Chad baby boy names starting with K

Chad most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Chad are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Chad baby names for boys and girls.

1. Khatir
Boy 5381
Heart; Mind; Idea; Notion
2. Khatmat
Boy 2668
Mountain Top
3. Khattaab
Boy 2897
Orator; Speaker
4. Khattab
Boy 5039
Orator; Speaker
5. Khattar
Boy 4676
Idea; Heart
6. Khaveed
Boy 3945
Green Sapling
7. Khawaish
Boy 3620
Son In Law
8. Khawaneej
Boy 2397
Kind; Entertainer; Handsome
9. Khawar
Boy 5317
East; West
10. Khawaraj
Boy 2484
11. Khawarique
Boy 2254
12. Khawer
Boy 5668
The East; A Place Of Sun Rise;
13. Khawli
Boy 3368
Foreman; Chief
14. Khawwas
Boy 5095
To Be Filled With Food Name Of A Sahabi Who Participated In The Battle Of Badr
15. Khawwat
Boy 5956
Name Of A Companion; Bin Jubayr RA Who Was One Of Those Whom Them Prophet PBUH Sent To Verify Reports Of Treachery Of Banu Quraysh
16. Khayaam
Boy 3130
Iranian Poet; Tent
17. Khayaban
Boy 4892
The Garden
18. Khayar
Boy 3957
19. Khayr
Boy 5993
Goodness; Health; Safe
20. Khayrat
Boy 2691
Derived From Arabic(khayrah) Meaninggood DeedMale And Female
21. Khayru
Boy 4439
Generous; Pious; Peace; Peace Maker
22. Khayrul Islam
Boy 5302
Trustworthy; Travel Lover; Capable
23. Khayyaam
Boy 5661
Tent Maker
24. Khayyam
Boy 2604
25. Khayyar
Boy 3285
Good; Virtuous; One Who Does Much Good
26. Khayyat
Boy 4908
27. Khayyir
Boy 5538
Good; Virtuous; Noble
28. Khaza
Boy 3753
29. Khazadah
Boy 5581
30. Khazay
Boy 5959
31. Khazeer
Boy 3696
The Sea; It Also Means Green-colored; Greenery
32. Khazen
Boy 5545
33. Khazher
Boy 2042
34. Khazi
Boy 3808
Leader Or Chief
35. Khazib
Boy 4451
36. Khazin
Boy 2807
37. Khazina
Boy 2774
38. Khaziq
Boy 4759
39. Khazoo
Boy 2109
40. Khaztan
Boy 4031
41. Khdyo
Boy 2269
The Title Of Egyptian Kings;
42. Khedeem
Boy 5002
Employee; Servant
43. Kheet Ul Abyaz
Boy 4652
White Thread
44. Khejala
Boy 5997
45. Khel
Boy 3902
Gang; Group; Party; Company
46. Kheturus
Boy 2368
Loving; Wisedom; Inventiveness
47. Khial
Boy 2132
Thought; Idea; Notion; Vision; Surmise; Whim; Fancy; Imagination; Imaginary; Form; Conception; Conceit
48. Khidaf
Boy 4605
49. Khidash
Boy 4021
A Companion Of The Prophet PBUH Had This Name; He Was Ibn Satamah RA
50. Khidhr
Boy 4191
Guide; Leader
51. Khidhri
Boy 5934
Strong, Powerful
52. Khidir
Boy 5890
Green; Name Of A Prophet
53. Khidr
Boy 5313
Green; Greenness
54. Khiftan
Boy 3668
Combat Clothing
55. Khilaal
Boy 4915
Friendship; Companionship
56. Khilat
Boy 4495
57. Khilt
Boy 5862
58. Khimar
Boy 3396
Veil; Scarf; Cover; Covering
59. Khinda
Boy 3057
60. Khinsan
Boy 4093
61. Khinsha
Boy 5605
62. Khinzeer
Boy 2506
Harmless Creature Of God
63. Khiraf
Boy 5972
Old Man
64. Khirash
Boy 4143
Scratching; Scraping; (name Of A Companion)
65. Khird
Boy 4443
66. Khirdmend
Boy 2828
67. Khiri
Boy 2306
Powerful; Perfectionist; Capable
68. Khirmast
Boy 3292
69. Khirmen
Boy 4602
70. Khirmend
Boy 4508
71. Khirqah
Boy 4356
72. Khirt
Boy 5257
73. Khisar
Boy 4839
74. Khisb
Boy 3197
Blessedness; Growth; Goodness Of Living
75. Khitab
Boy 3339
Speech; Letter; Dispatch
76. Khitan
Boy 2788
77. Khitmat
Boy 3883
78. Khiyar
Boy 2530
Virtuous; One Does Much Good
79. Khizaen
Boy 3405
80. Khizaf
Boy 2476
81. Khizar
Boy 4229
Name Of A Prophet; Rahnuma
82. Khizar Ahmed
Boy 2188
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
83. Khizar Ali
Boy 5699
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
84. Khizar Hussain
Boy 2507
Handsome; Beautiful
85. Khizr
Boy 2876
86. Khizran
Boy 5151
Fresh, Green
87. Khizrat
Boy 3918
88. Khizry
Boy 4286
Long Life
89. Khizzar
Boy 2596
Guider; Leader; A Prophet
90. Khlaaq
Boy 5066
Creator; Inventor
91. Khlit
Boy 3186
92. Khodadad
Boy 5427
God Given
93. Khog
Boy 3059
Sweet Cute
94. Khooban
Boy 2794
Dhi Ruh
95. Khor
Boy 2596
96. Khorvash
Boy 2026
Far-sighted; Throne
97. Khoshnud
Boy 2981
Happy; Cheerful; Content
98. Khosrau
Boy 2057
99. Khoulad
Boy 4857
Immortal; Eternal
100. Khubaib
Boy 2796
Companion Of Prophet Muhammad(SAW);

Chad baby boy names A to Z

Chad baby boy names A to Z

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