German baby boy names starting with D

German most popular names of 2025 feature Shritika as Number 1 for girls, and Huzaim in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in German are Feeha and Krishvi and Rudvika and for girls, and Trinay and Orhan and Zuhain and for boys. Here is the list for German baby names for boys and girls.

1. D Boy
Boy 4033
2. D Jay
Boy 4193
3. D Man
Boy 3342
4. D Money
Boy 5162
5. Dáibhídh
Boy 2480
Beloved; Favorite; Darling; Friend
6. Dáire
Boy 4118
Fertile; Fruitful
7. Dániel
Boy 3151
God Is My Judge; God
8. Dávid
Boy 5401
Beloved; Favorite; Darling; Friend
9. Dàibhidh
Boy 3775
Beloved; Favorite; Darling; Friend
10. Dàniel
Boy 4761
God Is My Judge; God
11. Dáibhídh
Boy 3503
Beloved; Favorite; Darling; Friend
12. Dáire
Boy 2522
Fertile; Fruitful
13. Dániel
Boy 4101
God Is My Judge; God
14. Dávid
Boy 2938
Beloved; Favorite; Darling; Friend
15. Dàibhidh
Boy 5384
Beloved; Favorite; Darling; Friend
16. Dàniel
Boy 4331
God Is My Judge; God
17. Déhuá
Boy 3132
Virtuous Chinese
18. Dénes
Boy 4002
Follower Of Dionysos
19. Dùbhghlas
Boy 4672
Dark River
20. Dùghall
Boy 4162
Dark Stranger
21. Déhuá
Boy 3894
Virtuous Chinese
22. Dénes
Boy 3786
Follower Of Dionysos
23. Dùbhghlas
Boy 4402
Dark River
24. Dùghall
Boy 2541
Dark Stranger
25. Da
Boy 4672
26. Da Da
Boy 5726
Curly-haired Child
27. Da Legend
Boy 3526
Legend Means Having Some Background; A Story
28. Da Shawn
Boy 3316
God Is Merciful
29. Da Shin
Boy 2368
Peaceful Heart
30. Da Von
Boy 5358
Little One Or Small One
31. Da Vondre
Boy 4607
The Sun
32. Daa
Boy 2809
The Inviter
33. Daabir
Boy 5089
34. Daad
Boy 4708
35. Daadar
Boy 4863
Brother; Dear Friend; Another Name For God
36. Daaem
Boy 5760
Perpetual; Constant; Continual
37. Daafi
Boy 2761
One Who Expels Prevents
38. Daagduh
Boy 4967
God Of The Earth; Father God
39. Daagh
Boy 2365
Stain; Stigma
40. Daai
Boy 3752
Name For Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
41. Daaib
Boy 2175
The Joker
42. Daaiel
Boy 2318
Lord Shiva
43. Daaim
Boy 5603
Continual Listing
44. Daairel
Boy 4216
Formal; Official
45. Daaivik
Boy 4588
46. Daaiyyah
Boy 3240
Inviter To Truth
47. Daaksh
Boy 2764
Goddess Lakshmi
48. Daakshi
Boy 2408
49. Daakshit
Boy 2516
Lord Shiva
50. Daakshith
Boy 3284
51. Daakyehene
Boy 4127
Free From Bondage
52. Daalii
Boy 4667
Grape With Light Color
53. Daalu
Boy 3335
One Who Sulks
54. Daamal
Boy 3027
Apane; Consent
55. Daaman
Boy 4495
Wreath; Rope; Girdle; Chaplet
56. Daami
Boy 4500
Many Support And Assistance
57. Daamin
Boy 5684
Guarantor; Surety
58. Daamir
Boy 4424
59. Daamodar
Boy 3515
A Name Of Krishna
60. Daamodhura
Boy 4677
Lord Vishnu
61. Daampi
Not well known
62. Daan
Boy 2785
The Lord Is My Judge
63. Daanaa
Boy 4434
Wise; Learned
64. DaAndre
Boy 5840
Lord Of The Forest
65. Daanee
Boy 5395
Close; Near; Hanging Low
66. Daaneesh
Boy 2563
Knowledge Wisdom
67. Daanes
Boy 4816
Young; Gentle
68. Daani
Boy 2085
Light Green
69. Daanial
Boy 3352
70. Daanii
Boy 4326
71. Daanish
Boy 3232
Wisdom; Learning; Science
72. Daaniyal
Boy 4281
Lord Shiva
73. Daanu
Boy 3800
74. Daanveer
Boy 5377
Giver; Warrior Karna
75. Daanveera
Boy 3549
76. Daanvir
Boy 4221
77. Daanyaal
Boy 2929
Name Of A Prophet Of Almighty Allah
78. Daanyal
Boy 3901
79. Daaood
Boy 2181
The Biblical DaviD is the English language equivalent A Prophet's name
80. Daar
Boy 3047
The Owner; Master; Another Name For God
81. Daara
Boy 3046
Cart Maker
82. Daarii
Boy 4557
Knows; Religious; Wise
83. Daarim
Boy 2090
Reader Of Hadith
84. Daario
Boy 5270
Rich In Land
85. Daaron
Boy 4343
A Great Man A Gift From God
86. DAaron
Combination of D and Aaron
87. Daarsh
Boy 2183
88. Daarshik
Boy 5985
89. Daarshil
Boy 3505
Lord Krishna
90. Daaruk
Boy 5202
Charioteer Of Krishna; Tree
91. Daarul
Boy 4322
Creativity; Flexible; Studious
92. Daarun
Boy 5364
93. Daasharathi
Boy 2124
Lord Rama
94. Daasu
Boy 5691
95. Daata
Boy 5802
One Who Blesses The Devotees
96. Daav
Boy 5387
Wild Fire
97. Daavi
Boy 3207
Daavi Is A  Variant Of David And Means Beloved.
98. Daavid
Boy 2203
Form Of David
99. Daawin
Boy 4433
Beloved; Early Morning; Determine Effort
100. Daawood
Boy 2219
Prophets Name

German baby boy names A to Z

German baby boy names A to Z

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