Denmark baby boy names starting with G

Denmark most popular names of 2025 feature Dalina as Number 1 for girls, and Hayzen in top place for boys. Other favorite baby names in Denmark are Khushu and Insa and Mine and for girls, and Alfi and Faize and Dida and for boys. Here is the list for Denmark baby names for boys and girls.

1. Gabehart
Boy 3712
Happier; Luckier
2. Gabrio
Boy 5001
God Is My Strength
3. Gaillard
Boy 5121
4. Gaincarlo
Boy 2258
Free Man
5. Gallus
Boy 4493
Antony anD Cleopatra' FrienD to Caesar
6. Gamelberto
Boy 2588
Distinguished Because
7. Gandolf
Boy 4005
Elfs Wand
8. Gandolfo
Boy 4599
Valiant Warrior
9. Gandulf
Boy 3861
Elfs Wand
10. Garad
Boy 5239
Brave With The Spear
11. Garald
Boy 3586
Spear Rule; Army; Warrior
12. Garen
Boy 5042
Guards; Guardian
13. Garey
Boy 2566
14. Garibaldo
Boy 2224
He Who Is Bold With
15. Garik
Boy 5805
Spear Ruler
16. Garion
Boy 2094
Guards; Guardian
17. Garison
Boy 5890
Ruler Of The Spear
18. Garit
Boy 3886
Ruler Of The Spear
19. Garlin
Boy 4848
A Triumphant Wreath
20. Garod
Boy 3303
Brave With The Spear
21. Garon
Boy 2056
Guards; Guardian
22. Garren
Boy 3368
Guards; Guardian
23. Garrett
Boy 2638
As Hard As A Spear
24. Garrey
Boy 2368
25. Garrick
Boy 5413
Ruler With Spear
26. Garrin
Boy 5328
Guards; Guardian
27. Garrison
Boy 2953
Son Of Gary
28. Garrit
Boy 4415
Ruler Of The Spear
29. Garron
Boy 2509
Guards; Guardian
30. Garrytt
Boy 2910
Ruler Of The Spear
31. Garvyn
Boy 2458
Spear Friend; Ally
32. Gary
Boy 4200
A Spear
33. Garyn
Boy 4802
34. Garyson
Boy 5349
Ruler Of The Spear
35. Garyt
Boy 2340
Ruler Of The Spear
36. Gasparo
Boy 5977
Keeper Of The Treasure
37. Gaston
Boy 4583
38. Gastone
Boy 3195
Guest; Stranger
39. Gaulterio
Boy 4270
Army Of Power; People Of Power
40. Gaultier
Boy 5120
Ruler Of The Army
41. Gausberto
Boy 2469
Gothic Brightness
42. Gawan
Boy 2780
Individualistic; Emotional; Powerful
43. Gearalt
Boy 2980
Spear Rule; Brave With
44. Geary
Boy 5553
Fickle; Spear
45. Gedeon
Boy 3856
46. Geer
Boy 5877
Brave With The Spear
47. Geff
Boy 4168
48. Gellert
Boy 5484
Strong Like A Spear
49. Genardo
Boy 3383
Of Strong Lineage
50. Geoff
Boy 5218
A Peaceful Ruler
51. Geoffrey
Boy 4911
A Peaceful Ruler
52. Geoffroy
Boy 3940
Peaceful Ruler
53. Geofrey
Boy 2258
54. Geofry
Boy 2365
Peaceful Ruler
55. Georgij
Boy 4991
Long Lived
56. Georgius
Boy 2695
Farmer; Earthworker
57. Gerad
Boy 5299
Brave With The Spear
58. Gerald
Boy 2626
Ruler With Spear
59. Geraldo
Boy 4588
Ruler With Spear
60. Gerard
Boy 5243
Strong Like A Spear
61. Gerardo
Boy 5060
Strong Like A Spear
62. Geraud
Boy 2379
Spear Strength
63. Gerbrando
Boy 3382
64. Gerdt
Boy 3337
Brave With The Spear; Spear Rule
65. Gere
Boy 2027
Form Of Gerald: Rules By The Spear
66. Gereke
Boy 2389
Spear Ruler
67. Gereon
Boy 2431
Old Man
68. Gerhard
Boy 5325
Strong Like A Spear
69. Gerhardt
Boy 5889
Strong Like A Spear
70. Gerik
Boy 2918
Wealthy Spearman
71. Gerino
Boy 2420
72. Gerit
Boy 3210
Brave With The Spear
73. Gerlach
Boy 3264
Spear Thrower
74. Gernot
Boy 4218
Spear; Need; Hardship
75. Gero
Boy 5663
Brave With The Spear
76. Geroldo
Boy 4417
Commander Of The Lance
77. Geron
Boy 5543
Guards; Guardian
78. Gerrald
Boy 5531
Form Of Gerald: Rules By The Spear
79. Gerrell
Boy 5414
Form Of Gerald: Rules By The Spear
80. Gerrick
Boy 4746
Brave Ruler Of The Spear
81. Gert
Boy 4076
Strong Like A Spear
82. Gerti
Boy 4504
Strength Of A Spear
83. Gertjan
Boy 3236
Destroyer Of Tyranny
84. Gervais
Boy 2444
Servant Of The Spear
85. Gervaso
Boy 4346
86. Ghislain
Boy 3047
87. Gibbon
Boy 2961
A Friend With A Gift
88. Gilbert
Boy 2466
Bright Young Man
89. Gilberto
Boy 3016
Bright Young Man
90. Gildardo
Boy 5994
91. Gilen
Boy 3022
Vow; Oath
92. Giliam
Boy 3261
Protective Head Gear
93. Gils
Boy 5530
Father Of Hedin
94. Gilvan
Boy 3423
Tenney' S Son
95. Gino
Boy 3481
Well-known Fighter
96. Giona
Boy 4315
A Dove
97. Giora
Boy 2819
98. Girard
Boy 3838
Spear Strength
99. Giraud
Boy 3282
Spear Strength
100. Girauld
Boy 5166
Spear Rule

Denmark baby boy names A to Z

Denmark baby boy names A to Z

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