American baby boy names starting with C

American most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in American are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for American baby names for boys and girls.

1. CastonCaston Means Someone Who Lives Near A Chestnut Tree
2. CastroBeaver
3. CastuloBeaver
4. CaswellFrom An Area With Watercress
5. CasynGift of god
6. CatacvsHelpful; Sentimental; Respectability
7. CatahecassaDark Hoof
8. CatalinoPure; Chaste
9. CatamanusTalent; Care Taker; More Attractive
10. CatavignusHelper; Freedom Lover; Super Star
11. Catcher Huntsman
12. CatellSpiritual; Helper; Intuitive
13. CaterOne Who Caters
14. CatfishCatfish
15. CatgenIntelligence; Great Lover; Strong
16. CatgualCooperative; Travel Lover; Fairness
17. CatguallaunPower; Great Humanity; Stimulator
18. CatguareGuider; Intelligence; Optimistic
19. CatguaretCaring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma
20. CatgucaunRisk Taker; Visionary; Unpretentious
21. CatgucauniRisk Taker; Visionary; Unpretentious
22. CatguocaunResearcher; Flexible; Soft
23. CatguoretEnergy; Helper; Stimulator
24. CathName Of A Monster
25. CatholicSmall Lotus
26. CathwulfArtist; Problem Avoider; Charismatic
27. CaticvvsChange Lover; Intelligence; Confident
28. CatigernBattlelord
29. CatinKnowledgeable; Wise
30. CatleuRuler; Good Person; Influencer
31. CatociSacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
32. CatomagliKind; Enormous; Dynamic
33. CatomaglusProblem Solver; Healer; Comfortable
34. CatotigirniMaster; Educated; Cheerful
35. CattResembling The Animal
36. CatuoconiKeen; Inventive; Reliability
37. CaturixResponsible; Systematic Mind; Unpretentious
38. CaturugusLoving Change; Master Of Their Own Destiny; High Intelligence
39. CatvrvgiInspiring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Intuitive
40. CaultonCattle Farm
41. CavallHelpful; Sentimental; Respectability
42. CavenderAn Emotional Woman
43. CavetiHonesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
44. CavetusPowerful; Perfectionist; Capable
45. CayceObservant; Alert; Vigorous
46. CaydanceRythm
47. CaydenSon Of Cadan
48. CayleBold
49. CaylonKnowledgeful; Inventive; Elegant
50. CaymonCrocodile
51. CaysenVariant Of Kason; The Name Means Untainted
52. CaytonKnowledge
53. CeabbaSkill; Researcher; Mysterious
54. CeaccaKnowledgeful; Inventive; Elegant
55. CeaddBattle; Warrior
56. CeaddaHelpful; Knowledgeul; Shy
57. CeaddiSpiritual; Helper; Intuitive
58. CeadelOptimistic; Peacemaker; Cheerful
59. CeadelaMankind; Friendly; Energetic
60. CeadwallaCaptain; Good; Graceful
61. CeadweallaArtist; Problem Avoider; Charismatic
62. CeaforSocial Person; Great Companion; Graceful
63. CealfaWarrior; Innovative; Handsome
64. CealinSpiritual; Helper; Intuitive
65. CealliHonesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
66. CeanatisHelpful; Knowledgeul; Shy
67. CeapmannMerchant
68. CearlTalent; Care Taker; More Attractive
69. CeaserHe Who Was Cut Out Of The Womb
70. CeasterLives At The Camp
71. CeastunCamp
72. CeattaSkill; Researcher; Mysterious
73. CeatweOptimistic; Peacemaker; Cheerful
74. CeawaSacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
75. CeawlinName Of A King
76. CebastianThe name meens it is strong and powerful
77. CebbaInnovative; Domestic; Intelligence
78. CebbiCreativity; Flexible; Studious
79. CecilioBlind (from The Roman Clan Name Caecilius)Famous Bearers: The African State Of Rhodesia Is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer Director Cecil B De Mille
80. CecilloBlind (from The Roman Clan Name Caecilius)Famous Bearers: The African State Of Rhodesia Is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer Director Cecil B De Mille
81. CecillusBlind (from The Roman Clan Name Caecilius)Famous Bearers: The African State Of Rhodesia Is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer Director Cecil B De Mille
82. CedTree; Pattern Of Generosity
83. CedaFriendly
84. CeddaSpiritual; Helper; Intuitive
85. CederTree
86. CedericFriendly
87. CederickFriendly
88. CederrickFriendly
89. CedrickWar Leader; Gift Of Splendor
90. CedrikGift Of Splendor
91. CeiReality
92. CeitimorPowerful; Dedicator; Noble
93. CeJayPetal Of Flower
94. CeldtunFrom The Farm By The Spring
95. CelioBlind (from The Roman Clan Name Caecilius)Famous Bearers: The African State Of Rhodesia Is Named After British Statesman Cecil Rhodes; American Film Producer Director Cecil B De Mille
96. CelroySon Of The Red-haired
97. CempaIntuition; Helper; Attractive Speecher
98. CenbeorhtHelpful; Knowledgeul; Shy
99. CenberetMankind; Great Lover; Optimistic
100. CendrikA Royal Ruler

American baby boy names A to Z

American baby boy names A to Z

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