Muslim baby boy names starting with M

Muslim most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Muslim are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Muslim baby names for boys and girls.

1. Maabad
Boy 3743
Temple; Place Of Worship
2. Maabuat
Boy 4701
3. Maadho
Boy 4391
Name Of A Famous Waliullah
4. Maadil
Boy 2867
Road; Way; Method; Creed
5. Maadin
Boy 5279
Equalizer; Rectifier; Tuner
6. Maadini
Boy 3831
Metallic; Made Of Metal
7. Maadun
Boy 2696
Inhabited; Resided In; A Place That Is Inhabited By People And Is Not In Ruins
8. Maah
Boy 3198
Name Of Hazrat Muhammad (S; A; W; W)
9. Maahal
Boy 2939
10. Maaheer
Boy 3512
11. Maaher
Boy 4970
12. Maahhi
Boy 2203
13. Maahid
Boy 2788
14. Maahin
Boy 5748
15. Maahtab
Boy 2490
16. Maaifu
Boy 2674
17. Maair
Boy 3251
18. Maaiz
Boy 4654
19. Maajal
Boy 2934
20. Maajid
Boy 3983
Glorious, honourable, generous, splenDeD, Allah's attribute , Name AbDul MajiD
21. Maakuf
Boy 5402
A Place Where People Stay Overnight; Especially Describing A Mosque Where People Stay Overnight To Worship God; As It Is Done By Some People During The Month Of Ramadan
22. Maalam
Boy 5541
Milestone; Road Sign
23. Maali
Boy 4349
Greatness; Highness Of Rank And Status
24. Maaliki
Boy 4064
Follower Of Imam Malik
25. Maamar
Boy 3729
Sensitive; Entertainer; Impressive Personality
26. Maamoon
Boy 5200
27. Maamoun
Boy 2888
Loving; Dedicator; Respectability
28. Maamour
Boy 4678
Inhabited; Built Up
29. Maamun
Boy 2830
30. Maamuri
Boy 2951
Inhabited; Built Up
31. Maana
Boy 2959
32. Maani
Boy 3226
One Who Prevernts
33. Maanih
Boy 2242
34. Maank
Boy 5239
35. Maant
Boy 3445
36. Maany
Boy 3150
Virtues; A Person’ S Good Traits
37. Maarb
Boy 3767
38. Maared
Boy 4036
39. Maarib
Boy 5742
End Goals; Destinies; Uses
40. Maarif
Boy 5402
Knowledge; Wisdom
41. Maarij
Boy 2542
The 70th Surah Of The Quran
42. Maarouf
Boy 2105
Optimistic; Peacemaker; Cheerful
43. Maaruf
Boy 2288
Popular; Famous
44. Maarufi
Boy 5142
Doer Of Good Deeds; One Who Does What Is Appropriate And Acceptable
45. Maashad
Boy 2543
More City
46. Maashar
Boy 2901
Group Of People; Folk; Kinsfolk
47. Maashir
Boy 5125
Communities; Societies; Folks; Groups Of People
48. Maasib
Boy 5781
Masters; Chiefs
49. Maasid
Boy 5316
Lion House
50. Maasif
Boy 5401
51. Maasil
Boy 3469
Goo Habit
52. Maasir
Boy 3096
53. Maatir
Boy 4458
54. Maatuq
Boy 4401
Freed; Freed From Slavery
55. Maawiya
Boy 4524
A Young Dog Or Fox (First Umayyad Khalifah)
56. Maawiya
Boy 4642
First Umayyad Khalifah; Companion Of Prophet Muhammad (P; B; U; H; )
57. Maayish
Boy 3134
Livelihood; Sustenance
58. Maayush
Boy 5969
Alive; Living; Living Well
59. Maaz
Boy 2839
Refuge; Shelter
60. Maaz Ahmed
Boy 2509
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
61. Maaz Ali
Boy 4327
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
62. Maaz Hussain
Boy 2353
Handsome; Beautiful
63. Maazan
Boy 5717
Battle Ground
64. Maazim
Boy 4948
Dignified; Patient; Enduring; Resolved
65. Maazin
Boy 5172
Proper Name
66. Maazin al faazi
Boy 2815
Combination Of Maazin (innovator) And Faazi (successful)
67. Maaziq
Boy 3023
Battle Ground
68. Maazir
Boy 4636
69. Maazur
Boy 2254
Excused; Blameless
70. Maazuz
Boy 3924
Strong; Powerful; Without Dishonor
71. Mabad
Boy 5005
Aik Sahabi Ka Naam
72. Mabah
Boy 2784
Neither Bless Nor Curse
73. Mabarak
Boy 3790
Well Wisher
74. Mabdi
Boy 2158
75. Mabgham
Boy 5751
76. Mabkhut
Boy 3625
Fortunate; Lucky
77. Mabood
Boy 5958
Variant Of Ma' Bud: Worshipped; Adored
78. Maboor
Boy 4900
Name Of A Famous Sahabi (R; A)
79. Mabrok
Boy 3864
Mubarak; Saad
80. Mabrook
Boy 2490
Loved By God; Beautiful
81. Mabrouk
Boy 3938
82. Mabrud
Boy 3071
83. Mabruk
Boy 3641
84. Mabrur
Boy 3484
Accepted Into The Grace Of God; Blessed; Proper; Right; Valid
85. Mabsoor
Boy 4259
86. Mabtur
Boy 2051
87. Mabud
Boy 2587
Worshipped; Adored
88. Mabud
Boy 4518
Worshipped; Adored
89. Mabusuban
Boy 4209
90. Madakh
Boy 4678
91. Madam
Boy 5201
The Name Of The Slave Of Hazrat Muhammad (S; A; W; W)
92. Madammin
Boy 3478
93. Madar
Boy 4559
Circuit; Orbit; Cycle
94. Madasser
Boy 5381
Name Of Hazrat Muhammad (S; A; W; A)
95. Maddah
Boy 4594
One Who Praises
96. Madeeh
Boy 5057
97. Madeen
Boy 3870
Tiger; Lion
98. Madehh
Boy 4211
99. Madekh
Boy 4614
TOP NOTCHER; Respected
100. Madhat
Boy 2065

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

Muslim baby boy names A to Z

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