American baby boy names starting with C

American most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in American are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for American baby names for boys and girls.

1. ColfreDove
2. ColieBlack
3. ColierCharcoal Merchant
4. ColinYoung Dog A translation of the Gaelic 'Cailean' Also, 'victory of the people'
5. ColisSon Of The Dark Man
6. CollayerCoal Miner
7. CollbyFrom The Dark Farm
8. CollensA Young Hound
9. CollesOptimistic; Peacemaker; Cheerful
10. ColleyA Surname Meaning Swarthy; Used Occasionally As A First Name Famous Bearer; 18th-century Actor And Dramatist Colley Cibber
11. CollibeManager; Peace; Shy
12. CollierCharcoal Merchant Coal Miner
13. CollingwoodForest
14. CollisSon Of The Dark Man
15. ColltonCoal Town
16. CollyeHumanitarian; Healer; Intelligence
17. CollyerCharcoal Merchant
18. ColmanDove; Dark Skinned
19. Colsen Son Of Nicholas
20. ColsonPeople' S Triumph
21. ColtTaking Care Of Horses
22. Coltan From The Coal Or Dark Town
23. ColtenCoal Town
24. ColterHorse Herdsmanyoung Horse; Frisky
25. ColtereHorse Herdsman
26. ColtinVariant Of Colton; Hard Worker; Does Not Shy Away From Roughness
27. ColtonFrom Colton
28. ColtraneYoung Horse; Frisky
29. ColtynA Spelling Alternative Of Colton; This English Name Has Two Meanings: A Town Where Colts Are Bred As Well As A Place Where Coal Is Mined
30. ColverDove
31. ColvertSeaman
32. ColvinBlack
33. ColvyrDove
34. ColyerA Person Who Works With Coal
35. ColysSon Of The Dark Man
36. ComancheStranger; Enemy
37. CommCommon
38. CommiusExpertise; Good Person; Charming
39. CommodoreCommodore
40. ComptonFrom The Farm In The Valley
41. ConbrinunFeeling; Great Humanity; Hard Worker
42. ConcennFree Spirit; Visionary; Highly Attractive
43. ConcordUnity; Accord; Harmony
44. CondaWinner Of The Skill
45. CondafKnowledgeful; Inventive; Elegant
46. CondeFarming Man
47. CondedeSkill; Researcher; Mysterious
48. ConeradKind; Entertainer; Handsome
49. ConetociGenius; Good; Good Judger
50. ConewalchSocial Person; Great Companion; Graceful
51. ConfurPower; Great Humanity; Stimulator
52. CongenProblem Solver; Healer; Comfortable
53. CongueanSpiritual; Domestic; Gentle
54. ConhinociTeacher; Friendly; Confidence
55. ConhinogMusic; Friendly; Dynamic
56. ConlecTruely; Wisedom; Attractive Speecher
57. ConleyStrong Willed Or WiseAlso A : Hero
58. ConnerHound LoverFull Of Desire; Much Desire
59. ConnieBrave Adviser
60. ConnorStrong willeD or wise 'HounD-lover' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', meaning high Desire Famous bearers: In Irish mythology Connor was an early king of Ulster; 20th century Irish Diplomat Conor Cruise O'Brien
61. ConocFreedom Lover; Joyful; Hard Worker
62. ConorStrong willeD or wise 'HounD-lover' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', meaning high Desire
63. ConradBo!d Speech
64. ConstantinSteady; Stable
65. ConstantineConstant, steaDfast, from the Latin 'constans' Famous bearers: several Roman anD Byzantine emperors incluDing Constantine the Great, the Christian emperor who maDe Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire
66. ConstantinosSteady; Stable
67. ConstantinusSteadfast; Constant
68. ConteBright Moon
69. ConthigirniMankind; Great Lover; Optimistic
70. ContrellRoyal God's Gift
71. ConuanLoving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability
72. ConuetuKind; Enormous; Dynamic
73. ConuogeBest; Harmony; More Attractive
74. CookCook
75. CookeCook
76. CooperA Barrel Maker
77. CoopersmithBarrel Maker
78. CopelanOne Who Is Good At Coping
79. CopelandOne Who Is Good At Coping
80. CoperA Red-headed Woman
81. CoppaSacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
82. CopperNo Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
83. CorbalengFreedom Lover; Joyful; Hard Worker
84. CorbalengiFreedom Lover; Joyful; Hard Worker
85. CorbalengusMankind; Great Lover; Optimistic
86. CorbetBlack-haired
87. CorbitRavenBlack-haired
88. CorbittRavenBlack-haired
89. CordBold Or Wise Counselor
90. CordaleCordmaker
91. CordariusSon Of Allah
92. CordaroLamb
93. CordarylLoyalty
94. CordayCordmaker
95. CordellA Person Who Makes Rope
96. CorderroResembling A Lamb
97. CoreyonCoco
98. CorionBlessing
99. CorleyGenerous'Hill hollow
100. Cormorant Sea Raven

American baby boy names A to Z

American baby boy names A to Z

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