Bermudian baby girl names starting with I

Bermudian most popular names of 2023 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Bermudian are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Seba and Almer and for boys. Here is the list for Bermudian baby names for boys and girls.

1. IasiaMy Light
2. IbbetCooperative; Travel Lover; Fairness
3. IbbiGod Is Perfection; God Is My Oath
4. IbbotTalent; Care Taker; More Attractive
5. IbbotaChief; Educated; Good Understanding
6. IblisWife Of Lancelot
7. IbotPioneer; Sacrificer; Respectability
8. IbotaAffectionate; Inventive; Trustworthy
9. Icel
10. IcerishIntolerant; Adorable; Charming
11. IcieIce-like
12. IcyIce-like
13. Idabel Work + Oath
14. IdabelleA Combination Of Ida & Belle
15. IdaleenLabor; Work; Woman
16. IdaleneLabor; Work; Woman
17. IdaliaBehold The Sun
18. IdalinaWorking Noble Idelle
19. IdalouHighly Competitive; Confidence; Studious
20. IdalyaLabor; Work; Woman
21. IdalyneLabor; Work; Woman
22. IdanaFrom Ida And Anna
23. IdaneHonesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
24. IddesFeeling; Adaptable; Noble
25. IdehPraise
26. IdellLabor; Work; Woman
27. IdelleBountiful
28. IdemayTalent; Care Taker; More Attractive
29. IdenaWealth; Blessed
30. IdenyCreativity; Flexible; Studious
31. IdhunaArtist; Careful; Influencer
32. Idina From Edinburgh; Scotland
33. IdlaBattle
34. IdoneHard Working
35. IdoniaOf Good Disposition
36. IdoniePowerful; Dedicator; Noble
37. IdonyUsed Mostly In The English Language And
38. IdraFig Tree
39. IduneCaptain; Good; Graceful
40. Iella
41. IenaaPure
42. IfigIvy
43. Ifigeneia
44. IfigeniaOf Royal Birth; Born
45. IgerneMother Of Arthur
46. IgraineIn Arthurian Legend Igrayne Is Mother Of Arthur
47. IkidaKnowledge; Leadership; Fairness
48. IlashaGentle; Sensitive; Kind; Loving
49. IldeBattle
50. IleanHazelnut; Bird; Bright
51. IlioletteMaster; Educated; Cheerful
52. Illaria
53. IlLiliannaCombination of Il- and Lilianna
54. IlvaHas Its Origins In The Latin Language; And
55. IlyThis May Be A Nickname ForIlyssaor A Modification OfAlyssa; Which Means Charming
56. IlyannaBeautiful Flower It Is From The Chocktaw Legend Of Bright Eyes On Mount Joy, Whose Prayers Were Healing And Were Spun Into Beautiful Flowers
57. ImagantiaImagination
58. ImageneMusical
59. ImaigneImagination
60. ImalaDisaplines
61. ImaniaBelief; Faith
62. ImanieHonesty; Sacrificer; Admirer
63. ImaniiBeliever Or Faith
64. ImanniBeliever Or Faith
65. ImaynBelief; Faith
66. ImaynaHumanitarian; Healer; Intelligence
67. ImayneBelief; Faith
68. ImediaIntelligence; Great Lover; Strong
69. ImeynaInnovative; Domestic; Intelligence
70. ImmaniBeliever Or Faith
71. ImmeWhole Enclosure
72. ImmogeneVariation: Imogen
73. ImmyInnocentLast bornThe name of the heroine of Shakespeare's play Cymbehoe as a result of a printing error in the Folio eDition of the play
74. ImogeneImage Blameless; Innocent
75. ImojeanDaughter; Girl; Innocent
76. ImyneCreativity; Flexible; Studious
77. InaUnclear
78. InanaSupreme Goddess
79. InaretCute
80. IndaThe Country India
81. IndeeThe Country India
82. IndicaIndica Means; Love, Beauty, And Brings Devotion To God
83. IndioIndia
84. IndyLand Of The Indian
85. IneeshaA Sparkling Woman
86. IneishaA Sparkling Woman
87. InellPrimarily Used In English And Its
88. IneyshaA Sparkling Woman
89. InezPure Chaste The Spanish Version Of Agnes
90. InfinityEternal; Endless; Forever
91. IngHero's Daughter
92. IngeliethHighly Competitive; Confidence; Studious
93. IngerideHighly Competitive; Confidence; Studious
94. IngerithHelper; Adaptable; Strengthful
95. IngeritheLoving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability
96. IngredaInnovative; Domestic; Intelligence
97. IngredePeace; Beautiful; Fair
98. IngrithPeace; Beautiful; Fair
99. InieshaA Sparkling Woman
100. InmaculadaImmaculate Conception

Bermudian baby boy names A to Z

Bermudian baby boy names A to Z

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