Herzegovina baby boy names starting with R

Herzegovina most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Herzegovina are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Iznan and Zuhain and Orhan and for boys. Here is the list for Herzegovina baby names for boys and girls.

1. Ra Ad
Boy 5446
2. Ra Ana
Boy 3725
3. Raab
Boy 2302
4. Raabit
Boy 4572
One Who Connects Between Two Things
5. Raad
Boy 2984
Scout; Explorer; Pioneer
6. Raadhi
Boy 4736
(Raazi) Agreed; Contended; Willing; Satisfied; Pleased
7. Raadhii
Boy 4605
8. Raadi
Boy 3201
9. Raaed
Boy 4904
Leader; Pioneer; Guide; Pathfinder
10. Raafae
Boy 3234
Exalted One
11. Raafat
Boy 4993
Kindness; Compasion
12. Raafe
Boy 3011
A Companion
13. Raafi
Boy 2848
Comforter; High; Sublime; Exalted; Elevated;
14. Raafid
Boy 2792
Helper, GuarD, River's enD
15. Raafiif
Boy 3052
Good Morals; Shaking; Throb; Heart Beat
16. Raafiur Rutab
Boy 2808
He Who Elevates Ranks
17. Raafy
Boy 3586
Kind, Compassionate
18. Raaghib
Boy 5491
Willing; Wishing; Desirous; Inclined Towards
19. Raahat
Boy 3833
Comfort; Rest; Ease; Tranquillity; Relief; Pleasure
20. Raahil
Boy 5340
Path Guider
21. Raahim
Boy 3805
Compassionate; Kind; Merciful; Take Pity;
22. Raaid
Boy 3189
23. Raaji
Boy 4538
24. Raajih
Boy 2712
25. Raajii
Boy 2021
Have Hope
26. Raakaan
Boy 5667
27. Raakib
Boy 2253
Horse Rider
28. Raakin
Boy 3062
29. Raamis
Boy 4637
The Good Looking One
30. Raamiz
Boy 2996
31. Raana
Boy 5973
Graceful; Exquisitely; Beautiful; Khoobsurat Andaz Say Chalney Wali;
32. Raaneen
Boy 5343
The Sound
33. Raanish
Boy 5428
Truely; Wisedom; Attractive Speecher
34. Raaqeem
Boy 5273
Writer Recorder
35. Raaqim
Boy 2089
Writer Recorder
36. Raashad
Boy 4242
Explorer; Joyful; Expert
37. Raashid
Boy 3147
Righteous; Mature ; Guided; Intelligent
38. Raasi
Boy 4727
The Loser
39. Raasikh
Boy 5751
Deep-rooted Stable
40. Raateeb
Boy 3108
41. Raatib
Boy 4429
42. Raazi
Boy 5610
Satisfied; Contended; Well-pleased
43. Raazin
Boy 4612
Noble; Calm
44. Raaziq
Boy 5363
God Provider
45. Rab
Boy 4567
Lord; Master One Of The Names Of Allah
46. Rabaat
Boy 2809
Tie Up
47. Rabaee
Boy 2135
One Who Has A Desire And Searches
48. Rabagi
Boy 2762
49. Rabah
Boy 5717
Gain; Profit
50. Rabait
Boy 3020
Dervish; Religious Mendicant
51. Rabani
Boy 3596
Attributed To Lord
52. Rabar
Boy 5146
A Loving And Caring Person To All
53. Rabat
Boy 3749
54. Rabaz
Boy 2935
55. Rabb
Boy 2281
Lord; Master
56. Rabbaani
Boy 2617
Divine; Godly
57. Rabbab
Boy 5549
A Musical Instrument
58. Rabbad
Boy 5071
House Maker
59. Rabbani
Boy 2579
Divine; From Allah
60. Rabbi
Boy 3992
My Master
61. Rabee
Boy 3455
62. Rabee
Boy 2592
Variant Of Rabi' : Spring
63. Rabeeah
Boy 4244
A Bounding In Green Foliage
64. Rabeegh
Boy 5582
Agreeable; Willing; Pleased; Contented; Satisfied
65. Rabeeh
Boy 3612
Winner; One Who Profits
66. Rabees
Boy 3366
Powerful; Fearless; Dauntless
67. Rabi
Boy 3539
Spring; Breeze
68. Rabi
Boy 5051
69. Rabiah
Boy 2467
70. Rabiah
Boy 4662
Garden; Springtime;
71. Rabiampa
Not well known; Derived from Rabi
72. Rabiey
Boy 2321
73. Rabigh
Boy 2101
Khush Haal; Qane
74. Rabis
Boy 3145
75. Rabit
Boy 5333
Binding; Fastening (Ibadat Karne Wala)
76. Rabiz
Boy 4238
77. Rabooh
Boy 5903
Winner; One Who Makes A Profit; Earner
78. Rabtah
Boy 3740
Name Of Many Sahabiyyat (RA)
79. Rabubi
Boy 4466
80. Rabud
Boy 4879
81. Rabwah
Boy 2109
Highland; Small Hill; Hilly Area
82. Rachad
Boy 2257
Good Sense
83. Rachard
Boy 5208
84. Rachaud
Boy 3649
85. Rachid
Boy 5074
Guided Well
86. Rachina
Boy 5888
Favour; Kindness
87. Rad
Boy 5594
Generous; Selfless; Free; Wise
88. Radaa
Boy 4208
89. Radah
Boy 5363
90. Radbert
Boy 4158
Red Haired Counselor
91. Raddie
Boy 3009
Intelligence; Great Lover; Strong
92. Radee
Boy 5811
Satisfied; Content
93. Radeed
Boy 3045
The Cloud
94. Radeen
Boy 2447
Free; Not A Slave ( Azaad )
95. Radell
Boy 2159
A Star
96. Radey
Boy 5899
To Ready For Something
97. Radhee
Boy 5994
Lover; Suitor; Goodwill; Satisfied; Content
98. Radhi
Boy 5647
Lover; Suitor; Goodwill; Satisfied; Content
99. Radhwaan
Boy 2423
Acceptance Consent
100. Radhwan
Boy 5009
Acceptance Consent

Herzegovina baby boy names A to Z

Herzegovina baby boy names A to Z

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