Barbadian baby boy names starting with R

Barbadian most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Barbadian are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Barbadian baby names for boys and girls.

1. Ricmann
Boy 3517
Change Lover; Intelligence; Confident
2. Ricola
Boy 5918
Creative; Educated; Confidence
3. Ricsig
Boy 4915
Feeling; Perfect; Friendly
4. Ricsige
Boy 4722
Researcher; Flexible; Soft
5. Ricweard
Boy 2411
Strong Guardian
6. Rid
Boy 2737
Smooth Field; Clearing; Reeds
7. Ridder
Boy 3542
8. Riddick
Boy 3644
Smooth Field
9. Rider
Boy 4953
One Who Rides Horses For A Living
10. Riderch
Boy 2753
Hesitate; Travel Lover; Good Understanding
11. Ridere
Boy 3695
12. Ridge
Boy 3137
Ridge Or Backbone Of A Mountain
13. Ridgeleigh
Boy 5239
From The Ridge Meadow
14. Ridgeway
Boy 4554
From The Road On The Ridge
15. Ridglea
Boy 4057
From The Ridge Meadow
16. Ridgley
Boy 2929
By The Meadows Edge
17. Ridlea
Boy 4636
From The Red Meadow
18. Ridley
Boy 2783
Reed Filled Forest Or Reed Filled Meadow
19. Ridly
Boy 4554
From The Red Meadow
20. Ridpath
Boy 5277
Lives Near The Red Path
21. Riehard
Boy 3095
Mankind; Great Lover; Optimistic
22. Riel
Boy 4987
23. Rience
Boy 4146
Change Lover; Intelligence; Confident
24. Rigby
Boy 2305
Lives In The Ruler
25. Rigdon
Boy 5105
Stubborn and unpredictable
26. Rigen
Boy 5773
Splendor Of Jewels
27. Rigg
Boy 4823
Lives Near The Ridge
28. Riggs
Boy 4613
Son Of Rigg
29. Right
Boy 2220
30. Righteous
Boy 3940
Beinging Holy
31. Rigocatus
Boy 2551
Loving Change; Master Of Their Own Destiny; High Intelligence
32. Riguallaun
Boy 2482
Captain; Good; Graceful
33. Rihedl
Boy 3023
Hesitate; Travel Lover; Good Understanding
34. Rihoithil
Boy 5367
Mankind; Great Lover; Optimistic
35. Riian
Boy 3844
Little Ruler King
36. Riker
Boy 5534
Daring Power
37. Rikk
Boy 4633
Peaceful Ruler
38. Rikkard
Boy 3082
Strong Ruler
39. Rikward
Boy 4700
Strong Guardian
40. Rilan
Boy 3951
Rye Land
41. Rilley
Boy 5124
Originally An Old English Surname Based On A Place Name; Meaning Rye Field
42. Rilyn
Boy 2443
Gift Of God
43. Riman
Boy 3985
Rye Seller
44. Rinaci
Boy 2957
Change Lover; Intelligence; Confident
45. Rinacus
Boy 4256
Artist; Problem Avoider; Charismatic
46. Ring
Boy 2026
47. Ringer
Boy 2253
Intolerant; Adorable; Charming
48. Ringerus
Boy 4760
Genius; Good; Good Judger
49. Ringo
Boy 5467
50. Rinson
Boy 3845
God Is Gracious
51. Riobard
Boy 3119
Royal Bard
52. Rioidyl
Boy 5932
Energy; Helper; Stimulator
53. Ripley
Boy 5114
Farm That Cuts Through The Forest
54. Ripp
Boy 3812
Strong And Bold
55. Rishard
Boy 3059
Powerful Ruler
56. Rishawn
Boy 5908
57. Rishley
Boy 4942
From The Wild Meadow
58. Rislea
Boy 2309
From The Meadow With Shrubs
59. Rislee
Boy 4604
From The Meadow With Shrubs
60. Risleigh
Boy 5619
From The Meadow With Shrubs
61. Risley
Boy 2604
From The Brushwood Meadow
62. Risli
Boy 5906
Meadow With Shrubs
63. Risly
Boy 5346
From The Meadow With Shrubs
64. Ritchard
Boy 4501
A Form Of Richard
65. Ritchy
Boy 5096
Old Leader
66. Rite
Boy 4178
67. Ritt
Boy 2348
68. Ritter
Boy 3863
Warrior On Horseback
69. Riuallaun
Boy 4434
Risk Taker; Visionary; Unpretentious
70. Riuelgur
Boy 4892
Expressive; Harmony; Cheerful
71. Riuguallaun
Boy 2269
Aware; Sentimental; Noble
72. Rivalin
Boy 4005
Guider; Intelligence; Optimistic
73. Rixon
Boy 4030
74. Riz
Boy 3697
Acceptance; Good Will
75. Rizal
Boy 5334
Brave; Fighter
76. Rizli
Boy 4552
Meadow With Shrubs
77. Rizly
Boy 4227
Meadow With Shrubs
78. Rob
Boy 4727
Abbreviation Of Robert: Famed; Bright; Shining
79. Roban
Boy 2321
Bright Famous One; Famously Famous
80. Robard
Boy 5130
Creative; Educated; Confidence
81. Robb
Boy 2183
Abbreviation Of Robert: Famed; Bright; Shining
82. Robbert
Boy 5400
Bright Famous One
83. Robbin
Boy 4281
FameD; bright; shining Form of Robert popular since the meDieval Days of Robin HooD Robinson: (English) Son of Robert'FameD; bright; shining' Surname
84. Robbinson
Boy 4089
Bright Fame; Son Of Robert
85. Robby
Boy 4105
Abbreviation Of Robert: Famed; Bright; Shining
86. Robeert
Boy 3834
One Who Is Bright With Fame
87. Roberrt
Boy 4835
One Who Is Bright With Fame
88. Robers
Boy 2754
Bright Fame
89. Robert frost
Boy 3646
Bright Fame
90. Roberti
Boy 4813
Helpful; Peace; Inventiveness
91. Robertino
Boy 3347
Bright Fame
92. Robertt
Boy 5264
One Who Is Bright With Fame
93. Robertus
Boy 3159
Influencer; Freedom Lover; Charisma
94. Robeson
Boy 2058
Son Of Robert
95. Robet
Boy 5070
96. Robinet
Boy 3484
Bright Fame
97. Robins
Boy 2620
Bright Fame
98. Robinson
Boy 4917
Brilliant Fame
99. Robley
Boy 2627
Bright Famous One; A Variant Of Robert
100. Robynson
Boy 4026
Bright Fame; Son Of Robert

Barbadian baby boy names A to Z

Barbadian baby boy names A to Z

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