Quranic baby boy names starting with E

Quranic most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Quranic are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Quranic baby names for boys and girls.

1. E Man
Boy 4427
Belief; Faith
2. Easah
Boy 3931
Prophet Name
3. Easau
Boy 2620
The Biblical Jesus is the English language equivalent A Prophet's name
4. Ebadaah
Boy 3035
5. Ebadul
Boy 3367
Dynamic; Bright
6. Ebraheem
Boy 5910
Name Of Hazrat Ibrahim
7. Eesaa
Boy 2333
The Biblical Jesus is the English language equivalent A Prophet's name
8. Eessa
Boy 2572
Jesus Christ; A Prophet Name;
9. Ehaad
Boy 3593
10. Ehab
Boy 4402
Gift Gifting Someone
11. Ehfaaz
Boy 4157
12. Ehfaz
Boy 4032
Pioneer; Helper; Inventiveness
13. Ehmad
Boy 4781
14. Ehrar
Boy 2635
Independent People
15. Ehsaan
Boy 2844
Favour; Good
16. Ehsan
Boy 3851
Kindness; Favour; Obligation; Compassion
17. Ehsun
Boy 2322
Best; Better
18. Ehtasham
Boy 4473
19. Ehtemad
Boy 2937
Trust; Certainty
20. Ehteshaam
Boy 4153
Wise One
21. Ehtiram
Boy 4407
Honour; Respect
22. Ehtisham
Boy 4692
Modesty; Decency
23. Ehtzaz
Boy 4792
To Move
24. Eidi
Boy 2054
One Who Celebrates; A Gift Received During Eid
25. Eihab
Boy 4538
To Bestow; To Give Freely; To Endow Someone With A Gift
26. Eijaz
Boy 5069
Blessings; Miracle
27. Eijrond
Boy 2223
Variant Of Eijron, Meaning "light"
28. Eiliad
Boy 5017
Memory Of The Tribe; Memory Of The People; One Who Keeps The Memory Of His Tribe And People Alive In His Mind
29. Eiliar
Boy 4644
Friend Of The Tribe; Friend Of The People; One Who Is Beloved By The People ( Logo Ky Dost )
30. Eiliaz
Boy 3919
Spiritual; Helper; Intuitive
31. Eilman
Boy 5154
Banner Of The Tribe; Symbol Of The People
32. Eilqar
Boy 4719
Oath; Promise; Treaty
33. Eilshan
Boy 3372
Leader; Ruler ( Hukmaran )
34. Eimam
Boy 2351
Leader; Chief
35. Eiman
Boy 5304
Faith; Religion; Belief; Confidence
36. Eimen
Boy 4136
37. Einas
Boy 5756
To Be At Peace
38. Eisa
Boy 2293
Eisa Is An Alternate Spelling Of Name Isa (Prophet)
39. Eissa
Boy 2278
40. Eisun
Boy 2631
Competent; Capable
41. Eisuni
Boy 5701
Competent; Capable
42. Eitzaz
Boy 2124
Name Of Prophet
43. Eiwa
Boy 2786
Caring; Guardian
44. Ejaaz
Boy 4519
Miracle Astonishment
45. Ejaaz
Boy 4532
Miracle; Astonishment
46. Ejad
Boy 2916
47. Ejaz
Boy 2638
Miracle; Wonder; Marvel; Mojaza; Karamat
48. Ejaz Ahmed
Boy 4730
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
49. Ejaz Ali
Boy 5083
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
50. Ejaz Hussain
Boy 2802
Handsome; Beautiful
51. Ejlaal
Boy 3884
To Honored; To Exalt
52. Ekaan
Boy 4054
53. Ekhlaq
Boy 4981
54. El Amin
Boy 5412
55. Elaf
Boy 3988
Safety; Security
56. ElAmin
Boy 5912
57. Elaya
Boy 5416
God Gifted
58. Elayah
Boy 5998
Gift From God
59. Elfeda
Boy 4860
Loving; Dedicator; Respectability
60. Elgizouli
Boy 5466
Intolerant; Adorable; Charming
61. Eliar
Boy 4185
Friend Of The People; Beloved Of The People
62. Elsadig
Boy 3863
Talent; Care Taker; More Attractive
63. Elsamhudi
Boy 3677
Love Of Allah
64. Elsheikhidris
Boy 5208
Independent; Enthusiasm; Admirer
65. Elsueki
Boy 2469
Leader; Sensitivity; Compassion
66. Elyas
Boy 4836
The Biblical Elijah Is The English Language Equivalent
67. Emad Wasim
Boy 2775
Pillars; Trust; Confidence; Certainty
68. Emir
Boy 2688
To Command; Another Spelling For Amir
69. EMir
70. Emmad
Boy 2840
71. Emran
Boy 4683
Progress; Achievement
72. Emtiaj
Boy 2196
73. Enaan
Boy 4586
Great Leader
74. Enamul
Boy 4863
75. Ensar
Boy 5358
76. Equan
Boy 2090
77. Eradat
Boy 2053
To Intend; To Become A Disciple
78. Erfa
Boy 2491
Knowledge, Wisdom
79. Ershad
Boy 3440
God Gift Forever
80. Esak
Boy 5730
81. Esam
Boy 5967
82. Esaq
Boy 5274
83. Esfand
Boy 3411
Pure; Non-corrupt; Holy
84. Eshan Ahmed
Boy 4893
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
85. Eshan Ali
Boy 4075
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
86. Eshan Hussain
Boy 3787
Handsome; Beautiful
87. Eshaq
Boy 2218
Arabic Of Isac; A Prophet Name
88. Eshmaal
Boy 3189
Bunch Of Red Roses
89. Esmaeel
Boy 3731
Ishmaeel; Son Of Hazrat Ibraheem(Abraham)
90. Esmat
Boy 5868
91. Essa
Boy 3292
Variant Transcription Of ISA
92. Essam
Boy 4891
93. Etemad
Boy 4789
Faith Trust
94. Etizaaz
Boy 4052
To Become Mighty; To Become Honored
95. Ettifaq
Boy 4582
Harmony; Unity; Friendship
96. Ewaan
Boy 3353
Of War
97. Ewazi
Boy 3531
Substitute; Replacement; Something That Takes The Place Of Something Else
98. Eyad
Boy 2237
Possesses Power
99. Eyazi
Boy 4444
Replacement; Something That Takes The Place Of Another Thing
100. Eyman
Boy 3062
Right Side

Quranic baby boy names A to Z

Quranic baby boy names A to Z

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