Chad baby boy names starting with N

Chad most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Chad are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Chad baby names for boys and girls.

1. Neekan
Boy 2325
Good Ones; Virtuous Ones; It Is The Plural Of Good; Virtuous
2. Neelak
Boy 2832
Silk Cloth
3. Neering
Boy 2856
4. Neerumand
Boy 4225
Strong; Powerful
5. Nehad
Boy 5091
Brave; Face Challenge
6. Neham
Boy 3280
Completely Red; Drenched In Red Colour
7. Nehan
Boy 4784
Beautiful; Stronger
8. Nehar
Boy 3627
9. Nehrin
Boy 4197
10. Nejeeb
Boy 5775
11. Neloferi
Boy 5427
Name Of A Flower
12. Nemat
Boy 3475
Blessing; Boon; Favour; Grace; Bounty; Comforts Of Life
13. Nesfet
Boy 4253
14. Neymat
Boy 5791
15. Nezahat
Boy 3347
Prosperity; Holiness
16. Nezamet
Boy 2701
Cleanliness; Holiness
17. Niaaz
Boy 2808
18. Niaazi
Boy 2631
19. Niayesh
Boy 4895
20. Niaz
Boy 2945
Desire; Urge To Express Love
21. Niazi
Boy 2686
Petitioner; An Afghan Tribe
22. Nibaar
Boy 2340
Good Ethics
23. Nibal
Boy 2593
24. Nibraas
Boy 3612
Lamp; Torch; Brave
25. Nidaal
Boy 3787
Struggle, Fight
26. Nidahel
Boy 3644
27. Nidal
Boy 3205
28. Nidman
Boy 2000
29. Nieem
Boy 3395
30. Nieshan
Boy 4950
31. Nifasat
Boy 5881
32. Nihaad
Boy 3532
33. Nihaas
Boy 3595
34. Nihal
Boy 3452
35. Nihal Ahmed
Boy 3558
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
36. Nihal Ali
Boy 3966
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
37. Nihal Hussain
Boy 4610
Handsome; Beautiful
38. Nijaah
Boy 4410
39. Nijaat
Boy 4094
40. Nijabat
Boy 5699
41. Nijad
Boy 3939
Tall; Dominant
42. Nijah
Boy 4266
43. Nijam
Boy 4038
The Power
44. Nijas
Boy 2340
Everytime Fresh Mind; Fresh
45. Niknam
Boy 4293
One Who Has A Good Name; One Who Has A Virtuous Name; Figuratively Meaning Respected; Highly Regarded
46. Nikrouz
Boy 4466
One Whose Day Is Blessed; Figuratively Meaning Blessed; Fortunate
47. Nikzad
Boy 4669
Well-born; Virtuous-born; A Person Who Is Born In A Good And Virtuous Family And Is Thus Good And Virtuous Himself
48. Nimaal
Boy 3735
49. Nimat Ullah
Boy 4555
Blessing Of Allah
50. Nimatullah
Boy 4700
Blessing Of Allah
51. Nimr
Boy 4081
52. Nimraan
Boy 4990
53. Nirwan
Boy 2043
54. Nisaah
Boy 2356
The Holy Quran Teacher
55. Nisaaj
Boy 4655
56. Nisaar
Boy 3559
57. Nisar
Boy 3846
To Strew; To Sacrifice
58. Nisar Ahmed
Boy 2507
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
59. Nisar Ali
Boy 5910
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
60. Nisar Hussain
Boy 4189
Handsome; Beautiful
61. Nishaaj
Boy 2589
62. Nishaat
Boy 4730
Liveliness Energy
63. Nishaath
Boy 2420
Liveliness; Energy; Joy
64. Nishaj
Boy 2995
65. Nishat
Boy 3467
Happiness; Khushi; ; Musarrat
66. Nishat Ali
Boy 5788
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
67. Nishat Hussain
Boy 5888
Handsome; Beautiful
68. Nishtar
Boy 5776
69. Nishter
Boy 3479
70. Nisrin
Boy 5191
Kind Of Aromatic Plant
71. Nitaj
Boy 5706
Fruit; Product; Profit; The Result Of Something
72. Nithar
Boy 2702
73. Niyaaz
Boy 2857
Desire Offering
74. Niyabat
Boy 2258
75. Niyaz
Boy 3745
Intention; Desire; Aim
76. Nizaal
Boy 4168
77. Nizaam
Boy 3035
78. Nizaami
Boy 3051
79. Nizaar
Boy 3207
Keen Eyed
80. Nizafat
Boy 4634
Purity; Cleanliness; Elegance
81. Nizam
Boy 4619
Rule; System; Arrangement; Organization
82. Nizam Ud Din
Boy 3719
Discipline Of The Religion
83. Nizam Uddin
Boy 5638
Discipline Of The Religion (Islam)
84. Nizamat
Boy 4960
Organization; Arrangement
85. Nizami
Boy 4551
Of Or Relating To Nizam
86. Nizamuddin
Boy 5874
System Of The Faith; Organization Of The Faith; A Person Who Brings Organization And Orderliness To Islam And The Muslims
87. NizamulHaq
Boy 5811
System Of The Truth; Organization Of The Truth
88. Nizar
Boy 5858
Unique; Rare
89. Nizzar
Boy 5435
90. No Names
Boy 5731
No Names
91. No Roz
Boy 4426
New Day
92. Noawaz
Boy 2500
New Day
93. Nobadah
Boy 4187
94. Nobakht
Boy 3608
Young Fortune; New Fortune; Young Blessing; New Blessing; Meaning One Who Is Young And Fortunate Or Blessed; Or A Fortune Or Blessing That Is New
95. Nofel
Boy 5907
96. Nokhastah
Boy 4057
97. NoMaan
Boy 4307
Variant Of Nu' Man: Blood; Old Arabic Name
98. Noman
Boy 3603
Counselor; Advice Counselor; Say A Word Of Advice; Nasihat Karney Wala
99. Noman Ahmed
Boy 5088
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
100. Noman Ali
Boy 2528
The High Exalted One; The Sublime

Chad baby boy names A to Z

Chad baby boy names A to Z

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