German baby boy names starting with Q

German most popular names of 2025 feature Shritika as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in German are Feeha and Krishvi and Rudvika and for girls, and Trinay and Orhan and Zuhain and for boys. Here is the list for German baby names for boys and girls.

1. Qa
Boy 2646
2. Qaa Af
Boy 5313
The Flood
3. Qaabeel
Boy 4984
Famous Son Of Adam(AS)
4. Qaabel
Boy 3966
5. Qaabez
Boy 5891
6. Qaabil
Boy 4518
Acceptor Next Able
7. Qaabis
Boy 2617
8. Qaabiz
Boy 2267
9. Qaadam
Boy 3559
Coming Up
10. Qaades
Boy 2121
Big Boat
11. Qaadhee
Boy 4401
Magistrate Justice Judge
12. Qaadhi
Boy 3248
13. Qaadir
Boy 5269
Powerful; Mighty; An Attribute Applied To Allah Almighty Name; Abdul Qaadir
14. Qaadireen
Boy 5881
Able One
15. Qaadiroon
Boy 4862
Able One
16. Qaaf
Boy 3556
Big Mountain
17. Qaafat
Boy 5154
18. Qaafay
Boy 2943
19. Qaafiz
Boy 3672
Fast Horse
20. Qaahi
Boy 5037
21. Qaahir
Boy 4687
Conqueror Victorious
22. Qaaid
Boy 5788
Leader; Chief
23. Qaaid
Boy 5941
Variant Of Qa' Id: Steersman; Leader
24. Qaailah
Boy 5395
Name Of A Sahabiyyah(RA)
25. Qaaim
Boy 5167
Standing Person; Steadfast
26. Qaaim
Boy 2134
Variant Of Qa' Im: Upright; Stable
27. Qaaimoon
Boy 2016
One Who Stay Up Late At Night To
28. Qaal
Boy 3863
Woman Prophet
29. Qaalib
Boy 2410
30. Qaamoos
Boy 2608
Deep River
31. Qaan
Boy 4880
To Justice
32. Qaan
Boy 3814
To Justice
33. Qaanat
Boy 5479
34. Qaanay
Boy 4314
Satisfied; Contended
35. Qaaney
Boy 4670
36. Qaani
Boy 3651
Satisfied; Contented
37. Qaani
Boy 2502
Variant Of Qani' : Satisfied; Content
38. Qaaniah
Boy 4757
Satisfied; Contented
39. Qaanis
Boy 2519
40. Qaanit
Boy 2829
Obedient To God; Devout; Silent
41. Qaaniteen
Boy 4311
Devout Pious One
42. Qaanitoon
Boy 2541
A Person Who Is Devoted To God
43. Qaaqaa
Boy 4082
Voice Of The Sword In The Battle
44. Qaarat
Boy 3752
45. Qaareb
Boy 2036
The Boat
46. Qaaref
Boy 3391
47. Qaari
Boy 3355
Reciter (of The Holy Quran)
48. Qaas
Boy 4155
49. Qaasab
Boy 5430
Flute Player
50. Qaaser
Boy 4413
51. Qaashim
Boy 5811
52. Qaasi
Boy 3964
53. Qaasid
Boy 5778
54. Qaasif
Boy 3692
55. Qaasim
Boy 5876
One Who Distributes; Name Of The Beloved Son Of Rasoolullah Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam; Also His Attribute
56. Qaasit
Boy 4032
A Person Who Is Just, Fair
57. Qaatan
Boy 2201
58. Qaatay
Boy 2459
59. Qaatin
Boy 5918
60. Qaayed
Boy 2458
61. Qaaz
Boy 4895
Water Bird
62. Qaazi
Boy 2894
(Qaadi) Judge; Justice
63. Qaazib
Boy 5875
Sharp Sword
64. Qaba
Boy 4384
65. Qabaad
Boy 2805
66. Qabaas
Boy 2503
67. Qabad
Boy 2841
Badshah E Azam
68. Qabael
Boy 5940
  Tribe, And Acceptance
69. Qabal
Boy 3873
From Everything: Ole, And Astqublk Him
70. Qabas
Boy 4460
71. Qabbaab
Boy 4315
72. Qabbab
Boy 5455
Strong Deer
73. Qabeel
Boy 2189
Family; Body
74. Qabeer
Boy 5773
Hera' S Glory
75. Qabel
Boy 2475
Contented, Satisfied
76. Qabes
Boy 2168
Learner, The Beneficiary
77. Qabid
Boy 5266
The ConstrictorA Name For Allah
78. Qabil
Boy 3523
Qabil; Ahl E Ilam
79. Qabir
Boy 2299
Very Good
80. Qabis
Boy 5292
Intelligent; Educated
81. Qabisah
Boy 4533
Optimistic; Peacemaker; Cheerful
82. Qabiyl
Boy 3595
83. Qabiz
Boy 4345
One Of The Ninety
84. Qablan
Boy 5644
Advancer; Accepter
85. Qaboos
Boy 3081
86. Qabos
Boy 3093
Safeed Rang Wala
87. Qabous
Boy 3871
Pretty Bird
88. Qabsat
Boy 2591
89. Qabus
Boy 3940
90. Qachaar
Boy 3805
The Name Of The Ancient Royal Family Of Iran
91. Qachar
Boy 3579
92. Qachib
Boy 3455
New, Clean
93. Qada
Boy 4369
Leaders Of Leadership And Control In The Reins
94. Qadaaf
Boy 5019
Fast Walker
95. Qadaam
Boy 4388
96. Qadaar
Boy 2033
Last Limit
97. Qadah
Boy 3704
Measure; Standard; Yardstick; Plane Scale
98. Qadair
Boy 3463
99. Qadam
Boy 2359
100. Qadamu
Boy 3612
Sidqthe Leader

German baby boy names A to Z

German baby boy names A to Z

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