German baby boy names starting with I
German most popular names of 2025 feature Shritika as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in German are Feeha and Krishvi and Rudvika and for girls, and Trinay and Orhan and Zuhain and for boys. Here is the list for German baby names for boys and girls.
No.# | Names | Meanings |
1. |
I Allah Boy 5445 | Deity |
2. |
I Shiang Boy 2566 | Ray Of Godslight |
3. |
I Shiuan Boy 4633 | Follower Of Zeus |
4. |
Iñaki Boy 4756 | Fire |
5. |
Iñigo Boy 5610 | Fire |
6. |
Iòseph Boy 3784 | Yahweh Will Add (another |
7. |
Iñaki Boy 3452 | Fire |
8. |
Iñigo Boy 3143 | Fire |
9. |
Iòseph Boy 4827 | Yahweh Will Add (another |
10. |
Iaan Boy 4436 | Pride; Lord Shiva |
11. |
Iab Boy 5339 | One Who Can Foresee |
12. |
Iac Boy 2201 | Giving Thanks |
13. |
Iachimo Boy 5397 | Cymbeline' An Italian frienD to Philario |
14. |
Iacob Boy 4209 | To Follow; To Succeed; Supplanter |
15. |
Iacopo Boy 3751 | He Who Supplants |
16. |
Iacov Boy 3911 | Wise Ruler |
17. |
Iacovo Boy 3649 | One Who Supplants |
18. |
Iacovos Boy 2616 | Gorgeous Woman |
19. |
Iaden Boy 4004 | Grand; Splendid (1) |
20. |
Iael Boy 5266 | Bhishma |
21. |
Iaenbeorht Boy 3813 | Capability; Strength; Impressive Personality |
22. |
Iaene Boy 2953 | Yahweh Is Gracious |
23. |
Iagan Boy 2205 | Fire; Brightness; Splendor |
24. |
Iago Boy 3822 | Supplanter Can be either aor JacobAssociateD with the wickeD Iago in Shakespeare's 'Othello' |
25. |
Iah Boy 2803 | The One That Burns |
26. |
Iahhel Boy 5817 | Peace |
27. |
Iahn Boy 4167 | Yahweh Is Gracious |
28. |
Iaiah Boy 2028 | Smile |
29. |
Iaian Boy 5100 | Like Iron |
30. |
Iaichik Boy 2584 | Loving Change; Enthusiasm; Reliability |
31. |
Iain Boy 5654 | Scottish'Gift from GoD' |
32. |
Iaine Boy 4222 | Yahweh Is Gracious |
33. |
Iaj Boy 4439 | Diety; Almighty God |
34. |
Iaki Boy 3801 | Strong Defender |
35. |
Iakob Boy 3427 | Georgian Form Of Jacob; Supplanter |
36. |
Iakobo Boy 2790 | One Who Supplants |
37. |
Iakobos Boy 2609 | Yahweh May Protect |
38. |
Iakona Boy 2379 | To Heal |
39. |
Iakopa Boy 5649 | Holding The Heel |
40. |
Iakopo Boy 4244 | Gorgeous Woman |
41. |
Iakov Boy 2067 | Yahweh May Protect |
42. |
Iakovos Boy 2722 | Supplanter |
43. |
Ialeel Boy 5198 | Waiting For God |
44. |
Iam Boy 5233 | Right Hand |
45. |
Iamyl Boy 5274 | One Who Can Foresee |
46. |
Ian Boy 5738 | God Is Merciful |
47. |
Ian Alexandre Boy 5535 | Nephew Of King Mark |
48. |
Ian Jacob Boy 4803 | Following After |
49. |
Ian Michael Boy 2959 | Which Man Is Like God? |
50. |
Iancarlo Boy 5335 | Lord Shiva |
51. |
Iancarlos Boy 4460 | Pleased |
52. |
Iancu Boy 5792 | Yahweh Is Gracious |
53. |
Iane Boy 4785 | A Wish |
54. |
Ianh Boy 2425 | Maker Of Rope |
55. |
Iani Boy 5144 | Priority |
56. |
Ianis Boy 3546 | Goddess Parvati; |
57. |
Ianmichael Boy 4686 | Rising Sun; |
58. |
Iann Boy 3583 | God Is Forgiving |
59. |
Iannel Boy 3364 | Yahweh Is Gracious |
60. |
Iannis Boy 4462 | Island Dweller |
61. |
Ianny Boy 4713 | Written |
62. |
Iano Boy 3010 | King Of Fame |
63. |
Ianos Boy 5446 | Yahweh Is Gracious |
64. |
Ianto Boy 2579 | Gift Of God |
65. |
Ianz Boy 2160 | Noble And Prepared |
66. |
Iaokim Boy 5789 | God Will Estahlish |
67. |
Iaon Boy 3138 | Yahweh Is Gracious |
68. |
Iapetus Boy 2570 | A Titan |
69. |
Iarbonel Boy 3809 | Descendant Of Judah |
70. |
Iarere Boy 4190 | To Descend; The Descendant |
71. |
Iaris Boy 2521 | Exalted One |
72. |
Iarla Boy 3442 | Tributary Lord |
73. |
Iarlaith Boy 2733 | Leader |
74. |
Ias Boy 3854 | Desire; Of The Mind |
75. |
Iasan Boy 3032 | Healer |
76. |
Iashia Boy 3514 | Sabari Hill |
77. |
Iasiah Boy 2700 | Hope; Wish; Desire |
78. |
Iasion Boy 2804 | Father Of Plutus |
79. |
Iason Boy 2355 | Healer |
80. |
Iasonas Boy 2333 | Light; A Flame |
81. |
Iassac Boy 5112 | A Woman From Dacia |
82. |
Iassan Boy 5351 | From The Ash Tree |
83. |
Iassc Boy 2031 | Name Of A Saint |
84. |
Iassen Boy 3341 | From The Ash Tree |
85. |
Iassin Boy 2652 | From The Ash Tree |
86. |
Iasson Boy 5240 | From The Ash Tree |
87. |
Iassun Boy 4244 | From The Ash Tree |
88. |
Iassyn Boy 3500 | From The Ash Tree |
89. |
Iau Boy 2765 | life' |
90. |
Iaue Boy 2770 | Light; Deity |
91. |
Iavar Boy 5348 | From The Sycamore Tree |
92. |
Iaver Boy 4432 | From The Sycamore Tree |
93. |
Iavir Boy 4116 | From The Sycamore Tree |
94. |
Iavor Boy 5286 | From The Sycamore Tree |
95. |
Iavur Boy 4081 | From The Sycamore Tree |
96. |
Iavyr Boy 2550 | From The Sycamore Tree |
97. |
Iayan Boy 4095 | Prince |
98. |
Iayn Boy 2504 | Yahweh Is Gracious |
99. |
Iayne Boy 2872 | Yahweh Is Gracious |
100. |
Iaz Boy 2336 | Rare Thing |
German baby boy names A to Z
- German boy names starting with A
- German boy names starting with B
- German boy names starting with C
- German boy names starting with D
- German boy names starting with E
- German boy names starting with F
- German boy names starting with G
- German boy names starting with H
- German boy names starting with I
- German boy names starting with J
- German boy names starting with K
- German boy names starting with L
- German boy names starting with M
- German boy names starting with N
- German boy names starting with O
- German boy names starting with P
- German boy names starting with Q
- German boy names starting with R
- German boy names starting with S
- German boy names starting with T
- German boy names starting with U
- German boy names starting with V
- German boy names starting with W
- German boy names starting with X
- German boy names starting with Y
- German boy names starting with Z
German baby boy names A to Z
- German girl names starting with A
- German girl names starting with B
- German girl names starting with C
- German girl names starting with D
- German girl names starting with E
- German girl names starting with F
- German girl names starting with G
- German girl names starting with H
- German girl names starting with I
- German girl names starting with J
- German girl names starting with K
- German girl names starting with L
- German girl names starting with M
- German girl names starting with N
- German girl names starting with O
- German girl names starting with P
- German girl names starting with Q
- German girl names starting with R
- German girl names starting with S
- German girl names starting with T
- German girl names starting with U
- German girl names starting with V
- German girl names starting with W
- German girl names starting with X
- German girl names starting with Y
- German girl names starting with Z