Herzegovina baby boy names starting with O

Herzegovina most popular names of 2025 feature Feeha as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Herzegovina are Mufliha and Alveera and Alyaanah and for girls, and Iznan and Zuhain and Orhan and for boys. Here is the list for Herzegovina baby names for boys and girls.

1. Oahile
Boy 5207
Handsome, Good-looking
2. Obaid
Boy 5184
3. Obaidullah
Boy 5803
Servant Of Almighty
4. Oemar
Boy 4477
The Arabian Traveler
5. Ohrmazd
Boy 5019
Divinity Of Wisdom
6. Okba
Boy 2326
Keen; Inventive; Reliability
7. Oktai
Boy 2305
Famous; Well-known; Elite; High-born
8. Oktay
Boy 3004
9. Olfa
Boy 5906
Familiarity; Intimacy
10. Omaijid
Boy 4570
Noble; Praiseworthy; Glorious
11. Omair
Boy 5433
Problem Solver
12. Omais
Boy 5869
Love; Affection
13. Omar
Boy 4763
Life; Long Living
14. Omar Ahmed
Boy 2605
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
15. Omar Ali
Boy 3329
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
16. Omar Faruk
Boy 2002
Braver; Intelligence
17. Omar faruq
Boy 5583
Flourishing, Distinguisher
18. Omar Hussain
Boy 3208
Handsome; Beautiful
19. Omar Umar
Boy 5629
20. Omari
Boy 5707
To Flourish Or To Thrive
21. Omarie
Boy 2931
Derives From The Arabic Name Umar Meaning Flourishing; Prosperous; Populous
22. Omarr
Boy 4742
God The Highest
23. Omeed
Boy 5117
24. Omeir
Boy 3607
Long Living
25. Omer
Boy 3849
Long Live
26. Omidvar
Boy 2518
Hopeful; Wishing
27. Omir
Boy 4128
28. Ommar
Boy 3709
First Son
29. Omor faruk
Boy 5524
Clever, Discerning
30. Omran
Boy 4376
Solid Structure
31. Omrao
Boy 3759
32. Onays
Boy 2355
Friendly; Good Friend; One Who Brings Peace And Serenity To The Heart
33. Onemor
Boy 4013
Pious Honorable
34. Oner
Boy 5898
35. Ons
Boy 2211
Gladness; Removal Of Fear
36. Onsi
Boy 3993
One Who Brings Calm And Gladness To The Heart; One Who Removes Fears
37. Onslow
Boy 4032
Hill Of The Passionate One
38. Oraibi
Boy 3969
Keen; Perceptive; Intelligent
39. Orang
Boy 5336
Wisdom; Understanding
40. Orhan
Boy 5820
Great Leader; Supreme Leader ( Umda Leader )
41. Orkhan
Boy 2008
Great Leader; Supreme Leader
42. Ormazd
Boy 5623
Divinity Of Wisdom
43. Orz
Boy 4315
Middle (of A Sea Or River)
44. Osaf
Boy 3182
A Well Dancer; Wasf (Qualities)
45. Osama
Boy 2263
46. Osamaa
Boy 5424
47. Osayad
Boy 3355
Strong, Powerful
48. Osloob
Boy 4833
Way; Manner; Style; Mode; Method
49. Osman
Boy 4813
Tender Youth; A Nice Pen (a Literary Person); Name Of The Third Caliph Of Islam
50. Osman Ahmed
Boy 4454
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
51. Osman Ali
Boy 3389
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
52. Osman Hussain
Boy 5041
Handsome; Beautiful
53. Osmanek
Boy 3308
A Divine Protector
54. Osmar
Boy 4473
Divinely Glorious
55. Osmen
Boy 3459
A Divine Protector
56. Ossama
Boy 2431
One Of The Names Of The Lion
57. Ossamah
Boy 5183
58. Othman
Boy 3509
59. Othmane
Boy 2380
60. Oud
Boy 4677
61. Oukesson
Boy 2655
Light; Good
62. Ousaf
Boy 5486
Description; Definition
63. Ousama
Boy 4022
64. Ouzar
Boy 4226
65. Owaib
Boy 3037
One Who Repents; One Who Continually Goes Back To God’ S Obedience
66. Owaid
Boy 2164
67. Owais
Boy 3027
A Companion Of The Prophet (SAW)
68. Owais Ahmed
Boy 2717
Much Praised; Bohot Tareef Wala;
69. Owais Ali
Boy 5321
The High Exalted One; The Sublime
70. Owais Hussain
Boy 2206
Handsome; Beautiful
71. Owaisi
Boy 5395
Brave; Courageous; Warrior ( Jangjo; Bahdur )
72. Owaisy
Boy 3817
Gifted Talented
73. Owaiz
Boy 2233
Replacement; Something That Takes The Place Of Another Thing
74. Ozaafar
Boy 5763
75. Ozegar
Boy 2930
76. Ozhan
Boy 2135
77. Ozil Miran
Boy 5740
Variant Of Ozil, Meaning "full Of Light"

Herzegovina baby boy names A to Z

Herzegovina baby boy names A to Z

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