helper; Inventiveness |
26. |
Ieklon Boy 4306 | The Moon |
27. |
Ielfgar Boy 5225 | Innovative; Domestic; Intelligence |
28. |
Ielfred Boy 5445 | Loving Change; Master Of Their Own Destiny; High Intelligence |
29. |
Ieuaf Boy 4811 | Youngest |
30. |
Ify Boy 5744 | One Who Is Widely Loved |
31. |
Igasho Boy 4020 | Wanders |
32. |
Igil Boy 5750 | Powerful; Perfectionist; Capable |
33. |
Ignatious Boy 2370 | Fiery One |
34. |
Ignatius Boy 4204 | Fiery Famous Bearers: St Ignatius Of Antioch; Martyred In The 2nd CenturySt Ignatius Of Loyola; Who Founded The Jesuits In The 15th Century |
35. |
Ihu Boy 4630 | God Rescues; Yahweh |
36. |
Ikee Boy 2426 | Full Of Laughter |
37. |
Ilex Boy 2914 | Variant Of Alex |
38. |
Ilfred Boy 2068 | Helper; Freedom Lover; Super Star |
39. |
Ilger Boy 3036 | Trustworthy; Travel Lover; Capable |
40. |
Ilhelm Boy 2963 | Feeling; Adaptable; Noble |
41. |
Ilijah Boy 2278 | Combination Of Eli And Elijah |
42. |
Ilio Boy 4651 | Sun |
43. |
Ilit Boy 3664 | The Best |
44. |
Illanipi Boy 3348 | An Amazing Man |
45. |
Illica Boy 3607 | Independent; Enthusiasm; Admirer |
46. |
Illud Boy 3719 | Mankind; Friendly; Energetic |
47. |
Ilud Boy 2672 | Ambitious; Playful; Different |
48. |
Ilvetos Boy 3176 | Expressive; Harmony; Cheerful |
49. |
Ilvveto Boy 4976 | Helpful; Sentimental; Respectability |
50. |
Imanol Boy 4729 | God Is With Us |
51. |
Imants Boy 3982 | Mashoor |
52. |
Imbert Boy 2567 | Of Great Fame |
53. |
Imbicatos Boy 2464 | Warrior; Innovative; Handsome |
54. |
Immin Boy 2771 | Clever; Great Mankind; Strengthful |
55. |
Immine Boy 5189 | Helper; Adaptable; Strengthful |
56. |
Imron Boy 3356 | Greatness |
57. |
Indulf Boy 3760 | Social Person; Great Companion; Graceful |
58. |
Ine Boy 3582 | Name Of A King |
59. |
Inee Boy 4513 | Caring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma |
60. |
Ingelbert Boy 4463 | Bright Angel |
61. |
Ingeld Boy 5400 | Trustworthy; Travel Lover; Capable |
62. |
Ingeler Boy 2674 | Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness |
63. |
Ingham Boy 2157 | Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness |
64. |
Ingilram Boy 5568 | Sensitive; Leadership; Energetic |
65. |
Ingin Boy 2366 | Ruler; Good Person; Influencer |
66. |
Ingraham Boy 4679 | Angel-raven |
67. |
Ingrim Boy 5130 | Angel-raven |
68. |
Inguburh Boy 2961 | Pioneer; Sacrificer; Respectability |
69. |
Ingui Boy 3246 | Kind; Entertainer; Handsome |
70. |
Ingulf Boy 2577 | Wolf |
71. |
Ingulph Boy 2361 | Kind; Entertainer; Handsome |
72. |
Inguo Boy 5218 | Expertise; Good Person; Charming |
73. |
Ingwald Boy 2270 | Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness |
74. |
Ingweald Boy 4380 | Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive |
75. |
Ingwulf Boy 4995 | Emotional; Entertainer; Strong |
76. |
Inno Boy 5898 | Man Of Victory |
77. |
Inprimis Boy 4427 | Ruler; Good Person; Influencer |
78. |
Instio Boy 3522 | Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong |
79. |
Inwaer Boy 3280 | Investigator; Care Taker; Courage |
80. |
Ioco Boy 2548 | Kind; Entertainer; Handsome |
81. |
Iocyn Boy 5961 | Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive |
82. |
Iohannes Boy 4259 | Music; Friendly; Dynamic |
83. |
Ionas Boy 5066 | Chief; Educated; Good Understanding |
84. |
Iordanus Boy 5691 | Sensitive; Leadership; Energetic |
85. |
Ioruert Boy 3558 | Researcher; Flexible; Soft |
86. |
Iorwerth Boy 2883 | Worthy lorDDeriveD from 'ior' anD 'gwerth'LegenDary son of MareDuDD |
87. |
Ioseb Boy 4136 | Adventure; Emotional; Highly Attractive |
88. |
Ioseph Boy 4045 | God Will Multiply |
89. |
Iouanaul Boy 5793 | Unpredictable; Adorable; Confident |
90. |
Iovenali Boy 2438 | Kind; Entertainer; Handsome |
91. |
Ipa Boy 3773 | Highly Competitive; Confidence; Studious |
92. |
Ipela Boy 4294 | Investigator; Care Taker; Courage |
93. |
Ippa Boy 2560 | Caring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma |
94. |
Irek Boy 5167 | Blue Lotus |
95. |
Irgen Boy 5962 | Free Bird |
96. |
Irineo Boy 3747 | Peaceful |
97. |
Iriye Boy 2965 | Cool; Peace; Harmony |
98. |
Irl Boy 5986 | Earl |
99. |
Irminric Boy 4444 | Expertise; Good Person; Charming |
100. |
Irom Boy 5232 | Bright |
Chilean baby boy names A to Z
- Chilean boy names starting with A
- Chilean boy names starting with B
- Chilean boy names starting with C
- Chilean boy names starting with D
- Chilean boy names starting with E
- Chilean boy names starting with F
- Chilean boy names starting with G
- Chilean boy names starting with H
- Chilean boy names starting with I
- Chilean boy names starting with J
- Chilean boy names starting with K
- Chilean boy names starting with L
- Chilean boy names starting with M
- Chilean boy names starting with N
- Chilean boy names starting with O
- Chilean boy names starting with P
- Chilean boy names starting with Q
- Chilean boy names starting with R
- Chilean boy names starting with S
- Chilean boy names starting with T
- Chilean boy names starting with U
- Chilean boy names starting with V
- Chilean boy names starting with W
- Chilean boy names starting with X
- Chilean boy names starting with Y
- Chilean boy names starting with Z
Chilean baby boy names A to Z
- Chilean girl names starting with A
- Chilean girl names starting with B
- Chilean girl names starting with C
- Chilean girl names starting with D
- Chilean girl names starting with E
- Chilean girl names starting with F
- Chilean girl names starting with G
- Chilean girl names starting with H
- Chilean girl names starting with I
- Chilean girl names starting with J
- Chilean girl names starting with K
- Chilean girl names starting with L
- Chilean girl names starting with M
- Chilean girl names starting with N
- Chilean girl names starting with O
- Chilean girl names starting with P
- Chilean girl names starting with Q
- Chilean girl names starting with R
- Chilean girl names starting with S
- Chilean girl names starting with T
- Chilean girl names starting with U
- Chilean girl names starting with V
- Chilean girl names starting with W
- Chilean girl names starting with X
- Chilean girl names starting with Y
- Chilean girl names starting with Z