Iraqi baby boy names starting with S

Iraqi most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Iraqi are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Orhan and Zuhain and Iznan and for boys. Here is the list for Iraqi baby names for boys and girls.

1. Saaadat
Boy 3720
(Sa‘aadah) Fortune; Blessings; Victory
2. Saaadat
Boy 3225
Variant Of Sa' Adat: Happiness; Bliss
3. Saab
Boy 4034
4. Saabeh
Boy 3754
5. Saabih
Boy 5036
Clear; Beautiful
6. Saabiq
Boy 2257
The First In A Race; Name Of A Sahabi (RA) Who Was The Servant Of The Holy Prophet (peace Be Upon Him)
7. Saabiqah
Boy 2129
Precedent; One Who Comes First In A Race; Name Of A Sahabi (RA) Who Was The Servant Of The Holy Prophet (peace Be Upon Him)
8. Saabit
Boy 5245
(Thaabit); Name Of A Sahabi(RA)
9. Saabuh
Boy 4747
10. Saad
Boy 2123
Good Fortune; Good Luck; Pious; Mubarak
11. Saad
Boy 2018
Felicity; Good Fortune; Good Luck
12. Saadaat
Boy 2830
Master Gentleman
13. Saadad
Boy 4736
Sense; Rationality; Prudence
14. Saadah
Boy 4536
15. Saadalla
Boy 3588
Responsible; Discipline; Shyness
16. Saadan
Boy 2514
Happy; Joyful
17. Saadat
Boy 2309
Jeetny Wala
18. Saadat
Boy 3014
Happiness; Bliss
19. Saadi
Boy 5309
Happy; Lucky; Fortunate; Blissful; Successful
20. Saadin
Boy 4417
21. Saadiq
Boy 4810
True; Sincere; Faithful; Veracious; A Man Of His Word
22. Saadoon
Boy 2578
Happy; Joyful
23. Saaduddin
Boy 2196
Success Of The Religion (Islam)
24. Saadullah
Boy 2604
Joy Of Allah
25. Saaeb
Boy 4432
Sensible; Rational; Intelligent
26. Saaed
Boy 4882
Great; Majestic; Magnificent; Noble And Aristocratic; Glorious; Superior
27. Saaf
Boy 5894
28. Saafi
Boy 4431
Pure; Clear; Crystal
29. Saafin
Boy 4844
Those Who Are Pure; Those Who Are Without Blemished
30. Saafir
Boy 3941
Ambassador; Handsome
31. Saagh
Boy 3354
Listener In Order
32. Saaghir
Boy 3104
Submissive Yielding
33. Saaham
Boy 4844
Flower In Heaven
34. Saahib
Boy 4345
Friend; Colleague
35. Saahib ul izaar
Boy 2052
Owner Of The Garment
36. Saahib ul qadam
Boy 4582
He Who Possesses Leadership
37. Saahib ur ridaa
Boy 3841
Possessor Of The Mantle
38. Saahib us sayf
Boy 2298
Owner Of The Sword
39. Saahibul bayan
Boy 2179
He Who Owns The Words
40. Saahibul burhan
Boy 3582
He Who Has The Evidence
41. Saahibul burraq
Boy 2862
He Who Rode The Burraq
42. Saahibul faraj
Boy 2728
Owner Of Comfort
43. Saahibul liwaa
Boy 3894
Owner Of The Banner Of Praise
44. Saahibul miraaj
Boy 4683
He Who Ascended To The Heavens
45. Saahibul qadeeb
Boy 3379
Owner Of The Staff
46. Saahibut taaj
Boy 3728
Owner Of The Crown
47. Saahil
Boy 3008
48. Saahirah
Boy 5128
Earth; Moon; A Spring Which Flows Constantly
49. Saaib
Boy 4341
Name Of A Sahabi Who Took Part In The Battle Of Badr
50. Saaid
Boy 4323
Name Of A Sahabi (RA)
51. Saaie
Boy 2956
Effort; Labor; Striving; Pursuit
52. Saaigh
Boy 2657
Jewelry Maker
53. Saaih
Boy 4177
One Who Fasts; One Who Spends Much Time At The Mosque; One Who Travels In The Service Of Allah
54. Saaii
Boy 5395
Hardworking; Worker; Staff; Someone Walking Fast
55. Saaiq
Boy 2958
He Who Drives On The Right Path ( Wo Jo Sedy Rasty Per Ly Ker Jae )
56. Saair
Boy 2814
Revolutionary (a Person Who Takes Part In A Revolution); Avenger; Excited
57. Saajidha
Boy 3266
58. Saaleh
Boy 3673
Good Virtuous
59. Saalif
Boy 4381
Name Of A Sahabi (RA)
60. Saalih
Boy 5546
Righteous; Virtuous; Intact And Good
61. Saalik
Boy 3946
62. Saalim
Boy 3069
Aik Sahabi Ka Naam
63. Saaloot
Boy 5569
The Biblical Saul Is The English Language Equivalent
64. Saamah
Boy 3543
Forgiving; Tolerance
65. Saame
Boy 5673
One Who Hears
66. Saami
Boy 3202
Eminent; Exalted; High-minded; Sublime
67. Saamii
Boy 3916
High Position; Noble; Generous
68. Saamir
Boy 4804
Phall; Fruit
69. Saaqib
Boy 2775
70. Saarim
Boy 5707
Brave; Sharp Minded
71. Saary
Boy 2310
72. Saayed
Boy 5675
Predecessor; Preceding; Previous; Precursor
73. Sab
Boy 4056
74. Sabaah
Boy 2005
Morning Bright
75. Sabah
Boy 3282
Morning; Dawn; Bohat Khoobsurat
76. Sabalan
Boy 2514
Pure; Virtuous; It Comes From The Avestan Language
77. Saban
Boy 3413
78. Sabaque
Boy 2735
One Who Surpasses Or Excels
79. Sabass
Boy 3937
Patient Grateful
80. Sabat
Boy 2800
Firmness; Stability; Certainty; Endurance
81. Sabawoon
Boy 4151
Dawn Morning
82. Sabba
Boy 5827
83. Sabbaah
Boy 2594
Fair Complexioned
84. Sabbaan
Boy 3905
Soap Maker
85. Sabbagh
Boy 2512
Dyer; One Whose Job Is To Dye Clothes
86. Sabbaq
Boy 4659
On Who Races With Others And Gets Ahead Of Them; One Who Is Superior To Others In Goodness And Virtue
87. Sabbar
Boy 5354
Extremely Patient; Extremely Enduring
88. Sabeel
Boy 4317
Way; Path
89. Sabeer
Boy 2543
White Cloud; Patient; Enduring; Sabar Karney Wala
90. Sabeeri
Boy 2742
Thick White Clouds
91. Sabeh
Boy 5033
Pretty Handsome Beautiful
92. Sabghta
Boy 5177
Colour Given By Allah Himself; True Faith; Baptism
93. Sabh
Boy 4609
94. Sabigh
Boy 2629
Dyer; A Person Who Changes The Color Of Clothes Using Dye
95. Sabihe
Boy 5516
96. Sabihi
Boy 4394
Bright Like The Morning; Good-looking
97. Sabiq
Boy 2248
Land With Beautiful Grass And Flowers; Beautiful Gardens
98. Sabir
Boy 5852
Sword; A Title Name Of Hazrat Ayyoob(Job); Sabr-e-ayyoob
99. Sabit
Boy 3062
Firmly In Place; Stable; Unshakable
100. Saboor
Boy 3949
Patient ; Fore Bearing; One Who Overlooks The Fault Of Others

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