Chilean baby boy names starting with B

Chilean most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Chilean are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Chilean baby names for boys and girls.

1. Birley
Boy 5519
From The Cattle Shed On The Meadow
2. Birlie
Boy 4040
Cow Pasture
3. Birly
Boy 5400
Cow Pasture
4. Birney
Boy 5891
Lives On The Brook Island
5. Birnie
Boy 2356
Small River Or Stream With An Island
6. Birny
Boy 5469
Small River Or Stream With An Island
7. Biron
Boy 3806
Surname useD as a given name Biron was the name of a character in Shakespeare's Loves Labours Lost
8. Birtel
Boy 5756
From The Bird Hill
9. Birtle
Boy 3056
From The Bird Hill
10. Bish
Boy 5287
11. Bishop
Boy 5239
Supervisor Of Spiritual Things
12. Bitanig
Boy 3405
From The Preserving Land
13. Bitel
Boy 4368
Creativity; Flexible; Studious
14. Bitty
Boy 5809
The Most Beautiful
15. Biuon
Boy 3005
Expertise; Perfect; Serious
16. Biutta
Boy 5904
Courageous; Logical; Compassion
17. Bivadi
Boy 5101
Sensitive; Leadership; Energetic
18. Bivatigirni
Boy 5087
19. Bivitas
Boy 3891
Independent; Enthusiasm; Admirer
20. Bix
Boy 3173
Language Of Origin Is English-American
21. Bjoern
Boy 5095
22. Bjorgvin
Boy 3884
One Of The Kauravas
23. Blac
Boy 2383
A Dark-skinned-man
24. Blaca
Boy 2816
Individualistic; Emotional; Powerful
25. Black
Boy 3973
26. Blackburn
Boy 5231
Black Brook
27. Blackie
Boy 2710
28. Blaec
Boy 3124
Black Or White
29. Blaecleah
Boy 3291
From The Dark Meadow
30. Blaecman
Boy 2190
Sacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
31. Blaed
Boy 2744
Wealthy Glory
32. Blaedla
Boy 2190
Warrior; Innovative; Handsome
33. Blaeey
Boy 3884
34. Blagdan
Boy 5252
From The Dark Valley
35. Blagden
Boy 5064
From The Dark Valley
36. Blagdon
Boy 2804
From The Dark Valley
37. Blaiddudd
Boy 3773
Philosopher; Careful; Beautiful
38. Blaike
Boy 3604
Light; Dark
39. Blake
Boy 5358
Dark Or Fair
40. Blakelee
Boy 2773
From The Light Meadow; From The Dark Meadow
41. Blakeleigh
Boy 5700
Dark; Fair
42. Blakeley
Boy 2857
From The Light Meadow; From The Dark Meadow
43. Blakelie
Boy 3050
From The Light Meadow; From The Dark Meadow
44. Blakemore
Boy 2727
From The Dark Moor
45. Blakeny
Boy 4949
Dark; Fair
46. Blakey
Boy 3360
47. Blamore
Boy 5388
Social Person; Great Companion; Graceful
48. Blandford
Boy 3037
Gray man's forD; gray haireD
49. Blanford
Boy 5220
Gray man's forD; gray haireD
50. Blaxland
Boy 2384
From The Black Land
51. Blaxton
Boy 4838
A Black Stone
52. Blayke
Boy 2003
Light; Dark
53. Blayton
Boy 3677
Deep Thinker
54. Blease
Boy 2285
55. Bleddyn
Boy 3589
Wolf Hero
56. Bledgur
Boy 4300
Unique; Visionary; Different
57. Bledud
Boy 5076
Genius; Good; Good Judger
58. Bleiddgu
Boy 5886
Risk Taker; Visionary; Unpretentious
59. Blesi
Boy 5059
Cooperative; Travel Lover; Fairness
60. Bless
Boy 4925
61. Blessed
Boy 4547
Being Blessed
62. Blessin
Boy 3502
Intolerant; Adorable; Charming
63. Blessings
Boy 3937
God's Favour And Protection
64. Bli
Boy 5822
65. Bligh
Boy 5705
66. Bliss
Boy 3021
Joy; Happy
67. Blitha
Boy 3206
Knowledge; Leadership; Fairness
68. Blithe
Boy 5393
Happy; Merry
69. Blocc
Boy 5774
Spiritual; Helper; Intuitive
70. Blocca
Boy 5135
Helpful; Knowledgeul; Shy
71. Bloeme
Boy 2876
72. Blu
Boy 5369
A Modern And Fashionable Spelling For The Color Blue
73. Blue
Boy 5495
The Color Blue
74. Blues
Boy 3964
To Be Separated
75. Blyth
Boy 5381
76. Bob
Boy 4335
FameD, bright; shiningAn all-time favorite boys' name since the MiDDle AgesFamous Bearers:Scottish national hero Robert the Bruce anD novelist Robert LuDlum
77. Bobb
Boy 3564
Bright Famous One; Famously Famous
78. Bobbey
Boy 2869
Bright Famous One; Famously Famous
79. Bobe
Boy 4303
Loving; Dedicator; Respectability
80. Boby
Boy 2785
Bright Fame
81. Boc
Boy 3018
Male Deer
82. Bocca
Boy 3169
Sacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
83. Bocleah
Boy 4602
Lives At The Buck Meadow
84. Bocley
Boy 3815
Lives At The Buck Meadow
85. Boda
Boy 5072
86. Bodee
Boy 4979
No Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
87. Bodey
Boy 4185
Shelter, One Who Protects
88. Bodiccius
Boy 4611
Clever; Great Mankind; Strengthful
89. Bodkin
Boy 4882
Pioneer; Sacrificer; Respectability
90. Bodvoci
Boy 5102
Explorer; Great Companion; Trustworthy
91. Boga
Boy 4456
Knowledgeful; Inventive; Elegant
92. Bohort
Boy 3277
Kind; Entertainer; Handsome
93. Bola
Boy 3479
Careful, Bold
94. Bolt
Boy 4478
From The Manor Farm
95. Bolton
Boy 3452
A House In A Settlement
96. Bonaventura
Boy 2586
Good Fortune
97. Bond
Boy 4690
Bound By Loyalty
98. Bonde
Boy 3983
Man Of The Land
99. Bondig
Boy 3109
100. Bondon
Boy 5403
Man Of The Land

Chilean baby boy names A to Z

Chilean baby boy names A to Z

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