Montserrat baby boy names starting with L

Montserrat most popular names of 2025 feature Ameria as Number 1 for girls, and Agar in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Montserrat are Jaysha and Akielah and Shadae and for girls, and Guzien and Almer and Shahper and for boys. Here is the list for Montserrat baby names for boys and girls.

1. LaSun
2. LabarronHe Who Enter Building Aggressively
3. LaborArt; Knowledgeul; Freedom Lover
4. LabrosSympathy; Compassion
5. LacaBest; Harmony; More Attractive
6. LachLives Near Water
7. LacheLand Of Lakes
8. LachyA Boy From The Lake
9. LadainianNo Meaning As This Is A Modern Name
10. LadamianFrom The Laurel Tree
11. LaDariusThis Name Combines The PrefixLawith The NameDarian; Which Means Wealthy
12. LadarrenA Combination Of The Prefix La + Darian
13. LadarrionWealth
14. LadavionStone Or Small Rock
15. LadbrocDwells By The Path By The Brook
16. Ladd Manservant; Young Man
17. LaddaManager; Peace; Shy
18. LaddeAn Attendant
19. LaddeyAn Attendant
20. Laddie Manservant; Young Man
21. LaddyAn Attendant
22. LadinasLoving; Dedicator; Respectability
23. LadislasRule With Glory
24. LaDonisCombination of La- and Adonis
25. LadonteBeautiful Flower
26. LaecLives Near Water
27. LaefertunFrom The Rush Farm
28. LaeppaSacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
29. LaerA Wealthy Man
30. LaestaCreative; Educated; Confidence
31. LafaAware; Sentimental; Noble
32. LagotWarrior; Innovative; Handsome
33. LaibrookOne Who Lives On The
34. LaidenA King That Is Better Than Everyone In Nc
35. LaidleyPath Along The Marshy
36. LaidlyPath Along The Marshy
37. LaightonLaighton Has The Meaning Of From The Meadow Farm; Herb Garden Or Settlement With A Leek Garden
38. LaingleaLong Field Or Woodland
39. LaingleahLong Field Or Woodland
40. LaingleeLong Field Or Woodland
41. LaingleighLong Field Or Woodland
42. LaingleyLong Field Or Woodland
43. LaingliLong Field Or Woodland
44. LainglieLong Field Or Woodland
45. LainglyLong Field Or Woodland
46. LaitonLaiton Has The Meaning Of From The Meadow Farm; Herb Garden Or Settlement With A Leek Garden
47. LajonPeaceful And Good
48. LakelyLake In A Meadow
49. LakendrickSon Of A Ruler
50. LakerAssociated With The Lake District
51. LakkenCopied From The Word LakeThis Name Is Used As Both A Boys And A Girls Name
52. Lakoda Friend To Us
53. LaloLale LALE To Sing A Lullaby; Soothe
54. LamaarFrom The Renowned Land Of The Sea
55. LaMarcusThis Name Is A Combination Of The PrefixLawith The NameMarcus; Which Means Warlike Or Martial
56. LamariMessy And Nice And Cute
57. LamarionYoung Challenger Of The Future
58. LamariusIt Means Black
59. LamarkDedicated To Mars
60. LambLamb Or Lamb Like
61. LambegusRuler; Good Person; Influencer
62. LambinCaring; Master Of Their Own Destiny; Charisma
63. LaMeirCombination of La- and Meir
64. LameloKnown For Strength
65. LamichaelName Of A Raga
66. LaminKing
67. LamontaLawyer; Man Of Law
68. LamorakOrigin Is English
69. LamorochArtist; Problem Avoider; Charismatic
70. LamorrisExceptionally New
71. LanardLanard Means Sid
72. LancasterFort On The Lune River
73. LancdonLong Hill; Ridge
74. LanceletHumanitarian; Healer; Intelligence
75. LanceorFreedom Lover; Playful; Friendly
76. LandaineSacrifice; Innovative; Powerful
77. LandanFaces Major Obstacles; But Can Deftly Maneuver Out Of The Way
78. LanddonFrom The Long Hill
79. LandellAn Archer Or Bowman
80. LandenVariant Of Landon; The Name Means A Long Hill
81. LandinA Modification Of The English Name Landon; Meaninggrassy Meadow
82. LandoigneTeacher; Friendly; Confidence
83. LandoineEmotional; Entertainer; Strong
84. LandonRidge; Long Mountain
85. LandonnFrom The Long Hill
86. LandorLaundryman
87. Landre Ruler
88. LandriLand Ruler
89. LandsdenPioneer; Helper; Inventiveness
90. LandynVariant Of Landon; The Name Means A Long Hill
91. LandynnFrom The Long Hill
92. LanfordLong Ford
93. LanfrancHelpful; Sentimental; Respectability
94. LangdenLong Hill; Ridge
95. LangdonRidge; Long Mountain
96. LangeTall Person
97. LangfordFrom An Area With A Long River Crossing
98. LanghamLong Farm
99. LangleahFrom The Long Meadow
100. LangleyLong Life

Montserrat baby boy names A to Z

Montserrat baby boy names A to Z

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